Prologue (edited)

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Third person pov:

Doctor Y/n Y/l/n.

She doesn't do social things, she's also a "bookworm" if you new her well. She was very smart, skipped a couple grades too. Only fifth grade and freshman year.

But considering what she does for a living, you would think she came from a good family right? Nope, She came from a not-so-good family at first.

Her parents met in 1977, conceived and had baby Y/n in 1979, November 13, on a quiet Tuesday afternoon.

Then her Dad left.

Her Mom came from Florida and her Dad came from New York City, but little old Y/n was from Atlanta city in Georgia.

Her Mother tried to raise Y/n by herself but trying to pay for rent and work 12 hour shifts along with gambling, she left. She left Y/n on the stairs of a Group home at 7 years old.

As a foster kid, life wasn't great for a kid who can't socialize, family's didn't want a non talkative kid.

But at the age 12, Y/n was forced to go downtown to the closest bank for some money for her caretaker.

She never new why but did it.

In line, a man comes in, with a ski mask on and a gun in his right hand.

"EVERYONE ON THE GROUND, NOW!" he yelled. At first Y/n wasn't afraid to say the least, but at the time she didn't want to be killed so she did what he told them.

When everyone was on the ground, he went to the bank employee and demanded money she, of course, not wanting to die, did what she was told.

But the odd thing was, he never left. He stayed and demanded a phone:

Why? Y/n thought as she looked up at him.

Eventually cops and black SUVs showed up.

Did he really call the police on him? Y/n was more than confused at this.

"Thomas smith?" A male voice asked

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Apparently Thomas Smith replied.

Why would he call the cops and then tell them to leave him alone? What a dumb thing to do. Y/n moved around as his back was turned, to get a better look.

The two man talked for a long time. Thomas yelling to leave him alone as the mysterious voice was telling him it wasn't worth it.

Eventually, Thomas dropped the gun he had and started to cry.

"Come out and you'll have cameras all over you, I promise" the mysterious guy said.

And with that, Thomas walked out, his gun on the floor and people were crying. Y/n on the other hand was dumb struck.

Who was that guy? Y/n thought.

As people were being escorted out, Y/n ran out to see Thomas being put in to handcuffs and shoved into a cop car.

As She turned, the same man's voice she heard was next to her.

"Hello miss, Can I help you?" He said, he was oldish, maybe late 30s.

"This is a weird question, but, ah, how'd you do that?" Y/n asked, nervous.

"How I get him to leave? Well my team and I figured out his profile." He said simply.

"What's a profile?" Y/n asked.

"It's what I did to find out what his goal was in his endgame. And that's what I do for a living, I'm a Profiler." He replied with a smile. Y/n was more than confused but wanted to understand what he was saying.

"Gideon." Said a voice not to far away.

Gideon, now that's a name Y/n will remember for a long time.

"Well I'm sorry but I have to go, what's your name?" he asked, Y/n was sad that he had to leave, she had so many questions

"Y/n Y/l/n" she said

He grinned, "Well Miss Y/n, if you ever want to know what I do and have more questions, come find me when your older." And with that, he was gone.

After that, Y/n wanted to be a Profiler for the FBI in the behavioral analysis unit after she did a lot of research.

Y/n went to college and got a phD in criminology and a bachelors in sociology.

She worked her ass off to get where she is today, and Y/l/n became a agent for the bau.

Time skip
Y/n's pov:

September 22, 2005

Today's the day, I'm finally at the bau. So don't screw it up Y/n. I thought as i walked to their jet, Supervisory special agent Hotchner asked me to meet the rest of their team at the jet with a go-bag.

As I'm walking, I feel like I'm a little self-conscious on how I'm dressed. I'm wearing a black turtle neck with black jeans along with a trench coat. I didn't want to wear anything white in case I spilled something on it.

Plus I looked hot in black.

When I looked at the jet, I see a familiar face as I'm getting closer.

Agent Gideon

I smile but it quickly fades away, realizing he probably doesn't remember anything about me.

It's been 14 years, for him, he probably doesn't remember, I'm 25 years old now.

(I did the math wrong shut up I wanna be closer to Reid's age)

I'm now right in front of agent Gideon and I'm internally freaking out. I don't do social stuff and I'm not used to it, my palms are sweaty and my heart is in my throat. I think agent Gideon realizes

"Y/n there is no need to be nervous." He said smiling.

He doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember me. I thought, a little sad but I'll get to know him.

"Agent Gideon do you remember me?" I ask hoping I don't look as awkward as I sound.

"How could I not?" And with that I gave him a hug.

I know it's a big stretch but it feels really good having someone remember me after a long time.

He return the hug thankfully and asked if I should introduce myself.

And with that note, we walked up the steps into the jet.

A:n I'm currently re-writing this from 1-20-23!

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