Zouis - Not up to Us

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Note there is mention of abortion!


Zayn's POV

Desperately I clutched onto the porcelain bowl cringing at the sharp odour. My chest was heaving, gasping for air after my last vomiting fit. Niall rubbed slow circles against my shoulders,

“You gotta tell him man, he’s getting suspicious.” I groaned resting my cheek against the cool rim,

“Not yet, I’m not ready to tell him.” He nodded and stood rubbing his hands on his tan sweater,

“Well I’m going to go tell the boys you’re sick.” I listened for the door to shut before throwing up again. I didn't want him to worry any more than he already was.

I wasn’t ready to tell Louis yet, I didn’t know how he would react. We were about to start our 2015 world tour, we were all so tired and stressed with rehearsals. I couldn’t just dump the news on him, It had to be perfect.


An excessive banging on my door woke me from my comfortable sleep.

“Zayn Jawaad Malik open this door right now!” Louis bellowed from the opposite side of the door. Groaning I looked to the clock to see it was 8am, not too bad. I hauled myself up to the door and opened it to relieve the banging inside my head.

“Care to explain this!” Louis screeched throwing something into my chest. Stumbling I caught it. It was my positive pregnancy test.

“Harry found it in your bathroom last night. Care to explain?” The hurt in his eyes nearly made me cry,

“Lou it isn’t what you think!” I mumbled walking back into my apartment only to slouch onto the couch. Louis closed the door and followed but he didn't sit down, he stood glowering.

“Zayn who have you knocked up! Just tell me! I can handle it.” I sighed,

“It isn’t who I knocked, more you.” His brow furrowed,

“What the hell are you going on about?” I sighed, by boyfriend was thick sometimes.

“I mean, I pregnant you idiot!”


Louis had taken the news better than I thought he would. He made me take another test in front of him though, to be sure. His initial reaction was the boys and I were pranking him and searched my living room for cameras. Once he was happy that there were none, we started talking about it.

Apparently I was one in 300,000, there is a rare gene that allows for a male foetus to develop female reproductive organs. There had only been 12 reported male pregnancies but only one had declined abortion.

Louis was instantly against abortion. I agreed knowing that there was no way I could kill an innocent baby.

Then we discussed how to tell the boys and management. I explained that Niall already knew seeing he had helped me buy the test. But we were stumped as to how to tell management. We called and made a booking with them the following evening, but we needed evidence first. So we planned a doctors appointment to get ultrasounds and medical tests to show.

Louis was feeling very proud of himself that night as we lay in bed, he was proud that he found a guy, me, would could carry a child and that he had actually gotten me pregnant. We were just scared as to what management would say.


"Its either abortion or adoption, you aren't keeping this baby."

I stared in horror at the panel of managers before us. Several gave us sympathetic glances which showed that they had sided with us, but been overruled.

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