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Asia's POV

Charlie stayed with us till around 6:30. He said he wanted to shower and get some stuff out together before the train ride in two and a half hours.

"How about we go see a movie tonight." Dallas said. "Haven't been in a while."

"Sure, Dal." Ponyboy said.

"What movie?" I asked.

"We'll see when we get there." He said.

We took a sharp turn and we went to this open area. I soon noticed the drive in screen. I've only ever been to a few of these before. There weren't a lot in the area of New York where I lived and I never had time. I also never cared for movies, to be completely honest.

We all snuck in through the back of the fence and we sat in the front.

These two girls came and sat in front of us. My God, they were gorgeous.

Dallas seemed to think so, too.

"Hey, Cherry." Ponyboy said. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright. Glad you two are ok." She said with a slight smile.

"Thanks. You guys, too."

"Hey, y'all." Someone said behind us. It was Two-Bit.

"Hey, Two." Ponyboy and Johnny said.

"Hi, Two-Bit, the brunette said."

He went and sat by her. "Look at the pretty girl up here." He said to Ponyboy, Johnny and I. She laughed.

Those two were sucked off into their own world.

"I'm gonna go get us something to drink. Anyone want anything?" Dallas asked.

"I'm ok." I said.

"I'll take a coke." Ponyboy said.

"Me too." Johnny followed.

"Anything for you, darlin'?" He asked the red head.

"I don't want anything from you." She said crossing her arms.

Dallas put his hands up in surrender and walked away.

She turned around when Dallas was gone. "I don't know how you guys put up with him." She said to Ponyboy and Johnny.

I sat their awkwardly before she noticed me. "I don't think I've ever seen ya before. Are you new?" She asked nicely.

"Yeah. I'm only staying for a couple more days though. I'm Asia." I said.

"Sherrie. Most people call me Cherry, though."

"Nice to meet ya." I said shaking her hand.

"You sound like Dallas. Are you also from New York?"

"Yeah. Dallas and I were friends up there." I said.

"I know ya said you didn't want anything, but I got ya a coke anyway." He said handing it to Cherry.

She rolled her eyes and put it on the floor.

Dallas went up and sat next to her. I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"Hey, Asia." Someone said sitting next to me.

"Hey, Charlie." I muttered.

"You pissed off?" He asked.

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