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Asia's POV

We turned the corner and Logan, Charlie and Devin were all intrigued in the conversation with this guy. I didn't recognize him.

"Morning, Asia!" Logan said, politely.

"Hey." I muttered.

The guy turned around and I could feel my face light up when I realized who it was.

"Jackson!" I yelled.

I ran up to him and hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Hey, Asia! Long time no see!" He said, excitedly.

"What are you doing back?" I asked.

"Actually, now that everyone's here, I can finally say I'm moving back to New York!"





We all shouted at the same time our reactions to his announcement.

"My old man finally gave up and let me move back in with my mom. I'll see you all at school on Monday."

I remember meeting Jackson for the first time. Watching his chocolate brown hair drape over his vibrant blue eyes. His parents got divorced a few years after I met him. His dad moved to Arizona and his mom stayed here. He wanted to stay here but custody got complicated.

"You finally got your hair out of your face." I said with a laugh.

He grinned. "You were right. I know. Shaggy hair doesn't look good." He said.

"Who's this?" Dallas asked from behind me.

"Dallas, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is Dallas. Dallas moved in recently and Jackson has been friends with Charlie since... I dunno. Life?" Logan said.

Jackson laughed. "Asia, want a ride to school?" He asked.

"You got your own car!" I said, in shock.

"Got my own dirt bike." He said.

"Shut up!" I yelled. "I'll be ready in five." I said running upstairs.

I heard laughs as I bolted up the stairs to my bedroom, finding the first outfit I could find and putting it on. I brushed through my hair and put makeup on.

"Asia! Hurry up!" Jackson yelled.

"Jesus, I'm hurrying!" I yelled back. I grabbed my backpack and rushed down the stairs. "Alright. I'm ready." I said.

"Let's go." He said.

Jackson started the motorcycle and we were off to school.

Dallas' POV

Asia complained about him and then practically jumped into his arms the next. What's her deal?

"Well, that was a surprise." Devin said.

"So what's his deal again?" I asked.

Logan sighed. Charlie spoke up. "Jackson and I have been friends our entire life. We've lived in New York forever, grew up next door to each other, practically did everything together. We all met Asia when we were 12. I met her in the back of a cop car and I introduced her to the guys and Jackson."

He took a breath. "We all liked her, but Jackson took a different liking to her. I don't know if he liked her, liked her or he was just really friendly with her. But he was a lot closer to her than any of us were. Probably almost as close as she is with Jenna now."

Devin spoke up. "When he moved away three years later after his parents divorce, she refused to talk about him. She never mentioned him anymore, never participated in a conversation about him, got rid of all his things he gave to her, and refused to do anything that reminded her of him."

"It made us think they were secretly dating before and didn't tell us. Or just a casual hookup kinda thing. But we never really found out." Logan said.

"So we all just kinda stopped talking about him around her. It was obvious she didn't want to so we left it at that." Devin continued.

"We all assumed the same thing for years. They had a thing, but they broke up or ended whatever they had when he moved away. But after the way their interaction went when he came back leads me to believe they don't exactly hate each other..." Logan said.

"Huh. Who knew." I said taking a drag on my cigarette.

"I guess only Asia does." Logan said.

So was that why she was so weird about the motorcycle? Cause he rides them?

I told myself I didn't care, but I knew I was lying.

I am going to figure her out.

Asia's POV

I was uncertain about the whole situation with Jackson. But as we were riding on his motorcycle, all I could think about was Dallas and how I wished we were going three times over the speed limit.

I hated it at the time but oh my God! I missed it! The thrill, the suspense, all of it. I wanted it again. I felt so free!

I know the things Logan, Devin and Charlie say about me and Jackson. They're all wrong. But I just let them talk. I'm sure they've told Dallas everything by now. If he brings it up I don't think I'll hide it.

There's a reason.

I just don't like to talk about it.

Not because it's bad, but because it's... awkward. Jackson and I are cool and close, but whenever it's mentioned I wanna die on the spot.

Jackson dropped me off at school and walked me inside. It was earlier than I would have normally gotten to school, but at least I had someone to talk to.

Jackson walked me to my locker and we talked for a bit. I caught him up on everything. The first bell rang and Charlie, Devin, Logan and Dallas walked up.

"Are you supposed to be here?" Logan asked.

"This'll be my new school as of Monday. Gettin' a glimpse of the place." He said.

I laughed. "I'll see ya later." I said closing my locker.

"You want a ride home, darlin'? We can get dinner after."

"Sure. See ya at 2:30." I said.

"See ya, guys." He said to everyone else.

There was a collection of "goodbyes" to Jackson as he walked away.

"When we saw Jackson this morning we figured it would be more awkward between you guys." Devin said.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, dully.

"I dunno. After he left-" Logan started.

"After he left, there was nothing to say about him. Get your stories straight." I said angrily.

I walked to my first hour and realized...

People are gonna talk about me — not always the truth — and they're always gonna have an opinion. I won't always know what everyone thinks about me.

I'm always gonna be uncertain about something.

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