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Asia's POV

I turned around quickly to see who the noise was coming from.

It was a girl with very dark brown hair, tan and probably around my age.

"Get lost, Sylvia." Dallas said.

So this is Sylvia.

I always thought Dallas had a type. I guess not. We looked pretty different. I figured we looked similar.

"Who is this? What's going on?"

"Sylvia, I hate you." Dallas said slamming his head on the counter.

"Can you like- leave?" I asked dumbly.

"Look, I hate to break it to you, but you're the side chick in this situation. Dal, I always knew you were a player and now I see it with my own eyes!" She yelled.

"Hottest side chick of all time award goes to..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" She asked.

I stood up. I was barely taller than her, but I was. "Sorry, I was implying I was the hottest side chick of all time." I said crossing my arms.

"That makes you feel untroubled? Being a slut?" She asked.

"What did you just call me?" I yelled.

"A slut." She said with a pause between her words.

"How about you try that again?" I asked.

"Why would I? You gonna start something?" She asked.

"I sure as hell won't throw the first punch, but if you wanna start, I'll play along." I said throwing my jacket on the chair next to us.

I noticed her look at my arms. She glanced at my stomach, too. "I don't start fights." She said also crossing her arms.

"Well then I think you're done here. Ba-bye." I said with a sarcastic wave.

I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I said trying to sound all girly.

"Fuck both of you!" She yelled.

I locked the door as she slammed it shut. "Her voice is so goddamn annoying." I said sitting down again.

Dallas laughed. I blew the hair out of my face. "She won't be back here for a very long time." Dallas said.

I grinned. "Thank God. I was really hoping she wouldn't fight, because I don't want any cops to be involved and having to go back home for another three weeks." I said with a sigh.

He grinned. "The only thing I truly hate about it here is her. She goes around telling every single person I talk to that I'm a cheating, loser, asshole and then does the same thing."

"And people believe her?"

"No, but it's still annoying."

We both laughed. "Well, I better get going. I gotta figure out train rides to Texas before Charlie gets down there. He'll be there next Thursday, if I'm correct."

"I'll help ya out. I've got nothing better to do."

"Don't worry about it. Don't wanna trouble you."

"Don't worry. I'm untroubled." He said mocking Sylvia.

I laughed. "Good one."

We were gonna go to the train station. But we got caught up in other stuff. Not the stuff I wished we were doing (if you know what I mean) but at least I was with him.


Dallas and I didn't leave until it was almost eight at night. We heard people downstairs and I pulled my jacket closer together before we left.

He held my hand as we walked through the crowd of people.

He opened the door and I wasn't sure where we were going, but I didn't care. I had a limited time here. As long as I was having fun, I didn't care.


I woke up with my back pressed against Dally's. It's been four days since I've got here and it's gone by in the blink of an eye.

I never wanted to leave.

But Dallas has been telling everyone he talks to I'm only staying for a few more days. I don't have anywhere else to stay, so Texas it is.

Dallas and I were walking downtown with Ponyboy and Johnny. I took a cigarette out and lit it.

I heard footsteps behind me. "Asia Adams you are to be taken back to New York and sent to a new family for the abandonment from Mister and Misses Brown!" They yelled.

I stopped. What the fuck?

I hid the cigarette behind my back and turned around. I sighed when I realized it was nobody important.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." I mumbled. "You scared me!" I yelled at Charlie.

"Gotcha." He said, laughing.

"Haha. Your bow tie seems to have been tied too tight."

He pretended to hit me and I flinched. He laughed. "We got a flincher!" He yelled.

"Of course I did! Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

He was laughing at me. I couldn't help but grin at his shenanigans.

"Dallas! What's up?" He asked walking past me.

"Hey, man. Not much."

I rolled my eyes. "Who's that?" Johnny asked.

"Charlie Bates. The most stuck up guy you'll ever meet." I whispered.

"Stuck up?"

"Yeah, Mr "I-Go-To-A-Super-Rich-Fancy-Private-High-School." I said, I'm quotes.

"Not anymore. Graduated early, flipped off Plocky one and Plocky 2. Fatasses never saw them coming." I grinned. He took the cigarette out of my hand. "Betcha didn't see that coming." He said smoking it.

"Betcha didn't see that coming." I mocked.

He grabbed my arm and flipped me over onto the grass in one swift motion. I groaned. "Betcha didn't see that coming." He said again. He helped me up as I sat up.

I rolled my eyes.

"How did you even find us? I didn't tell you the city name, did I?" I asked.

"Nope. I went to the train station and found the only train to Oklahoma at the specific day and time frame when you left was to here. Figured I'd take my chances. There's a train leaving for Texas tonight at 9. I dropped all my shit off at a hotel room. I'm leaving tonight. I dunno when you planned on leaving." He said.

"I was gonna leave in a few days." I said.

"Sounds good. I've got a few connections down there. Imma get us a house. Don't worry."

"I wasn't worried." I said taking the lighter out of my pocket along with a new cigarette.

Charlie walked in between me and Dallas and started to act like he owned the place.

As usual.

"Let's have some fun." He said.

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