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Asia's POV

Monday came by quicker than ever. I dreaded going to school. I got a bunch of stuff in the mail about my schedule, information about the school, and everything under the rainbow.

I emptied all my stuff from Michigan out of my backpack and put it in the closet in the bathroom -which is where most of my stuff is- to make room for my school stuff. I had pencils, pens and notebooks for today. Hopefully I don't need anything else. I don't think I can even afford it. I was barely able to get what I got so far.

I walked in the school and it was a lot bigger than the school I occasionally attended back in Michigan.

People crowded the hallways and I looked on the paper for locker number 402. I followed the signs and I finally made it. It took me a few tries to put the code in, but I finally did it. I noticed there were already books in my locker for me.

"Hi." Someone said coming up to me.

I felt my heart rate quicken. Act confident. Act confident. Act confident.

"Hello?" I asked. I glared at whoever was talking to me. It was a brunette about the same height as me. She had a yellow dress on with a jean jacket. It made me feel pathetic with my old, rugged pants and plain t-shirt.

"I'm just looking to be friendly. Are you new here?"

"Yeah. Todays my first day." I said without making eye contact.

"Wow! Want me to show ya around?"

"No, thank you." I said, dully and in more of a monotone way.

"Come on." She drawled.

I know I said I wanted to make friends, but I'd rather be more confident and act like I own the place than be friends with a preppy, rich girl who probably gets everything she could ever want handed to her on a silver platter.

"I'm good. I think I can figure it out." I said, slamming the locker shut and making my way to my class period.

"What's your first hour?" She asked. I looked at the sheet, but ignored her. It was Spanish with Señora Martinez. Room 104. "I know you said you don't need my help, but you're going the wrong way."

I groaned. "Please leave me alone."

"Let me guess, you're gonna be the next hot new kid who thinks she owns the place. Alright. Fine. I'll leave ya alone. God, I shouldn't have tried to be nice to you." She said turning the corner as we walked past it.

I stopped. I turned and looked at her direction. I followed her. "Wait! Hold up!" I yelled.

She turned around. "What?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, but did you just say that I was acting like I'm the hot new kid who acts like I own the place?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, pretty much." She said continuing to look forward.

"Ok, I'm sorry for being rude. My name is Asia. I just moved here from Michigan and I'm trying to appear more confident than I actually am."

She glared at me. "I'm Jenna."

"It's nice to meet you. I like your shoes." I said looking at the white boots. It was the only thing I liked about her outfit. Everything else wasn't my style.

"Thank you! My mom got them for me for my birthday!" She said with a smile. 

"I wish my mom got me something for my birthday. My mom doesn't really like me."

"Aww, I'm sure that you're just looking at it the wrong way."

I slightly laughed at her innocence. "I wish. No, she definitely doesn't like me. As I said, I'm from Michigan. More specifically, Detroit. I grew up on the rough side of town. My parents were never married, but they lived together cause of me. It sounds good in perspective, but it was because neither of them wanted me. So they both just sucked it up. Finally, my dad had enough and said he was leaving. So my mom made him take me with him. So now I'm stuck sleeping in a bathtub in a completely different state with two goals to change myself."

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry."

"I don't want pity. I'm cool with it." I said, cutting her off.

"You may not want sympathy, but nobody deserves to live like that. Why are you sleeping in a bathtub?"

"My dad got an apartment for only one person. So there's only one room. Until we get furniture and I can sleep on a couch, it's the bathroom for me."

"If you want you can stay at my house. We have an extra room."

"I'll live. It's nothing I've never dealt with before."

Jenna looked like she felt real sorry for me. But I didn't want her to feel that way. I never would accept anything from anyone. Not money, not clothes... not sympathy.

As Jenna was walking me to my Spanish class, I noticed everyone minding there own business. Today was a wild day for me, but it was so... normal for everyone else. Everyone's already been doing the same spiel every day.

I was unnoticeable to everybody else.

I know it's the first day, but I thought I'd meet more people. My expectations were too high, I guess. Maybe the whole confident things isn't working.

I didn't even see Charlie. But he could be in the cooler for all I know.

I met a few girls here and there, but Jenna was the only person who seemed to see me. To notice me. To even care to talk to me.

Maybe the first day didn't go so well. But I've got a long time to make something of myself. For people to know me. For people to simply learn my name.

Because by the end of this week, the unnoticeable girl that nobody knew is gonna be the talk of the school. I don't know how, but it's gonna happen.

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