Forty-one: the big game (3)

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Warnings: same as last time :(

I heard the computer start to beep as Spencer rushed over, along with the rest of the team.

The computer screen went black than the words 'The Armies of satan shall not prevail.'

"Not gonna lie that's probably one of the scariest things I've ever seen." I muttered to myself. I saw Spencer look at me with a sad look before turning back to the computer.

"It turned off." He said.

"So they're controlling it remotely?" Hotch asked. I turned to look at him with a 'are you crazy?' Look.

"Is that even possible?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, you can totally access someone's computer remotely. It's actually done a lot today. When a model calls from tech-support, Set of like giving instructions, The tech can work on your computer from wherever she is." Garcia said from the other line.

"And they maintain access even after the work is done?" Hotch questioned.

"They're not supposed to, but I suppose you could install a Trojan horse burning a service." Garcia told him. I looked at Gideon who looked confused.

"Something left in the computer to be turned on later. It's the same way that web sites get pop up ads into your computer." Spencer elaborated.

"Garcia, can you check the Kyles phone records and see if they called for tech-support in the last six months?" Hotch asked her.

"Right-o. And oh, and if you get me the kyles laptop, I can search the drive for anything planted there." Garcia said.

"Fast as we can." Hotch replied.

"By the way, this video gone crazy viral." Garcia told us and it caused my face to go white.

"what does that mean?" Gideon asked. Oh his poor soul he lives under a rock.

"It sorta means the video is popular. Exactly what the unsub's want." I told him.

"It's the most downloaded video on the entire Internet, worldwide. And judging by the responses bedded in the files, people seem to think it's pretty cool." Garcia elaborated. I sighed. People don't understand.

"Call us if you find anything on the Kyles computer." Hotch told Garcia as she hung up.

"Murder as entertainment?" Gideon asked.

"they probably don't even realize its real. People see many images online every day, they might assume it's marketing for a horrible film or something." JJ said.

"The unsubs are right about one thing," Derek said.

"The world is pretty screwed up." He finished. I nodded my head.

Time skip

JJ, Hotch, Spencer and I were in our set up room. Aka the conference room. We were looking at the pictures of the crime scenes and bouncing ideas off from one another.

I was sitting across from Spencer as he was eating a Rice Krispies treat. I looked at him, discussed on my face.

"What?" He muttered.

"How can you eat that when you're looking at dead people?" I asked. He shrugged and took a big bite which I rolled my eyes too with a small smile on my face.

"I looked for unsolved Home invasions."JJ said to the Conversation between her and Hotch.

"Three months ago, there was a prowler called in directly outside of the Kyle's house." She told everyone.

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