Twenty: Lovie buggies

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February 13, 2006

It was valentines eve if you would call it? It marked the first valentines I would spend with my significant other.

It's not that I've never been with someone it's that I don't usually stay in relationship longer than a year. I know, sad. But hey I got Spencer.

So when I went to the store to buy Doctor Who socks I think, 'would Spencer really love this?'

I put it in the cart and walked over to the tie section of Walmart.

I got him a variety of wonky colored ties. Then I headed to the wrapping paper section and grabbed a heart style wrapping paper.

Right across the aisle was the card section. I walked over to the significant other folders and grabbed a card that said,

"I choose you.
And I'll always choose you,
Over and over and over
Without pause
Without a doubt
In a heartbeat
I'll keep choosing you."

I thought it was cute so I grabbed it and headed to check out lane.

About an hour later I got home and wrapped his gift.

Time skip

February 14, 2006

It was Valentine's Day and I walked in the office hand in hand with Spencer, I already brought my gift Sunday so it wouldn't look suspicious if I had a big hearted box wrapped up in my hands.

I gave a little peck on Spencers cheek and walked to my desk. Every day for the past month I've been giving Spencer a good morning kiss on the cheek when we walked in the Bau.

He blushed and squeezed my hand while letting go to walk to his desk. That was the only part of my day that I hated. Besides the cereal killers of course.

I was watching Spencer's every movement because his gift was on his chair. So when he pulls out his chair he'll see my gift.

Him on the other hand was also stating at me at well. He was grinning while slowly walking towards his desk.

I started to smile while walking towards my desk. I huffed out a laugh and caved in. I turned to my desk and pulled out my chair.

There sat was a small velvety box. I picked it up was and turn towards Spencer with a grin. He was smiling like crazy while watching me open it.

I pulled open the box and in there sat a silver chain necklace with a yellow tulip hanging from it. The gray made it pop.

I sighed happily and turn towards Spencer again. He was still looking at me while I opened my gift.

He gave one more nod and turned to his desk and rolled his chair out. He gasped quietly while picking up his present. He smiled and turned to me, i smiled sheepishly while he opened the gift.

Derek walked over while chuckling to himself.

"She gotcha bad there pretty boy." Derek said while walking past and into the kitchen.

His smile brightened while he looked into the box. Then he looked up and came rushing over.

He hugged me tightly and kiss my head.

"Thank you bumblebee." He said softly. I smiled and kissed his lips quickly.

"Thank you Spence, now help me put on the necklace?" You questioned. He nodded and put his finger in the air and twirled it around to indicate he wanted me to turnaround.

I chuckled and did what he told me to do. Once I was all the way around he grabbed all my hair and moved it to the side. He tangled the necklace around my neck and secured it.

He grabbed my shoulders in spun around again. His hand came to my chin. I giggled and blushed at his actions. He chuckled too and gave a quick peck on my lips.

"Reid, Y/l/n we said this wouldn't affect our work." Hotch told us sternly. We both giggled quietly and told him our apologies then made our way towards our desk.

After about two hours of doing some paper work, throwing paper balls with letters in it to Spencer and chatting with Elle, we got called in for a case.

"Alright JJ, go ahead." Hotch said to start the briefing.

She nodded and turn on the projector behind her.

"Alright, The NYPD are investigating what they believe to be a series of random murders, but Garcia has been digging a little and found links that are drawn between the crimes and similarities emerge. The police suspect that a copy cat serial killer may be copying the infamous Son of Sam murders." JJ read from her script like thing she does.

The team and I bounced ideas off from each other before Hotch call his famous line "wheels up in 30." We all nodded and walked out to grab our go-bags and headed to the jet.

"Spence got any books I could read while we are flying?" I asked Spencer. He looked at me like I was crazy before handing me an old copy of pride and prejudice. I huffed and walked up the steps of the jet.

I got myself comfortable on the couch and Spencer nervously stood in front of me. I chuckled and scooted a little to the left to make room for him.

He hummed happily and sat down next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and opened my box to chapter one. Even though I've read the book before.

The hour and a half to fly from Virginia to Manhattan, New York, only got me a couple of chapters in before we landed.

Spencer, Elle, Derek and I got into one SUV and the rest got into the other. It didn't take long to get to the police station but we were out in Hotch introduced us.

"Hello sheriff, I'm supervisory special agent Hotchner and this is my team. Agent Gideon, agent Greenway, agent Morgan, Doctor Spencer Reid and Doctor Y/n Y/l/n. This is our liaison, agent Jarau." Hotch stated.

Hotch split us up into our assigned assignments and went to work.

'Best valentines ever.' I thought as I walked into their conference room to work on the geographical profile.

An: sorry this chapter Took so long my dad took my phone away and I went to a basketball school bored meeting so yeah we still get to play so I'm happy:)

My Nerd Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora