Forty-nine: everythings fine

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I came to Emily's room, crying. She welcomed me and asked what happened. I didn't wanna talk about it and she understood and let me be. I fell asleep worried that something is wrong with Spencer.

Time skip

February 10, 2007

I woke up from Emily's alarm and got ready. I wasn't ready to talk to Spencer but I had to. I checked my phone to see two notifications. Both from Spencer.

One was a voicemail and the other was text. I ignored it and finish getting changed. Then I realized, I left my toothbrush in my other room.

"What's the matter?" Emily asked. I sighed.

"My toothbrush is in the room." I told her. She chuckled and gave me a side hug.

"I'll go down stairs, text you if Reid's there and you'll get your stuff." She told me and walked out the door, only to be met by Spencer.

She quickly shut the door and had a conversation outside. I didn't want to see him, but I had to.

I opened the door and saw Emily pissed and Spencer annoyed. I nodded at Emily and she backed off then walked down stairs. I motioned for Spencer to come in and he did.

"I'm sorry." Spencer said immediately. I huffed and looked towards the ground.

"Something is going on with you, Spencer. I'm a Profiler. Please, let me help you." I begged him. He let out a sigh.

"I'm ok. Now, can we try to move on with what happened last night?" Spencer asked and smiled softly.

"Fine, but when we get home you will tell me what's buggin you." I told him and walked out and headed for the elevator.

"Y/n," Spencer whined. I shot him a look.

"It's probably better for our relationship." I said again. Spencer muttered something incoherent as we sat in the elevator.

Time skip

It was late when we got onto the jet. Everyone could tell something was up, but know one said anything. I sat on the couch as Spencer followed me. I smiled lightly when he sat down.

He moved his head to my shoulder and relaxed. I chuckled a bit and laidback, allowing Spencer to lay on top of me.

I've always loved this position, Spencer did too. I closed my eyes and went to sleep as Spencer did too.

Time skip

I was shaking my boyfriend's shoulders to wake him up. He wasn't a heavy sleeper, but tonight I guess he is.

"Spence..." I whispered. Apparently that did the trick and he jolted awake. He looked around, confused until he saw me. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"We're landing in a couple of minutes." I told him. He nodded and sat up straight, I did the same thing.

After about ten minutes, the jet landed and we filed out. Hotch told us we could head home and be at work Monday. I happily walked to our car as Spencer followed.

We got in and drove home. It was silent, not awkward though. I pulled up and Spencer jumped out. I was confused but I guess he wanted to get home. Locking the car, I followed him up.

The door wasn't even shut when I got upstairs. I walked in to see Spencer was know where in sight. Looking around, I noticed the bathroom door was shut. I guess he really had to go.

I shut the door and walked over to the kitchen. I decided to make Mac and cheese for dinner, considering there's nothing else in the pantry.

I heard some rustling in the bathroom. I walked over and knocked on the door and put my ear to it.

"Spence are you ok?" I asked.


"Spencer?" I asked again.

Still nothing

I was getting worried so I tried to open the door. It was locked. I was panicking.

"Spencer! I need you to unlock the door!" I yelled.

Still nothing

Back in my day, I was amazing at pickpocketing, unlocking safes and unlocking doors. So, it's time to put that skill to use.

I went to go grab two paper clips. I straightened them out and maneuvered them in the lock. The lock didn't come with a key, it could only could be opened from the inside. Pretty stupid.

I heard a 'click' and the door slowly opened. I watch to see a lifeless Spencer on the ground. Tear rushed to my eyes as I ran over to him.

"Spencer!" I yelled at him. I moved my hands to his pulse point to see if I could feel anything. It was there. I sighed in relief.

He was unconscious

I looked to see something sticking out of his arm. A syringe. He was high out of his mind right now. I saw a bottle on the ground.


My face turned white as I went to go get my phone.

'Did he try to overdose?'

'Is he an addict?'

'I should have seen the signs.'

'I'm such a bad girlfriend.'

All those thoughts raced through my head as I called 9-1-1.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked. I went back to Spencer's side as I called them.

"My boyfriend overdosed with Dilaudid, he's past out on the bathroom floor. I can feel a pulse." I told them as calmly as I could.

"Ok, ma'am. We're sending an ambulance on your way. What's your name?" They asked.

"Y/n" I replied.

"Ok, Y/n, your boyfriend should be fine. Just make sure his head is leveled and his breathing is fine." They told me. I hummed and did what they asked.

Not even two minutes later, an ambulance showed up. The operator asked what floor in room I was in and I told them. A bunch of paramedics first through the door as I looked at them with tears on my face.

They put him on the stretcher and headed outside. I followed them and called Hotch. He picked up.

"Hotchner." He answered.

"Hotch, Spencer is using Dilaudid." I told him.

"What? Is he ok?" He asked.

"He was passed out on the floor of our bathroom when I found him. He's in the ambulance going to the hospital right now. I'm following it." I said.

"Ok, take a week or two off. Take care of him and it's probably gonna be hard so don't be afraid to call me." Hotch replied.

"Thank you. And please don't tell Strauss or the team." I begged.

"Of course, take care Y/n." He replied and hung up. Spencer was so lucky that Strauss wasn't getting involved. I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, got out and ran to the entrance.

"How can I help you?" The lady asked.

"Spencer Reid." I said. She nodded and told me where to find him.

"Thank you." I replied and rushed off. I walked to the room and opened the door. Spencer was asleep on the hospital bed so I sat next to him, holding his hand.

"Please be ok." I whispered to him and all I could think about was if I didn't Spencer in time would he be here?

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