Twenty-seven: helper

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June 16, 2006

It's been about three days since you got home from the hospital, five days since you arrived at the hospital. Hotch told you to stay in bed for a couple weeks, along with your doctor and Spencer.

Spencer. He's been very clingy lately.

It's understandable since I almost died, but I'm fine now. He's been at my apartment every day since I got out of the hospital. He's come over after work to bring me food and check up on me.

He's called me every hour when he's at work. It was cute at first but now it's annoying, and I'm probably waisting his time by calling me.

But at least he comes to my apartment and sleep over right? Wrong.

Every time he comes over he sleeps on the couch. I insisted that he can sleep with me in my bed but he brings up an statistic about how 'it's not safe for an injured person to have someone in the same bed as them' and I know he's right but it's been two weeks since Spencer has touched me.

But on week three I get to go back to work! So two more days of this I'm back.

Time skip

"What do you mean desk work?!" I yelled at Hotch. He shook his head at me then called 'wheels up in thirty.' I was pissed.

I was currently in the conference room with my crutches next to me. I thought after three weeks of bed rest I could at least go on the next cases but no I have to stay here in Quantico to work on the case.

Spencer got up with the rest of the team. He gave me a sympathetic smile, came over and kissed me on the cheek. I huffed and turned away from him.

"I love you." Spencer said softly. I looked at him with a fake pout. I rolled my eyes before replying,

"I love you too." Spencer smiled and walked towards his things to head for the jet. I saw Penelope head over to her bat cave.

I grabbed my crutches and headed her way. After a bit of a struggle of getting down the stairs, I was finally on the ground. I made my way towards the tech queens cave.

I knocked on the door before it swung open. I saw Penelope in her dazzling pink and purple outfit she had on. I looked over her shoulder to see the team on the jet. They all were staring at the screen, which happened to be you on the screen.

Your face turned red when you realize you interrupted the briefing. Morgan started to chuckle as Elle laughed a little. Hotch looked surprised to see you as Gideon was listening carefully. Spencer smiled at you, that was all you really cared about right now.

"Can you guys brief me on the case please?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could muster as I pouted and gave puppy dog eyes.

Spencer blushed before basically telling you everything. In the midst of his ramble, you took a seat in one of Garcia's chairs. The unsub was killing white women from ages 20 to 30 with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Maybe the unsub has a family member that has the description of the killings? Like a mother or sister." I thought out loud. The team kept bouncing ideas off from each other before landing. I made my way to the conference room to set up the geographic profile.

Time skip

After about four hours it was around 5 p.m. so I grabbed my bag and headed towards the metro. I didn't drive myself to the Bau, Spencer did since I can't drive. I realized how vulnerable I look and the possibility of getting kidnapped, murdered and/or robbed are high.

So without thinking I turned back into the parking lot to see if I could catch Garcias heading to her car. And there she was, unlocking her car to get in.

"Garcia!" I screamed. She jumped and turned her head towards me. She smiled and waved. I waved back and sped up my pace to get to her.

"Hey love bug, what do ya need?" She asked. I smiled before replying,

"I need a ride home, Spencer drove me here so." She giggled and helped me over to the passenger door. I opened it and moved my crutches to the seats behind me.

"I hope you don't mind." I said after a couple minutes of silence. She kept reminding me it's not a problem but I felt like a burden.

After about twenty minutes we arrived at my place. I got out with a little bit of a struggle. Garcia looked like I was gonna break any second.

"Goodnight Pen! I'll see you tomorrow." I said while smiling. She waved goodbye but before she could drive off she asked,

"Do you need rides to and from work? I can pick you up if you would like?" I smiled sheepishly before excepting the offer.

She drove off while I made my way to my apartment building. I usually take the stairs but I couldn't because of my crutches so I took the elevator.

I opened my door and immediately headed for a shower. I took way to long in there but I felt like I deserved it. I got out and did the hassle on putting back on my bandages for my thigh and belly.

I changed into my pjs and relaxed in my bed. I was about to fall asleep when my phone started to ring. I groaned before reaching for it on my night stand.

"Y/l/n." I started without even looking at who was calling me at 9: 30 p.m.

"Well that's not a polite way to greet your boyfriend." Spencer said while chuckling. I smiled to myself and I wasn't in a bad mood anymore.

"Hey Spence! I was about to sleep so I'm a little grumpy." I told him.

"Oh I should let you sleep then, you probably need it from your injuries." He said softly, i had a good feeling that he was about to end the call.

"No, no. I want to talk to you. How's the case going?" I asked. He huffed out a sigh of relief.

"Ok. We should be back home soon. But I was thinking, how many times have I've been to my apartment in the last three weeks?" He questioned.

"I have know idea Spencer, you are the genius here." I replied while chuckling. He stayed quiet for a minute.

"Spence?" I asked through the other line. I would have thought he hung up if I didn't check my phone screen.

"Y/n, you know how dangerous our job is right?" He asked after what felt like five minutes.

"Yeah, I do." I replied.

"So that any point one of us could get killed, and I've sorta been clingy over the last couple of weeks because you almost died. So what I was trying to say is let's not waist the time we have in case something happens. Like let's move in together?" He rambled. I smiled that he cared so much about me. Then I heard the last part.

"Are you serious?! I would love to! Do you want to move into my apartment or-or yours? Or do you want to get a new one?" I yelled into the phone. He chuckled.

"What ever you want to do. If I can live with you then I'm fine with it." He said with a lot of love and affection.

"I love you Spence." I replied back. He sighed happily while replying, "I love you more bumblebee."

"Goodnight I'll see you soon." I said.

"I'll see you then, night my love." He replied then I hung up the phone, even though I didn't want to.

You squealed in your seat on the bed. You get to live with Spencer? Finally! It's been about 7 months now that you've been together and you couldn't be happier.

'Nothing can change this.'

You think as you drifted off to sleep dreams
about Spencer and your new life with him.

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