Forty-four: Revelations(2)

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Warnings: same as last time :(

I was waiting for Morgan to tell us about Tobias's father, Charles. I remember a little bit about him.

Me and my mom lived in this place for a couple of years before moving to the city. Charles was a mean old man that loves God and really, hated his son.

I was lucky that all the people in the Town didn't recognize me. I mean, I was around five when i lived here so.

Derek came back and told us the cop told him. After that we picked up some of Tobias's books and read more into his life.

Now, I can't read 20,000 words per minute but I can still read fast. I was reading my second book of the day when Derek spoke.

"There's something weird going on here." He said. I looked up and gave him a confused look.

"You think?" I replied sarcastically.

"No, seriously. Check this out. His journals are filled with religious ramblings." Derek and told me. I looked over to see what he was talking about.

"He notes hour by hour." He said.

"November 15th 3:17 'if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offering unto the lord ye shall offer it at your own will' and it goes on and on." Derek told us.

"5:04, 7:41, 10:22, 1:42. But then it goes blank for days." He listed.

"Maybe he got sick of writing?" The cop suggested. I brushed it off.

"I think I got it." Hotch announced. We all looked at him.

"What is it?" Gideon asked.

" Journal entry December 6, father sick, wants me to put him down. 'I say thou shalt not kill' he says 'honor thy father. Must pray for guidance." Hotch told us.

"So he kills his father as an act of mercy?" Gideon suggested.

"This is two months ago. Tobias Hankel's father been dead for four months already." Hotch said.

"That's exactly it, look at the floor. These scuff marks are fresh. I mean it's like two people were moving the chairs constantly trying to fight for control." Derek replied.

"So?" The cop asked.

"This Journal, matches Charles Hankle handwriting, but it was written after he died. upstairs Tobias's bedroom piles junk from floor to ceiling but the other bedroom could pass a military inspection." Derek said.

"He has multiple personalities then." I stated as everyone ran around trying to find Charles Hankles profile.

I found Derek to help out Garcia in the computer. He told her to find out about Charles.

"But, Charles's dead." She said.

"I know that smarty-pants but do it for your boy." He said as she started to type. Once she did images and videos of horrible things popped up on the computer.

"Oh." I whispered to myself as I was looking at it. As Garcia was looking up some more stuff the computers went black.

"What happened?" Derek asked Penelope.

"I don't know." She said. As I was looking around the computers changed. To the Image of my sweet boy.

I gasped as I saw him

The left side of his head was covered in blood as he was sitting on a chair tied down to it. He looked beaten and bruised as we looked at him through the camera.

"Oh my god." Garcia said.

I couldn't move

"Guys! Guys! Get in here!" Derek yelled from behind me. They all came rushing in.

"He's been beaten. Can't you track him?" JJ said like it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

"Hankles only streaming this to his home computers." Garcia said in the most serious voice I've ever heard.

"This is for us. He knows we're here." Gideon said. My breathing started to pick up.

"I'm gonna put this guys head on a stick." Derek said. I huffed.

"Get in line." I told him with all seriousness.

"Why can't you locate him?" Hotch asked Garcia.

"it's routing to a different IP address every 30 seconds, I can't track it." She told us.

"You can really see inside men's minds?" We heard from the computer. We all watched and stared to see what was gonna happen.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I couldn't Pay attention to what Tobias Hankle was saying. I was looking at my boy.

"I'm not gonna choose who gets slaughtered and have you leave their remains behind like a poacher." Is all I heard from Spencer when Tobias ran up to him, grabbed his shoulders and lifted him up.

Tobias was mumbling stuff to Spencer so know one could hear the audio, but he looked terrified.

"Alright, i'll choose who lives." Spencer said and Tobias backed away.

"They're all the same." Tobias said.

"Far right screen." Spencer said weekly. My heart broke.

"Marilyn David 4913 Walnut Creek Rd." Tobias said and Garcia Artie gave everyone the address.

Gideon dialed her number to call her as we all Watch to see what would happen. He told her to shut down the computer as we saw Tobias on the screen again.

Then the screens were black

"No!" I yelled and walked out of the room. Derek was close behind me as he hit the door.

I walked outside and sat on the steps again. I put my face in my hands as I became really frustrated.

I started to cry

Scratch that, sob.

I was sobbing as my boyfriend could be being tortured at this moment and I could do nothing about it.

An: sorry short chapter 😬 I literally started to cry when I re-watched this episode

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