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Asia's POV

I walked home from school and it's been five days  since I got in that fight.

I didn't regret it one bit.

I had people asking me questions constantly. I always thought I'd hate it, if I'm being completely honest with myself. But I love it.

I opened the apartment door and dad was laying on the floor. "Dad? Dad!" I yelled.

My great day was immediately ruined and smashed into pieces. He has a beer bottle in his hand. "Get off of me!" He yelled as I tried to help him. "Get your stuff and go!" He screamed.

"Huh?" I asked.

He limped to the bathroom and threw my suitcase at me. Clothes spilled out of it, but I quickly picked them up and put them in the bag.

"Get out of here and I never want to see you again. Understand?"

"No, I don't!" I yelled. "I've stayed out of your way and done nothing but try and help! Enlighten me, please." I said getting sarcastic.

Dad slapped me hard across the face. Just as I had never talked back to him, he had never hit me this hard. I flinched at the pain.

"Get out..." He slurred. "Fuck you and your slutty mom."

How was she the slut? He was the one cheating on her. Then again, I guess I never really saw what my mom did. She's a pretty girl. It's probably not hard for her to find anyone.

I grabbed my suitcase tightly and opened the door only to slam it behind me.

My anger took me to the road and down the street. Once I cooled off, I panicked.

What now?

I've barely lived here for a week and I already got kicked out!

I decided to go to Charlie's house. He has to know what to do.

I walked a few miles down the road and I went into a small subdivision. I've been here once. I hoped I remembered the way.

I walked up to the gray house and hoped it was his. If not, I was in trouble cause I had no idea where to even begin looking.

I hesitantly knocked on the door and I heard footsteps towards the front door. The light turned on and Charlie opened the door.

I sighed. "Asia? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"My dad kicked me out. For good. And I don't know what to do. Back in Detroit I had places to go to stay safe, but not here." I said quickly.

"Ok, ok. Your dad kicked you out and you need a place to stay?" He asked.

"I'm not asking to stay at your house. But do you know anywhere in general I could go?" I asked.

"Come inside." He said hesitantly. "I've got a place."

We walked into the kitchen and I was jealous of his house. It was huge! It had a kitchen and two bedrooms and a bathroom! The only thing that was missing was a view. I've only ever lived in apartments so I've always had window views. His was a one story house so he didn't have a fire escape to sit on.

But then again, Charlie probably didn't care about views anyway. I mean, can you imagine him even attempting to watch a sunset? Or maybe look at the stars.

"Get a taxi and tell them to go to this address."

"What is it?" I asked, taking the piece of paper.

"It's Logan's house. His parents are fucking loaded. They're some business legends. Whenever my old man doesn't let me back, I go to his house. His parents are rarely ever home and they've got tons of extra space. They actually care about their kid, too. They'd do anything to keep a kid safe. So if they are home, they'll treat you like their own kid. If they aren't, Logan'll bring you to an extra room in their house to stay as long as you want."

"Really? Wow. That's cool. Thanks." I said.

"No problem. I'll be over later. See ya, Asia." He said as I walked out the door.

I walked down the streets and waved my hand once I saw a taxi drive by. The car stopped and I handed him the paper.

I'm about ten minutes, the taxi driver pulled into a neighborhood with mansions lining the street.

"Alright. We're here."

I gasped when I saw the house we pulled up to.




It had at least two floors and from what I could see, two TV's, a pool, and a balcony.

The guy in the taxi drove off and I walked up to the house. I knocked on the door, my mouth still dropped from the luxurious house.

Logan opened the door. "Hey, Asia. Whatcha doing here? And why do ya look so shocked?" He asked with a laugh.

"Do you live here?" I asked.

"Yep. My entire life. But seriously, whatcha doing here?" He asked, still with a slight laugh.

"My dad kicked me out and Charlie said to come here." I said.

"Well, you've come to the right place. My mom will be home tomorrow. She'd love to meet ya. But you can have the first room on the left up the stairs."

"Are you sure? My dad doesn't seem to like the idea of letting me back home for a while..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, of course. My parents feel bad about leaving me home alone all the time. So when they get to have the satisfaction of helping one of my friends out and I don't have to be alone, they take it as a win for everyone."

I laughed. "Wow. They seem actually really sweet. Thank you."

"Yep. Let me know if you need anything." He said.

I dragged my stuff up the stairs and opened the door he told me to open. I gasped when I looked in the room.

The room was probably bigger than my apartment back in Detroit and New York combined! It had its own bathroom, too! I put my suitcase down and slowly walked around the room.

I could only imagine what the master bedroom looked like.

Maybe being unloved by my parents isn't such a bad thing then you've got friends who are quadrillionares.

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