Seven: A Date (edited)

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November 4, 2005

It's been four days sense Spencer asked me out, because we got called on another case and had to reschedule. It was originally on the first but the case took two days to solve.

But today Spencer asked me if we could still go on our date because he thought I wouldn't want to go out with him now I guess? Anyways, we are going out for dinner to a nice restaurant.

It was 3:30 and Spencer is going to pick me up at 6:00, I decided to take a shower and do my hair the way I want which would take forever but that's why I'm taking a shower early.

After I finish my shower and did my hair it's 4:17 so I still need to fine a dress and put on some makeup.

I looked in my closet to find a black sleeved knee high dress with a slit up the thigh, it fit me perfectly and also made me looked sexy as fuck.

I put on what I wanted for makeup and slipped on the dress, when I finished it was 5:40. So I had some time to find heels and brush my teeth.

I put on some black heels to match the outfit and then I brushed my teeth. It was 5:56 so all I had to do was wait.

Four minutes later I heard a knock on my door, I rushed towards it to reveal a very nervous Spencer shifting on his feet.

"Hey Spence." I said smiling up at him. He looked at me grinning from ear to ear.

"You look very beautiful Bumblebee." Spencer told me, I blushed and replied "you don't look to bad yourself." He grinned and I saw something in his hand.

He noticed what I was looking at and pulled out some flowers, they where tulips. "Here, these are for you. Oh and did you know the most known meaning of tulips is perfect and deep love? Tulips are a classic flower that has been loved by many for centuries. They have been attached with the meaning of love. They're ideal to give to someone who you have a deep, unconditional love for, whether it's your partner, children, parents or siblings." He rambled, then blushed deeply.

"I-I wasn't suggesting i love you on the first date or-or anything I just thought that, you'd ah, like tulips and they have a really beautiful meaning-" I just giggled as I put the tulips in a vase.

"I actually did know that, tulips happen to be my favorite flower." I smiled and walked back over to him. He grinned like the hundredth time it felt like it was permanent.

Spencer stuck out his hand for me to hold. I accepted and we walked to his car.

On the ride there, we listened to 80s music and laughing when ever we tried to sing along.

Pulling up to the restaurant, it was even more fancier then I thought. But we are going to strut our stuff because we ain't no bitch.

We got to the check in stand and there was a lady standing there in a white button up with black jeans.

"Reid for two." Spencer asked the hostess. She looked down at her paper then replied, "right this way." and walked towards our table.

We got into our small table for two seats right next to the window. I grabbed a menu to figure out what I wanted and holy shit how the fuck am i going to pay for this stuff?

Spencer probably saw my facial expression and said, "Bumblebee I'm going to be paying so get what ever you want." He smiled and went back down towards his menu.

"Spence, I can't make you by this for me." I explain. on our first date he wants to spoil me? No that's not fair.

"Please i insist." Spencer replied with a small chuckle. I sighed and ordered the least expensive thing on the menu. For drinks, I ordered a water and Spencer ordered a coke.

"Hey Spence." I asked a little sheepishly.

"Yeah." He replied with a smile.

"I've never really um, been on a... date before." My confession is silly but I really don't know what to do in these kinds of situations. Yes I've had hookups before in college and silly boyfriends in Elementary and middle school but never an actual date.

"It's ok, I mean theres always going to be a first time for every thing, right?" He answered, I sighed in relief to know he didn't care.

"Well I'm sorry if things will be awkward in the future, I never can start conversations." I said sheepishly. He nodded and then asked a hole bunch of cheesy questions and then I questioned them right back.

Our food came and we ate quietly, then chatted and laughed a bit more.

overall it was a good first date if you asked me. I just hoped Spencer had a good time too.

On the car ride back, it was a nice comfortable silence. I was stuffed from the food it was good but took forever to get to us.

We pulled up to my apartment building but before I could get out, Spencer was out his door and opening mine.

"Ah Spence, you didn't have to do that for me." I said giggling and blushing. He just smiled and extended his hand for mine, which I happily took and we walked towards my apartment.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Bumblebee." Spencer smiled and was about to leave before I daringly said,

"You know I had a really good time and I hope you did to, I would also like to do this again if your up for it."

Spencer looked back with a big smile, "You know I did have a good time and I would love to do this again." He said.

"Good, I thought I was boring you." I chuckled which earned me a chuckle back.

"Well I think you are quite the opposite." He said and I blushed.

"I'll see you tomorrow Spence." I said while grinning. He grinned back and walked down the hall towards the elevators, I watched him go and then we made eye contact. I waved goodbye and he waved back while the doors where shutting.

As I closed my door behind me I squealed as I ran towards my room.

Best date ever! He really wants to go on another with me? Omg I gotta call and tell someone about this. Wait, what if Spencer doesn't want the team to know yet? I'll ask him later.

I walked towards the bathroom to get off what I put on for makeup and loosen my hair a little. After that, I change into pajamas and got into my bed to be taken by sleep.

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