Sixteen: holiday surprises (edited)

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Warnings, Smutty smut smut ;)

December 24, 2005

It was Christmas Eve and I wanted to do something special with Spencer and me. We both don't have family around here or family at all so it would be nice to spend the holidays together.

So, I went out shopping for Spencer on the 20th. I thought it would be nice to get my boyfriend something for Christmas. Even though he said not to get him anything.

I first went to a shoe store. For one, Spencer needs new shoes. He told me he got his shoes at the time he was in college and never replace them. So I got him a pair of dark purple Convers to replace his old ones.

Then I went to an old-ish bookstore out of the city. Inside there were dozens and dozens of original copy books, Prices ranging from 100 dollars to 2000 dollars. I really wanted to spoil Spencer so I got two. Coming out to around 485 dollars. They were the original copies of Edgar Allan Poe Poems and Sherlock Homes.

So arriving back at my apartment I decided to wrap the books and shoes immediately and then hide them in my closet. So I wrapped the books together and the shoes separately.

I wrapped the books in Christmas paper with a little snowman on it. Then I wrapped the shoes in more Christmas paper, the wrapping had a Santa clause on it. Then I put little bows on it. I put the gifts in my closet.

Anyways, it was 1:24 P.M., and Spencer and I were going to hang out for the holidays. So he was supposed to come over at 4:00 so I had some time before he arrives.

I first had breakfast. Nothing special just cereal and milk. Then I went to go pick out clothes. I picked out a cute sweater with shades of green on it. For pants, I grabbed leggings. So once I had my clothes I hopped in the shower I did my shampoo and conditioner along with body wash. I got out after a while and dried off then changed into the sweater and leggings. I let my hair look natural and did nothing for makeup. I was feelin' like it was a chill day as I waited for Spencer.

                            Time skip

It was around 3:47 and I did want to wait for Spencer. But I had no choice so I had to wait. So I decided to pass the time by texting some of the team.

Y/n: Heyyyyyy

💚Greeny-weeny💚: let me guess, you bored?

'Ouch, how'd she know?'

Y/n: yes I'm waiting for someone and they're supposed to come around 2 and I'm bored. So I figured I could talk to the team or somethin'

💚Greeny-weeny💚: Pen would probably love to talk to you about girls' nights or something

Y/n: yeah probably, see you later. Happy holidays

💚Greeny-weeny💚: See ya, happy holidays

And with that I pulled up Penelope's and I's conversation.

Y/n: Hey Pen! We should talk and make plans about Girls' Night!

Within seconds she replied.

🦄💖Penny💖🦄: ABSOLUTELY!!

Y/n: When would we go? I mean I don't really have family so my time is mostly free.

🦄💖Penny💖🦄: Wdym mostly?

Y/n: I'll tell you about it in person, so we should make a GC with the ladies at the bau! We'll call it something cool.

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