Thirty-one: P911 (part two)

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Warnings, same as last chapter. by the way I'm not good at writing cases so It'll be more like interactions with other people. Spicy stuff a little bit 😏

September 23, 2006

I was inside the Maryland crimes against children unit with the rest of my team, but I , on the other hand was being benched. Along with Spencer but not as much? It's infuriating.

So, I was sat next to Penelope waiting for some good news. Spencer was god knows where as I had to search through a list of names.

"I'm sooooo bored." I announced to know one in particular. Penny looked over with sorry eyes.

"Come on buttercup, we'll find this kid in know time if you help me." She gave me puppy dog eyes. I nodded and began to work hard.

Time skip

September 24, 2006

I've literally done nothing all day. I feel useless. The team found out a little bit more on Peter and had a lead. I wander around the police station in search of coffee. What I found was more interesting...

Elle was standing by a male officer. He was very obviously flirting with her, but to my surprise, Elle was flirting back?!?

I was listening on there Conversation before Hotch called us to the conference room of the police station.

When Elle turned and saw my face, hers was priceless.

I was smirking at her. She huffed while rolling her eyes and walked to the conference room. I was right next to her all the way.

"Who was that? Is he cute? Did he ask you on a date? Did he-" I was Cut off by Elle staring daggers at me. I quickly shut up.

Over the year I've been on the team, Elle is definitely the scariest. She's like a big sister to me. She's like my best friend.

"Oh come on, he's cute-ish considering I'm dating someone." I said after a while. She chuckled.

"He's... ok." Elle replied. I cheered quietly to myself. I've been waiting for Elle to get a boyfriend or Girlfriend for some time now but she never tried. I don't blame her a lot of men are trash nowadays but women...

"Did he ask you on a date yet?" I question. She chuckled and rolled her eyes as we entered the room.

I'll never let her live this down.

Time skip (Im literally skipping this case)

September 25, 2006

We finally caught the disgusting people that were running the website Peter was on. We found this teenager, his name was Kevin had been on the site and Garcia tracked his location.

Kevin helped us find the young children on the website and saved then. I just can't stop thinking about the kids that we didn't save, it's a bad habit you can get into when you work for this job.

We just got back from Maryland and the team was in the bullpen doing some paperwork from previous cases. But when I saw Hotch come out of his office, I knew I was in trouble from earlier...

"Y/l/n, Reid, my office." Hotch stated. I gulped and stood up, heading towards his office. I was right behind Spencer while i took the steps up the cat walk.

Spencer slowly knocked on the door and we both heard a "come in". He open the door and we both took our seats across from Hotch. He looked at us and sighed.

"You two know why your in here, right?" Hotch said. We both nodded.

"And you guys won't do it again?" He asked, well told. We nodded again.

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