Six: A jet ride home (edited)

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Warnings for The Plain Sight episode

After Hotch briefing us on the case, we quickly grabbed our go bags and headed to the jet.

Apparently this guy is nicknamed "The Tommy killer" by the media because he kills and rapes women. So our team is on our way to San Diego to find this son of a bitch.

On the jet ride there, I'm sitting in the window seat across from Spencer. He's reading as usual but he seems off, he hasn't talked to me since I gave him his gift this morning.

Did he not like it? I thought. know, he was looking at it a lot, right?

Well who is the person he talks to the most?


I've noticed that Gideon and Spencer have a different relationship then the rest of our team, like a father-son relationship or a mentor role.

I got up and walked towards Gideon, thankfully he was sitting alone.

"Hello Y/n, what can I do for ya?" He ask while grinning lightly. I took the seat in front of him.

"You know Spencer well, right?" I asked, he nodded so I continued.

"He's sorta been ignoring me today, after I gave him his present, which I thought was a good gift but i don't even know because he hasn't talked to me and usually he always rambles to me or we play chess but not today, could he not like the gift or did I do something wrong that I didn't realize?" He let me ramble while he listened with a little pout that he does when he's listening.

"No I didn't think it was you're present, but I think he will tell you what you did, if you did something, when he's ready. Or you could talk to him your self." He told me, I thought for a second then nodded and headed back to my seat.

I sat down, Spencer looked up to me then went back to reading his book.

Did i ruin our friendship already? I question to myself as I went back to my book.

Time skip

Getting off the jet we got into the black SUVs, Hotch, Morgan and I in one and Spencer, JJ, Elle and Gideon in the other heading to the police station.

Arriving at the station, the sheriff greeted us while Hotch introduced us one by one. Then he laid us into their conference room.

"Morgan, Elle go look at the crime seen, Me and Gideon will go to check out the ME reports, Reid and Y/l/n work on the geographical profile and JJ you handle the press." Hotch stated.

I turn to Spencer to give him a nod of acknowledgment, but he was already setting up a map of San Diego.

This will be very awkward.

Time skip (to the end of the case)

October 29, 2005

Before long, we Figured out that the Tommy killer is killing and raping women in middle class in broad daylight.

Hotch called Spencer and i to tell us where the Tommy Killer could be at and we are the closest there.

We ran out towards the SUV and headed to the Location Garcia gave us.

When we got there, we heard a baby crying while Gideon started to run towards us from god knows where.

"Y/l/n come with me, Reid go through the back." Gideon order and we followed. Guns drawn.

Upon entering, I heard a glass shatter upstairs. Gideon turned towards me and then towards the toddler in a baby high chair while crying. I new what he meant and i went over to the toddler.

"Hey shh, shh it's ok, your fine." I tried to say as quietly as possible but still in a sweet motherly voice.

I've never really be good with kids but I can handle one. I picked up the toddler when I heard Gideon talking to the Tommy killer.

As I'm holding the toddler, Reid comes from the back and I point upstairs where Gideon is. Then I hear foot steps coming from the front door. I turn my head to see every one else coming.

I mouthed "upstairs" and off they went. Morgan stayed behind with me while I tended to the baby.

Before long, everyone is coming downstairs with the unsub in handcuffs heading for the police cars.

"Where's my baby!" The mother cried. I quickly ran over to her to give her her baby.

"Thank you." She said, crying and sobbing.

"Ma'am do you need anything?" I asked, she just hugged her baby tightly. I nodded to myself and walked out of her house, passing the medics.

Time skip

At the police station I was so tired And wanted to go home so bad.

"Are we going home yet?" I complained to Elle, which in return, she huffed out a laugh and walked towards the SUV.

On the jet it was dark out, but I sat towards the back of the jet to read.

After awhile of reading my book, I saw Spencer coming towards me. I looked up to see him sit across from me.

"Hey Spence." I said, smiling softly. He didn't make eye contact and started to shift in his seat.

"So um, I'm sorry if it um, seems like I have been ignoring you sense um, this case has started but I-I ah, just have been nervous lately because well, because, I told Gideon something and he suggested I do something, which is what I'm trying to do, but erh, he told me to ah, ask, ask you to, to go on a... date, with me." He rambled so fast I didn't ever know what he said until it clicked.

"Yes! I-I mean sure, yeah that's fine." I didn't want to sound too enthusiastic but oh my fuck he really wants to go on a date with me?

"Really?" He said very surprised I didn't reject him.

"Yeah I've sorta been waiting for a little bit." I said sheepishly. He smiled and blushed which made me blush in return.

"Great! Well Believe it or not, I do have a car so I'll be able to pick you up. Just text me your apartment complex." He asked and I nodded very excitedly.

"J-Just give me a time and I'll be ready." I told him before he went back to his seat with a plastered grin on his face.

I can not wait for this date.

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