Twenty-One: Somebody's watching

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Warnings, someone's watching episode of criminal minds 😒

March 28, 2006

The case on Valentine's Day went smoothly, only a couple of days were wasted. Spencer and I went on a cute date after the case then we had alone time.

I walked in alone today as Spencer and Gideon went on a 'trip' to Los Angeles to prepare a lecture for the LAPD.

I was very sad that I couldn't see Spencer for a couple of days and wake up with him in the mornings but it gave him and Gideon time to bond I guess.

I sat down and started to do some old paper work that Hotch has been bugging me about for the last week to get done.

About three minutes later Elle walked in and sat down. We gave small 'good mornings' and 'what you'd do last night' stuff like that.

"I bet ya miss your pretty boy, don't ya?" Morgan says while coming up from behind me. My backs to the door so I have to turn my head to see who's coming into work.

I huffed and rolled my eyes as I turned towards him.

"Yes I do miss my pretty boy very much, Derek." I replied. Elle chuckled and Derek smirked.

"She's been in a bad mood all week." JJ said while giggling. I gasped dramatically in play offense.

JJ and I have gotten closer as I've worked here for seven months now. She's became like a big sister to me.

"We'll if your boy has left for a couple days you'd be in a bad mood too." I rebuttal. I'll nudged my shoulder and we all got back to work.

We all went our separate ways and did some work before JJ comes back with a case file in hand two hours later. We sighed and started to walk towards the conference room.

"Alright JJ, you can start." Hotch said while looking at his case file on the table. She nodded and started to speak.

"Alright, A series of murders happen in Los Angeles. The LAPD say it all leads back to a young actress, Lila archer..." she kept talking about the case. Garcia was pulling up some pictures while she was taking.

I was looking at the pictures and then I remembered,

"Wait aren't Gideon and Spence in LA?" They all turned to me then Hotch nodded.

"Yes they have already started setting up at their police station. Now wheels up in 30." He replied and shut his file.

"Good luck my criminal fighters!" Garcia shouted as we all followed him out the door and we went to go grab our go-bags.

After I grab my go bag I headed to the jet and took my seat on the small couch. I pulled out a book that reminds me of Spencer, the narrative of John Smith. He loves that book and it reminds me a lot about him.

The five and a half hour flight to LA went by slowly. I was really happy I got to see Spencer two days early but the anticipation is killing me.

I tried to read, write my thoughts down and listen to music on my phone yet nothing worked.

I finally gave up and tried to rest my eyes for a little bit. About ten minutes later I gave up on that too.

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