Twenty-eight: Home sweet home

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June 21, 2006

It's been a couple of days since Spencer and I decided to move in together. Unfortunately he's been on a case from the 16 through to the 19 so we didn't have a chance to see apartments for sale.

But Spencer came home on the 20th so for a day and a half, we've been looking at apartments. So I was currently on my couch with Spencer's head on my shoulder and laptop in my lap.

"What about that one?" Spencer asked quietly. He pointed to a two bedroom apartment with a small living room and two bathrooms. It also had a kitchen and a closest.

It didn't seem so bad, I clicked on the link and it brought me to a bunch of information about the apartment. I scrolled through and copied down the phone number.

"I'll call the place tomorrow and see if we can go take a look around." I told Spencer. He nodded and kissed my temple. I smiled and got up. Spencer grabbed my crutches from the ground and handed them to me.

I thanked him and we headed to my bedroom. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed so pjs. Spencer came over to me and searched for boxers and a shirt for himself. I pulled out a big t-shirt that was Spencer's at one point. He gave me a look of aberration and faked being pissed off.

I walked over towards my bathroom and turned on the shower. Spencer was right behind me. I heard him clear his throat before asked me a question.

"Can I, um, join you, ple-, please?" He stuttered. I smiled and nodded before slowly taking of my clothes. Spencer came over and helped me with my bandages and other clothings.

After a few seconds, I hopped in the shower. Spencer still had his clothes on so I gave him some privacy. I started to get used to the water before a cold gust of wind came through and warm hands around my waist.

"Hey." I said softly. I rested my head on him chest as we sat in the silence and running water. He gave a small kiss to my head and grabbed my loofah. He started to pour body wash onto it.

Spencer slowly started to rub small Circular motions around my body, getting every part of me, my love handles, my extra skin, my inner thighs, everything.

After a little bit, Spencer washed me off. I turned around and went to go grab the loofah but Spencer held it away from me.

"But Spence I wanna use it. Come on." I pouted to Spencer. He just shook his head and went to go grab the shampoo.

"Nah hah, you're injured. So I should take care of you." He said while scrubbing in the shampoo into my hair. I huffed but loved the attention he was giving me.

He put me under the water and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. He turned for the conditioner and started to work on it In my hair.

While waiting, Spencer started to do his shampoo. I was being fussy but he never let me try to reach up to his hight in case I rip one of my stitches.

After a couple of minutes of waiting, he rinsed my hair and his and started to do his conditioner. I was pouting the whole time.

He finished his hair and started to use body wash as he told me to get out of the shower. I got out. He told me to dry off and stand there and wait for him to help me with the bandages.

After about three minutes, Spencer was out and ready to help me. He wrapped me up and I changed into my pjs for the night.

We walked over to my bed and got under the covers. He nuzzled his head onto my chest and loosely wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Good night my love." Spencer said sleepily and softly. He lifted his head and kissed my lips and cheek. I smiled and replied,

"G'night handsome." He giggled as I kissed his head. Not long after, I was asleep.

My Nerd Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora