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Asia's POV

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"I've got a place down south." He repeated.

"I thought you lived in New York your entire life." I muttered.

"For the most part. I've got in some trouble down south so I came back up. My buddy killed a guy outta self defense. And there's a bunch of legal issues with these brothers I know. It's a whole mess. I decided it would be best to stay up here for now."

"Murder?" I said in shock.

"Long story." He mumbled.

"I've got time." I said letting my curiosity take the best of me.

He sighed. He explained the story to me and I was in complete and total shock. Dallas has a whole other life that I didn't even know about.

I found out what he meant by coming close to losing his virginity. He had another girl down there. Sylvia, I think he said. Almost fucked her, but remembered how she two timed him every time they got close to doing it.

It was a shock to realize he had another life hundreds of miles away.

"So are you ever gonna go back down south?" I asked.

"Eventually. I dunno when. But eventually. I want to make it to California. I hoped to be there within the next year. But I guess only time can tell." He said taking another drag on his cigarette.

"California. That's pretty far." I said.

"Just waiting for the right time. If I make it down south within the next couple months, I'll be in California by this time next year."

I grinned. "I wish I knew where I wanted to be in life. I have no skills, terrible grades, no money for an education and most people don't care for street smarts as a college diploma."

"What I've learned in my seventeen short years is not to worry about the future. Focus on the present. At least it's something you can control."

I didn't say anything after that. Dallas was so unexplainable at sometimes. Half the time he does dumb things and acts like he has no idea what he's doing.

But then the other half of the time he acts like he knows everything and he's not as dumb as he looks.

We finally made it to Logan's and I was just gonna go in, get Jenna and get out.

Dallas opened the door for me and I went to the kitchen. "Jenna." I said, annoyed I had to be here right now.

"Where were you?" She said in shock. "I didn't even realize you weren't at school all day."

"I wasn't up for it. Come on. Let's go back to your house." I said lighting a cigarette.

"Are you sure? We can-"

I cut her off. "Let's just go!" I yelled.

I stormed out the door and she followed. Seeing Devin just made me angry.

Jenna and I walked home in silence until we made it to our room. "I have something that might make you feel better." She said with a sly smile.

"Hmm?" I asked, putting out the cigarette.

She pulled a bag out from under her bed. It was filled with drugs. "Jenna! What the hell?!" I yelled.

"They aren't bad. It's just to let loose."

"You're parents are gonna kill you for these!" I yelled.

"My parents aren't home." She said.

"Oh my God..." I muttered.

"I already had a few before I left to go to Logan's and I'm fine."

"Jenna, no. A cigarette or two is one thing, drugs like this is another. I can't let you do this." I said grabbing the bag from her.

She groaned. "You're so boring."

"This isn't good for you."

"Neither is being a bitch all the time." She said without missing a beat.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on. Let's go to bed." I muttered.

"I'm going out." She said throwing on her coat.

"Going out where? You're sixteen and it's Monday." I said dumbly.

"I guess you'll have to find out." She said with a hair flip as she walked away.

She was acting so weird. It was unexplainable. Her quirky, goofy self was acting so off. She didn't look high. It also didn't look like she took anything out the bag, yet. But it was very different.

Maybe that's just how she acts when she's not sober.

But it wasn't like her at all.

"Jenna, come back." I said grabbing my jacket as she walked out the door.

She hopped on a bus and I followed her. "Jenna, it's getting dark. Let's go back home."

She sighed. "Alright. I'm sorry. I just know you've been in a bad mood. I just wanted to do something fun." She muttered.

"Jenna, I don't need to do any type of drug to have fun. But thank you." I said with a small grin.

She laughed. "Ok. Now do you know how to get back home?" She asked nervously.

There's her personality back.

I looked out the window. "It's too dark. I dunno where we are." I mumbled.

"Shoot..." She uttered.

"It's ok. We'll see where the bus stops and then we'll go from there. We can't be that far, right?"

We waited about five minutes and the bus pulled to the stop. We were the only ones on the bus.

"Alright, ladies. Bus service is done for the night." The driver said.

"What? But we need to go back home!" I yelled.

"My shifts over. Next bus is at 6:00 AM." He said, standing up.

"Can you please make an exception?" I begged.

"Sorry. No can do." He said. "Gotta get off or I call the police." He said.

I looked at Jenna. She was in full panic mode. "It's ok. Stay calm. I'll figure it out." I said.

We stood up and got off the bus. We both looked around for any sign of life in the grey streets of New York.

"There's a street sign." Jenna said, pointing.

It took me a moment to read it, but I finally saw it. My eyes widened when I realized where we were.

"Jenna, we gotta go. Now." I said nervously and quietly.

"What? Why? Are we in trouble?"

"We're about to be if we stay here much longer. This is not safe here. Especially not when it's pitch black outside." I said.

I needed to find a phone. Then I can call Dallas and get us out of here.

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