Thirty-six: The newbie

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November 15, 2006

It's been a rough couple of weeks.

It was the hardest when I realized Elle wasn't coming back. Hotch told us she left because of the pressure of the job.

He was lying.

But I knew it's probably for the best for Elle. I knew she'd been acting different and I figured if she left it's probably for the best.

But it hurt, a lot.

Elle was like a sister to me. She was my family, and my entire family has left me so far. It doesn't get better.

The hardest part of it all was when Hotch told us.

I had to go home early. Hotch called me to tell me I could take the day off the next day but I refused.

Spencer didn't let me go though

He forced me to stay home. I was pissed off at him for a couple of days but I forgave him after he brought me breakfast in bed.

So here I am now, in the office, next to a clean out desk and a cup of coffee. I was doing paperwork after a tough case when I saw a women walk in.

She had black hair and bangs as she walked up to hotches office. I sighed as I realized she was Elle's replacement.

"Strauss got a newbie already?" Derek asked. I nodded and went back to my job. Derek huffed and walked over to me.

"Y/n, come on, you aren't a little bit excited?" He asked. I did a tight lip smile before shaking my head no.

"I mean, she's probably nice. It's just, I still miss Elle and I don't know, it feels like she just replaced her." I said in response. He just nodded and headed back to his desk.

I just went back to my work and waited for something to happen. Luckily something did.

Hotch and the women walked out of his office and headed for the conference room. Hotch gave all of us a look and told everyone, with his eyes, to come to the room.

We all nodded and got up and headed into the room. I got in and sat down next to Spencer and Morgan. Gideon, JJ and Garcia came in right after.

"Everyone, this is agent Emily Prentiss. She's gonna be the newest member of this team so give her a warm welcome." Hotch said to all of us. I smiled kindly as I got up to shake her hand.

"Doctor Y/n Y/l/n, nice to meet you." I said. She smiled back before saying,

"You to Doc." I chuckled and headed back to my seat. Derek was next to greet her.

"Derek Morgan, nice to meet you princess." He said, i quickly add,

"Ignore him." Derek rolled his eyes as he sat down.

"I've been called worse." Emily said. I huffed and said,

"Tell me about it." She chuckled and JJ went to go say hello.

"Hey I'm Jennifer, but friends call me JJ. I'm the media liaison." Emily smiled and went to go greet Gideon.

"Jason Gideon, nice to meet you." He said while shaking her hand. She nodded and replied,

"You too, all of you actually." We gave her a smiled before it was Spencer's time to say hi. Emily stuck out her hand for him to shake but he politely declined.

"The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it's actually safer to kiss." Spencer said and everyone chuckled.

"Wait, that wasn't a pickup line for me?" I said sarcastically. Everyone laughed and Spencer turned, confused.

"Y/n, I'm a germaphobe. Did you really think I was trying to seduce you?" He asked. I shrugged and he smile sheepishly.

"Spence, I seriously thought it was a pickup line. I remember the first time you said it to me! It was when I was gonna high-five you but you declined, saying the exact words you just said to Emily and I got all flustered." I said to him.

"Oh yeah! You did! No I was just telling you why I don't like physical touch. But did it work?" He asked. I laughed.

"We've been dating for almost a year, I think it worked." I replied and Spencer smiled.

"Ok lovey dovey's, it's time to work!" Penelope said as she passed files around. We all sighed and started to look through them.

An: hey sorry for a short chapter:(

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