Forty: the big game (2)

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Warnings: same as last time

Time skip to the crime scene

We were at one of the victims houses. Gideon, Spencer and I were examining the crime scene.

Gideon and Spencer were in the bedroom as I was looking at the bathroom walls. It was covered in blood. Same with the rest of the bedroom.

I walked out when I heard a quiet conversation between the men as it got louder.

"You all right?" I heard Spencer ask Gideon. He look up as I walked closer.

"What?" He replied.

"You seem unhappy." Spencer explained.

"I am unhappy. Tired of people used religion, to justify the terrible things they do." Gideon said. I couldn't blame him, lots of people do that.

I was now on the other side of the bed as they had their conversation as two cops were listening.

"Your saying these killers are on a mission?" The older cop asked. I nodded my head.

"The killers think there on a mission for 'god'" I explained before Spencer jumped in to add.

"Yes, and or that the Bible was somehow guiding them." The cop looked confused.

"Unsubs?" He asked.

"That stands for unknown subjects. The killers, working as a team." Spencer answered. I couldn't help but smile. I was so happy that he was mine that I was always proud of him. I love him too much.

"It sounded to me like only one of them was into the mission." The cop said, obviously very confused.

"It's usually more complicated than even that. In the case of Dick hickock and Perry smith, Perry was the subservient personality basically against even entering the clutter home, yet he was the one who almost single-handedly slaughtered the entire family." Spencer replied as the cop looked stunned at him.

'I love when he rambles.' I thought to myself as I smiled at him then headed towards Gideon.

"How many times was mr Kyle stabbed?" Gideon asked.

"Stabbed, isn't exactly the word." The cop said in response.

Time skip

"This is an unincorporated area, we're Stretched pretty thin manpower wise. That's why we couldn't get here any faster after the guy called." The cop told us to explain how 'slow' they were.

"4 1/2 minutes, that's a pretty good response." Gideon said.

"yeah, that's on par with New York cities response time. 4.3 minutes." Spencer replied. I chuckled and said,

"Wow, this is a lot different back in my day." Gideon gave me a look.

"Y/n, you don't have a 'back in my day' yet." He told me with a smirk. I huffed as Morgan walked up behind us, chuckled at Gideons comment.

"And they've got a hell of a lot more cops per capita." He said and walked around the room.

"This unsub was good, you didn't really have a chance." Gideon reassured.

"Ok, I know my partner called 911, police are on their way so I don't have a lot of time. Now assuming until one didn't actually partake, I gotta believe I entered the bedroom from here. I see Mr. Kyle on the other side of the bed. So I approached him." Morgan said as he walked to the other side of the bed.

"And I cut him first." Morgan said to the cop.

"Well, how do you know that?" The cop asked.

"A blitz attack neutralizes the greatest threat first. In this case, it would be the man." I told him to help out Morgan.

"Plus a 911 call." Gideon said as we looked at him. "Woman screamed."

"You can't with your throat cut." Spencer commented.

"So, Mrs. Kyle sees her husband murdered, she runs back into the bathroom." Morgan told the cop and walked to the bathroom.

"she tries to close the door behind her, i force my way in, and I kill Mrs Kyle back here in the bathroom." Morgan said.

"We check that smudge for prints. Nothing, looks like he wore some clothes. Not with any pattern. Like latex maybe." The cop said.

"That doesn't make any sense at all." I told him. Of course, him being a male cop, thinks I'm 'lower' than him. He gave me a dirty look.

"It doesn't?" He asked and then Spencer comes in.

"unsubs suffering from psychopathy, a delusion like a message from God, or what we could classify as being disorganized they don't generally clean up after themselves." 

"You know, maybe unsub one, the frighten one, make sure they didn't." Morgan said then his phone rang. He excused himself as we sat in the room and waited.

Morgan started looking around confused and hung up the phone. He walked over to a laptop in the corner of the room across from the couch.

"Wait, is the computer...on?" I asked. 

"No, I don't think so." He said and went to go grab some more cops to collect it and bring it back to the station.

Time skip

We were back at the station as the team were listening to an audio recording of a man talking about god and stuff.

All of them kept bouncing ideas off of one another about the unsubs but I had this tiny voice in the back of my mind.

It kept saying 'are there really two unsubs?' I just didn't have any evidence to prove that there was only one. At least for now.

Spencer was sitting at a desk somewhere. I don't know why he was alone but he was listening in on the audio.

"...I will punish ye 7 times for your sins." The newest unsubs said. Emily suggested three unsubs.

"Could just be recorded promote religious program or sermon?" Derek suggestion as the footage from a couple nights ago came on the screen.

"'punish ye 7 seven.'" JJ repeated.

"Five more victims." Gideon said.

"these images were shot the Exact spot on the dresser. Where that computer sat." I commented.

"So if this video came from that computers camera, then what? did the unsub bring it with them?" Hotch asked.

"As far as I can tell this, computer belong to the Kyles. Garcia can do a better analysis, but it has their banking systems, vacation photos." Spencer piped in.

"One comes into the room and immediately goes after Mr. Kyle. What did the other one do? turn the camera on?" Hotch questioned.

"we might be asking the wrong question. The video, the message, it's important, clearly they want the world to see this, they need it." Gideon said. I looked over to see my boyfriend staring at the computer.

I walked over as the rest of the team asked questions to them selfs.

"What ya looking at?" I asked him. He looked up at me and smiled softly before turning back to the Computer.

"I don't know." Spencer replied as he looked at the screen more intensely. After a couple seconds he looked directly into the camera.

His eyes went wide as he stiffened and got up, dragging me behind with him. He pushed me towards the team and started to whisper.

"agent Franks? Does this building have wireless internet?" Spencer asked. I tried to looked back that the Computer, but Spencer kept pushing me away with his arm.

"Yeah, why?" Agent Frank replied. I saw Spencer's face go white as he moved us away from the Computer.

"That camera is on right now." He said. Spencer quickly moved him and i away farther to get out of eye line from it.

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