Forty-three: Revelations(1)

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Warnings: S2:E15 content. Sad :(

My heart was beating so fast.

As we pulled up to Mr Hankle's house I kept thinking,

'What if Spencer's dead?'

I couldn't keep thinking like that but, expect disappointment never be disappointed.

The hour drive was the scariest hour of my life. I couldn't think straight. When we park the cars I jumped out and drew my gun heading straight for the barn.

I didn't care that the officer behind me was barking orders I just wanted to find my boyfriend.

I walked in with Derek and Emily behind me with cops too. I drew my flashlight and looked around, seeing blood.

My heart couldn't take losing Spencer

I looked to see a dead dog on the ground. That means someone killed it. Derek looked the bed covered in blood.

I'm guessing from the last victim

I heard Derek say "oh damn" as he looked at it. Then I heard a "FBI!" From JJ. We all looked at her with relieved faces.

But she looked terrified

"JJ it's Morgan, Prentiss and Y/l/n! Don't shoot!" We all yelled at her. She slowly put down her gun as Derek walked towards her. He asked questions like "are you hurt?" "You need help?" Stuff like that.

"Tobias Hankel is the Unsub." JJ told us.

"We know." Derek said as another cop said he'll call an ambulance. I walked up to JJ slowly.

She kept rambling on about how they thought Tobias was a witness and wasn't dangerous.

"JJ, where's Spence?" I asked. She didn't listen to me. She kept talking about what happened.

"JJ!" I yelled at her. She slowly looked at me.

"Where's Spencer." I asked with tears in my eyes.

"We split up. He said he was going around back." She told us. I ran out and immediately headed around back.

I was looking around when Derek followed me as Emily stayed with JJ. After a lot of searching I realize something, my boy was kidnapped.

I couldn't help but cry

Derek walked me back to the house and helped me sit on the steps. He left to go tell Emily what he think happened.

I just held myself

I felt a presents behind me. It was Gideon. I looked up at him, he had a pitiful look on his face.

"What?" I snapped at him. I felt bad but in my head all the worst possible scenarios were going through my head.

"He could still be alive." He reassured me. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Almost every single case I've been on, Spencer has solved it. He's the genius for a reason and if he isn't here how are we gonna find him? It'll take longer to find him and the chances of him getting killed are higher-" I was rambling when Gideon cut me off.

"Y/n, you can't think like that. It'll not help Reid in the slightest." He told me. It was harsh but the truth. I need to help Spencer.

Time skip

It was the next morning and we found nothing. God, I hate Atlanta Georgia, I should have never come back.

The team was at Tobias's house as Penelope was coming to help us with the computers. I walked out of the house when I heard cars pull up.

They had a intense conversation as Penelope was entering the house with Hotch.

We all sat at the main table if you walk through the door. I could feel my eyes and how swollen they were.

I looked up to see Penelope looking around. Once she looked at me her face fell.

"Oh, buttercup." She said and rushed over to me.

Most of the team never really seen me cry except Spencer, and I rarely do that. Last time I cried was because a case got to me.

The case was about a kid who was badly depressed and needed help. He thought he was killing women but then tried to kill him self. I know the kid was innocent, but I couldn't prove it. That case got to Spencer too.

(The episode was sex, birth, death. I can't remember much of it tho)

She ran over and hugged me tightly. I wanted to break down again but I couldn't, not for the sake of the team or Spencer.

She rubbed my back soothingly which helped a little bit but I needed my head, for Spence.

After a little bit she released me and we walked back over to the team.

"The computers are an extension to his brain, I need you to dissect it." Gideon told Penelope. She nodded and immediately got to work.

I could tell Gideon was worried for Spencer. We all were but Gideon was the best at hiding it, but I'm better at profiling.

Derek brought Penelope over to the 'computer room' and helped her get set up.

"Nothing new since I left?" Hotch asked.

"Well, the good thing is, the guy documented practically every second of his life. Bad news is, we're still unpiling." Emily said.

"From the looks of it, he hasn't left this place in years." JJ replied. I really wanted to be angry at her, she could have told Spencer he shouldn't have split up but it was Spencer's decision to.

"He knew he could pretend to be looking for a motel and throw us off his trail." I suggested. Then Gideon pipe in.

"No, no, no. It's more than that. Sheriffs office, 911 calls, every time he engages the police, gets away with it, he reassures him self that gods on his side not ours."

I was getting frustrated

I just wanted to find Spencer and take him home. I want to keep him safe and happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with him I just need him to come home.

I was outside with Derek looking around the perimeter. He nows this is taking a toll on me and asked to go for a 'crime walk' I laughed at how he put it but went with him.

"So..." I asked. He looked at me confused. But I knew he had something on his mind.

"Derek, I knew you wanted to talk to me on this 'walk' so what is it?" I asked. He stoped in his tracks.

"What? No-" he replied but I cut him off.

"I'm a Profiler, I know." I told him. He sighed.

"I know this is hard with Spencer and all so I wanted to help clear your mind before going back." He said. I smiled and nodded before walking about 10 steps before hitting something hard.

I looked down and notice a tornado bunker covered in leaves. I motioned Derek over and drew out my gun. He called the team over and I moved the leaves.

Derek opened it and walked down with me right behind me.

"Tobias Hankle! FBI!" He said and I saw that Hotch was behind us as he followed me downstairs. I noticed ice blocks and dead animals.

I looked over to see a man at the end of the seller. We drew our guns at him but then put them right back in the holsters. We walked forwards and I realized the man looked familiar.

"That's Mr Hankle, Tobias's father." I told them and I got a better look at him. He was blue and had ice all over him, he was dead. Gross.

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