Nine: Drinks (edited)

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Warnings: drunk Spencer and tipsy reader. Talks about Spencer's 🍆 nothing happens in this chapter :)

November 13, 2005

On a late Friday night, the bar is gonna be busy but at least we won't have work tomorrow if I have a hangover.

On our way towards the bar, I started to think about if I should drink much. Just in case I'm the designated driver for tonight.

Upon arrival, I see that everyone else is there which made me smile. Putting my car in park, Spencer runs out and opens my car door for me. I blush and grin at this gentleman.

Opening the doors, you could see Garcia in her usual dazzling outfit from a mile away. She spotted us and called us over.

"Omg, my favorite doctor and my other favorite doctor!" Penelope squealed, hugging us both.

"How many drinks has she had?" I asked Elle, she smiled and shrugged. I chuckled at this and was dragged to the table. I was shoved into the seats right next to Garcia and Spencer, we were sitting across from JJ, Derek, and Elle while Hotch and Gideon were diagonal from each other.

"So birthday girl, have any special drinks you want to order?" Garcia asked, I smiled and made a mistake.

"How about you order me whatever drinks you want for me," I stated. Everyone gasped playfully and Garcia skipped happily away towards the bar.

"What have you done." Elle exclaimed, I shrugged and waited patiently for Garcia to come back.

"Mama's bold tonight." Derek said while snapping his fingers together.

"I guess I'm driving you home Bumblebee." Spencer said quietly so only we could hear. I chuckled and blushed at his kindness.

But I'm not a lightweight.

So when Garcia came back with a pink drink with fruit coming out of it, I knew she made a good choice.

"Drink up birthday girl." Derek teased, so I did. I stared him down while taking a big sip of the fruity drink.

It wasn't as bad as I thought though. But when I finished my sip, Derek just looked dumbfounded. I chuckled and said, "What, I'm not a lightweight." While rolling my eyes. He shook his head and glared at Garcia.

"Ok A round of shots for everyone!" Garcia cheered but everyone could tell she was already buzzed.

When she ran off to get the shots, Spencer was oddly quiet.

"Spence do you not come out to team drinks?" I asked, he shook his head no and chuckled.

"Honestly if you weren't here I'll probably be reading at home or playing chess against myself." I sighed and wished he was more social, but I would be a hypocrite if I told him that.

"Well let's get loose! We have all night to have fun and live a little!" I told him, he sighed and shook his head no.

"I need to drive you home, I would hate to leave you're car here." He said. I smiled at his kindness and giggled.

"Please, I want you to have fun. I don't want you to be the one to stop you from that." I replied while pouting. While talking, Garcia came back over with the drinks. I smiled while taking a shot and drinking it, and Spencer did the same.

"Thanks, Spence." I told him with a little giggle when I saw his face squish up at the taste.

"Your- welcome." He coughed in the middle of his sentence which made me giggle.

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