Eleven: Cases and cops (edited)

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Warnings, sexist cops/men, and a case I made up which includes murder, guns, and death so stuff about cm :/

November 28, 2005

It was a little past six when I got a call from Hotch informing us we have a case.

For the past two weeks, Spencer and I have gotten closer than ever. Every afternoon we would spend it at his or my apartments on the ride home, I even keep my go-bag in my car so if I need new clothes it's right there. I've also kept some of my PJs at his apartment and work close there just in case I can't get back to my apartment.

Spencer and I also have some new nicknames for each other, he's been calling me Pumpkin for the last two days because I wear one of his pumpkin t-shirts to bed and I've been calling him Goblin because I couldn't think of anything else.

But when I got to the office, everyone was already leaving the round table and I was late.

"Y/l/n, nice of you to join us. We were about to be briefed on the jet, this one's urgent." Morgan teased, I rolled my eyes and walked towards my desk to find a note on it.

It said;

Dear my Pumpkin,
Would you do me the honor and accompany me to a restaurant downtown for a reservation of two and let me take you out on our third date?

~love, you're Goblin

I giggled and turned towards Spencer's desk which was right in front of me, he was looking at me with his hands on his chin with a silly smile on his face.

"I would love to be in your presents for a reservation at a restaurant downtown," I said while grinning.

"May I walk you to your car? It seems to be very dark outside and I don't want you to be taken from me." He replied while standing, I chuckled and reached out my hand and pulled him towards the elevators.

At my car, Spencer offered to hold my go-bag and tried to take it. But I ran off, Spencer having long legs, he caught up to me pretty fast.

"Gimme your bag!" He exclaimed, I giggled and gave in. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek which made me blush, we headed towards the jet to be briefed on the case.

                           Time skip

On the jet, Hotch told us about our Unsub, in Alabama, Opelika. They were killing women of the lower class with one bullet wound to the head. They were also killing every two days so we didn't have long.

Spencer and I were reading a book together on the jet ride there, we only got to chapter five before our hour and 40-minute flight landed.

On our way out, Spenser being a gentleman grabbed my bag and his and walked towards an SUV, and put the bags in the trunk. I chuckled to myself and hopped into the SUV, Spencer came around and huffed.

"Spence you good?" I asked, he glared at me playfully and said, "I was supposed to open the door for you." Which made me laugh a little at how cute he is.

Gideon was driving while Spencer and I were in the back chatting.

We pulled up to the police station and headed inside. Hotch, Elle, JJ, and Morgan were pulling in.

"Well, you must be the Bau." The sheriff said while shaking Gideon's hand.

He didn't even acknowledge Elle, JJ, or me as the sheriff looked at all of us.

"Well, right this way agents." He said, I rolled my eyes towards Spencer who was doing the same action.

"And if you need anything just ask." The sheriff said while turning to his office, I sighed and looked at Elle and JJ. They looked back at each other with the same face, disgusted.

"Alright, Greenaway and Morgan you two go to the crime scene, me and Gideon are going to the M.E. Reid and Y/l/n you guys work on the geographical profile while JJ is going to handle the press." Hotch order and we did just that.

While everyone left Spencer and I alone, we started to work on the geographical profile but we had to call Garcia for that.

"Hey pumpkin can you help me find a marker? I thought they would have had some but I guess not." Spencer asked, and me not doing anything because Spencer can literally do everything, I agreed

I walked out of the conference room and headed toward the sheriff.

"Excuse me, sheriff?" I asked, but he didn't acknowledge me. So I tried again.

Sheriff? I need your help." I said a little more angry and stern in my voice.

"Hello sweetheart, how can I help?" He asked with a cocky grin on his face.

"Well, I need a marker for my coworker, Doctor Spencer Reid." I told him, he huffed out a laugh and asked, "You're an FBI agent? Sweetheart, you can't even lift a pencil so how about you go to your kitchen darlin." And with that, he walked back into his office.

I was pissed, I didn't get my marker, and two the sheriff is openly sexist. God, I hate men, except the team and some celebrity men.

I stormed into the conference room, grabbed a chair, and slouched in it. I sighed a made it known I was pissed.

"What happened, are you alright?" Spencer asked concerned. "I'm alright goblin, but the freaking sheriff is The most sexist guy to ever exist and he told me to 'go to my kitchen darlin' agh I hate the audacity of men." I ranted and rolled my eyes.

Spencer huffed and walked towards the sheriff's office but before I could let him do anything I grabbed his arm.

"Spence it's not worth it trust me I've had my fair share of men like that," I told him, he looked Beyond pissed but let it go. Just then Hotch and Gideon walked in with Morgan and Greenaway behind them.

"Got anything?" Hotch asked before Spencer spoke up.

"We figured out the unsub only kills in this certain area." He said while pointing to the map of Opelika. "Ok we'll check in with Garcia tomorrow so everyone heads to your Hotel room and get some rest, we'll meet in the lobby at 7:30 tomorrow," Hotch stated.

With that, we headed towards the hotel in the SUVs.

I was on my bed when I heard a notification go off on my phone, it was Spencer.

Spence💜: hey can I come over to your hotel room? I've learned that I sleep a little better with you cuddling up next to me :)

Over the time I've now Spence, I have taught him how to text like a 25-year-old then a 60. We've made little progress.

Y/n: hey just bring some clothes to change into in the morning and so you would be late ;)

Y/n: oh and my room is the third floor, 357 room.

Spence💜: thank you pumpkin <3

And within minutes he was knocking at my door.

"Spencer, what a lovely surprise." I cooed and let him in, he was already wearing his pjs and had his go-bag with him.

He smiled and jumped on my bed, I chuckled at his child-ness and crawled next to him.

"Good night my bumblebee." Spencer said while kissing my head.

"Good night Spence," I replied and kissed his cheek.

'Please ask me to be your girlfriend soon.'

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