Twenty-three: team outtings

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May 3, 2006

Garcia was running from her bat cave when we landed from the previous case that we were on. She was skipping super super fast.

"Oh my god!!! We all need to go out! To the nearest bar! After that case I need a drink. Chocolate thunder ya in?" Garcia rambled.

I giggled at her how enthusiastic she is. Spencer came up from behind me and hooked his arm with mine.

As the team started to talk amongst themselves, Spencer leaned his head down towards my ear. I could feel his hot breath around my earlobe.

"Bumblebee let's head to my place. We can go to the team outings another time." He whispered as his hand snaked up the small of my back.

Over the intimate time Spencer and I had have, he learned all my kinks and likings. Fortunately, he likes the same thing! Every now and then, Spencer like to be bottom but 80% of the time he's a top. I don't mind though.

"Baby come on, we haven't been to a team outing in weeks. We should go." I replied quickly. He pouted but nodded sadly. I felt a little bad cause I wanted to head to his place but we should head to the team outing though.

"Well what about we head to your place after?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I chuckled and headed towards Garcia to tell her the good news.

"Yippee! I'll text you the spot and wear somethin' sexy!" She cheered. I blushed and giggled as I head for my desk to pack up my thing.

"You gonna wear somethin' sexy for me?" Derek teased. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"You wish princess." I wink while smiling. He gasped.

"Princess is a new one. Alright little lady, hey Reid watch out ya girls wild." He said back. I huffed out a laugh and headed back to pack up.

When I turned my head just right, I saw Spencer looking at me. I smiled and looked up. He was gazing at me while smiling. I blushed and waved my hand in front of him.

He blinked and looked up at me. He smiled sheepishly and got up. I walked over and linked arms with him. Spencer chuckled and in twined our fingers together.

We headed towards my car and got in. I started the Engine and headed towards Spencer apartment.

"Were you serious about Morgan? Would you dress up for Derek?" Spencer abruptly asked. I laughed but he wasn't joking.

"Are you seriously asking if i would dress up for my friend? Spence the only person I would dress up for is you. And Ryan Reynolds but he's a close maybe." I started very seriously until the end.

"Who's Ryan Reynolds?" Spencer asked. I chuckled as I pulled up to his apartment. I gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"I love you." I muttered as he got up. He smiled and kissed my lips quickly. "I love you more and I have statistics to back me up." He said and before I could argue he was out the door and ran out and into his apartment. I huffed and headed back to my apartment.

Opening my apartment door, I got a text message from Garcia. She told me to be there at 7:00 so I had two hours to get ready.

First I took a quick shower, I got out and headed to my dresser and picked out a black thigh high dress with thick straps and skin tight but not too tight if you understand, dress. I paired it with Golden jewelry and Skintone high heels. I put on some make up and brushed my teeth.

It was around 6:15 when I finished so I had to head out the door to pick up Spencer. I texted him really quickly to find out if he needs a ride.

Y/n: Hey Spence need a ride?

He replied quickly. Like he was waiting on his phone for me.

Spence💜: Sure I would love a ride bumblebee.

Y/n: See you in 20 <3

Spence💜: :)

I smiled at my phone and headed out the door. I drove with the radio on and listened to a crappie podcast about politics and silly stuff like that.

About 10 minutes later I was at Spencer's apartment complex. I sent him a quick text message telling him I was there. About A minute later he was exiting the building and jogging to my car.

He was wearing a nice dark grey sweater vest with a light blue button up under. He was also pulling khakis with Mitch match socks and red converse. He was adorable.

"Hey goblin!" I called out as he stumbled into my car. He gave me a once over and pouted.

"You sure you don't wanna stay here? I don't know if I could help myself." He said in a raspy voice so quietly I could barely hear him. My muscles clenched around my lady parts.

'Oh how he knows me too well.' I thought as I shook my head and started to drive to the bar Penelope sent me.

After a long car ride with Spencer as his hand was on my thigh and squeezing every now and then, I could barely think while driving. And he probably knew it too.

We arrived a little after 7. The team is probably wondering we're we are. Spencer held the door open for me as we walked inside.

'Poor baby's probably thinking about all the germs. But he did it for me. I love him too much.'

Spencer's hand landed on the small of my back as we searched for our friends. I saw a bright pink dress in the crowd. I pulled Spencer towards it and Garcia came into view.

"Oh my god you guys you made it! We thought you bailed on us." Penelope said as she came over and hugged us both. I smiled and hugged her back as she let go.

I noticed Hotch and Gideon weren't here, not surprising this isn't really their kind of scene. Dirk was wearing his usual skin tight shirt with black jeans and a belt. Elle was wearing a red mini dress with spaghetti straps. JJ was wearing a blue knee-high swaying dress with long sleeves.

"Hey guys." I said to the rest of them. We all greeted each other while Penelope grabbed shots.

"So how's you and Spencer been?" Elle asked. I smiled at her before saying, "Really good, I'm happy and I hope Spencer is too. Elle I'm pretty sure you asked me this already." She chuckled before coming closer.

"Did you say the l-word?" I giggled and nodded 'yes' she cheered and Derek being snoopy, had to know what we were talking about.

"What y'all up to over there? I'm scared to know." He asked while laughing at his own joke. Before I could say anything Elle piped in an answered for me.

"Someone said the three magic words." She said in a sing-song voice. Derek gasped which got everyone's attention.

He looked between me and Spencer and said, "You guys said 'I love you's' already? Finally. Hotch owes me five bucks." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You guys bet on us? Who won?" I asked. They all thought for a second before saying in unison, "Gideon." I shook my head but believed them. 

'Of course Gideon would have won to our relationship bidding.' I thought to myself as Garcia came back with tequila shots.

"Alright everyone's in, even you Reid." She said as she handed them out. I looked at Spencer and smiled. He did his white boy smiled and threw back his shot.

I giggled at his squished up face and rubbed his arm in Comfort. I threw my back and made a small face so Spencer wouldn't be left out.

"Ahhh our little lady's having a hard time?" Derek teased. I gave him the stink eye before resting my head on Spencer's shoulder. I felt him hum and kiss the top of my head.

'Hopefully this will be a good night.'

An: next chapter there will be smut ;) 

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