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Asia's POV

Jenna's dad drove me back to Logan's and I thanked them both. This was definitely the nicest thing anyones ever done for me before.

I took the heels off as soon as I got inside. I could feel my heel blistering all night. Boy, it felt good to take it off.

"Hey. How was dinner?" Devin asked.

"It was awesome. Rich people food tastes great." I said, laughing.

He laughed along with me. "Everyone already went to bed, but I decided to stay up to make sure you were safe."

"Asleep? What time is it?" I asked.


"Really? I said, in shock. "I didn't realize we were out that long."

"Yep..." He muttered.

"Well, I guess I'll be heading to bed, too. Night, Devin." I said.

He grinned. "Hey, Asia..." He uttered.

"Yeah?" I said, softly as I was ready to go upstairs.

"I just feel like I have to tell you this... you probably already know, but I really like you." He stopped for a second. "A lot. And I don't know what you and Jackson have or what you and Dallas have, but-"

I cut him off. "Me and Dallas?" I asked.

"Yeah... he mentioned you... I dunno. It just seemed like you guys had a thing."

"Did he?" I asked. He stayed silent. "Look, Jackson and I are nothing, but friends. He's more of a brother to me than anything. And let me see what Dallas has to say to my face." I said.

I bolted upstairs and sighed when I got in my room. That was unanticipated.

I didn't need to hear that tonight.

But what has Dallas been saying?

Jesus I can't just have one day without it ending in shambles.

I fell asleep, but of course I woke up around three in the morning. I got up, even though I wasn't hungry and I had no homework. Maybe Dallas would come and I could get some stuff outta him.

Within five minutes, Dallas came down.

"Hey." I said, casually.

"Hi." He said.

"Y'know, you don't need to come down here." I said.

"Why would I wanna stop?"

I grinned. "Actually, I do have something to ask you."

"Lay it on me." He said moments before dumping a bag of potato chips down his throat.

"Did you say anything to Devin?"

"Yeah, I tell him a lot of things." He said without missing a beat.

I waited for him to continue, but he didn't. "Like...?"

"Like how I had no idea it was your birthday and I asked you that night how old you were and you told me sixteen."

"I was sixteen! Technically." I said with a laugh.

He grinned. "I feel like you're trying to get something outta me."

I sighed. "He said something to me as I walked in the door last night."

"Like...?" He said repeating what I had said earlier.

I grinned. "He told me he liked me. It was so... out of the blue... so... so... so unanticipated. He said he had no idea what was going on between me and Jackson and me and you. I told him there was nothing going on with Jackson, but he said you said something about us."

He leaned his hands on the counter. "I wouldn't say anything unless you were ok with it. Even then, it's not something I'd bring up."

He seemed so genuine. I believed him in a second. "Now that I think about it... his face got really red when I called him out on it. And he just happened to bring it up the night after we..."

I trailed off as I put pieces together. My anger took the best of me. I pushed the stool away from the counter and felt it fall as I stormed upstairs.

"Asia, what are you doing?" Dallas asked.

I knocked on Devin's door. "Open the door!" I yelled.

Nothing. I went to open the door and barge in, but it was locked. Logan has a strict rule against locking the doors while asleep. He's always paranoid about fires starting and not being able to get out.

"DEVIN!" I yelled.

I kicked my foot into the door and unlocked it from the outside.

"Asia, what are you doing?" Charlie asked, rubbing his eyes.

Sure enough, Devin was standing up behind the door. Listening to everything I've been saying.

"How dare you! How could you?" I yelled.

"Asia, wait."

"I will NOT wait! How long have you been listening? How many days has it been? Why? How?" I screamed.

"Guys, are y'all ok?" Jackson asked.

"Devin? Asia?" Logan asked following Jackson's confusion.

"Come on, Devin! Say it!"

"Asia, let's talk about this..." He said, getting nervous.

"I've said things that I didn't want anyone else to know and all you did was listen and act like it wasn't a big deal!"

"I wasn't listening!" He said in retaliation.

What a fucking liar.

I felt my anger rise in me and I lunged towards him. I knocked him into the table and I gave him a nice blow to the nose.

I heard everyone behind me panic and run to get me off of him. Right before one of the guys grabbed me, Devin managed to hit me in the nose.

I slapped whoever grabbed me, who I quickly realized was Logan, and he held his face. "I never wanna see you again! You fucking asshole!" I yelled.

I stormed down the stairs and out the door, without a care in the world of what could happen to me.

I walked five miles into the city and another four miles to Jenna's house. I knocked on the door, praying someone would be awake. Jenna's dad opened the door. Thank God, he recognized me. He woke Jenna up and I immediately released all the tears I've been holding back.

I told her everything. How all of my secrets were now in Devin's head, and God knows what he could do with those.

I should have known nothing on my life can go right.

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