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Asia's POV

Jenna stripped down in the kitchen and put on a bathing suit. "Y'know there are three other guys, possibly a fourth one who live here? You can't do that in the open. And it's September. The pools cold." I said.

"One, it'll give them something to look at." She said with a wink. I laughed. "Two, exactly. It's almost time for the pool to close so I gotta get it in while I can. Then it's nine months of cold and snow and no pool."

"Sometimes I feel like we're only friends, 'cause I hang around hot guys and stay at a house with a pool."

She laughed. "Hey, my parents are rich, but not pool and ten thousand extra rooms rich."

We both laughed.

Jenna ran outside and got in the pool. She screamed when the cold water hit her body. I couldn't help, but grin.

"Asia, we're going downtown today with Dallas, you wanna come?" Charlie said, leaning over the railing.

"Umm... I'll pass." I said.

"Come on, bring Jenna. It'll be fun." He drawled.

"Charlie, I don't wanna go."

"Alright. We're leaving in five." He said running back to his room so I couldn't offer him a rebuttal.

"Jenna!" I yelled walking outside. "Charlie's making me go downtown with him and the guys. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I've adjusted to the water. I'll be here." She said, floating in the pool.

"Alright. Don't drown while I'm not here." I said with a laugh as I closed the door.

I went upstairs and got ready quickly. I went back downstairs until the guys were ready to go.

"Asia, let's go!" Devin yelled.

"I'm already ready to go!" I yelled back.

We all walked out the front door and the guys all took the lead. We made it to the downtown area and I pulled the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket along with my lighter.

"Pass me one." Devin said.

I tossed him a cigarette and he quickly lit it. I covered the cigarette from the wind and lit it. I shook my hand as the flame burned it a bit.

"Asia, you got something you wanna show Dallas?" Charlie asked.

I looked up. "Huh?" I asked out of confusion.

"Yeah, y'know." Devin continued.

"I don't think I have anything I wanna show anyone." I said biting down on the cigarette so it didn't fall out of my mouth.

"Whatcha talking about?" Devin asked. "You showed us when we met you."

I stared at them all blankly. "I don't understand."

"They're talking about your scars. The ones you got from Detroit." Logan said.

"Wait, what? You want me to just strip down to show you lines on my body?" I asked, rudely.

"Come on, show me." Dallas begged.

"Absolutely not. Are you insane?"

"You showed me the second I met you." Charlie said. "Remember, back of the cop car?"

"Yeah, I was twelve. I wanted to make friends in any way possible. If that's how I had to do it, that's how I had to do it."

"Come on, it's just one more person." Charlie drawled.

"Yeah, well it's just one more person for now. Then it'll turn into one more after that. Then the cycle continues."

"Man up and show him your arm." Charlie said.

"See, that's where you're wrong. I'm not a man and I won't be "man-ing up." Your comment was unnecessary and I'm going home." I said.

I flicked my finger on his forehead and took another drag on my cigarette as I started my way back to Logan's house.

What a pig.

Dallas' POV

"I'll get it out of her eventually. God, she's a lot of work sometimes." Charlie said rolling his eyes.

"She's a girl, whaddya expect?" Devin asked.

"Oh yeah? Says the guy who has a big fat crush on her." Charlie teased.

Logan laughed as Devin tackled him to the ground. Charlie flew his cigarette to the grass patch on the sidewalk. "I guess I should probably stop them." Logan mumbled.

Logan, hesitantly, went up to Devin and grabbed him. He got in between the two and they tried to get back at each other, but Logan stopped them. I figured this wasn't a rare occurrence and he knew what he was doing.

"Come on, you guys. Let's keep walking and not kill each other." He said.

They glared at each other and we continued on.

Asia's POV

I stormed in the door and Jenna was still out by the pool. "I hate everyone!" I yelled, slamming the back door.

"What did Charlie do now?" She said still floating in the pool with her sunglasses on.

"He tried to get me to show the other guy, uhh... Dallas... my fucking scars! I hate him!"

"I told you, boys are pigs." She said, calmly.

"Don't you think I fucking know that? But these pigs are what's keeping me alive. But the comments he made were so unnecessary. I thought he knew better!" I yelled.

"Obviously he didn't." Jenna said standing up in the shallow end of the pool.

"Thanks, Jenna. You're a real friend." I said, sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you want me to say. Kick him in the nuts and move on." She said with a grin.

I couldn't help, but laugh. "Good idea." I said, going back inside.

I wasn't actually gonna go and do anything to him, but Jenna is so bad at giving advice, I would move back in with dad before I took it. It was simply easier for me to just agree and leave.

I hope this Dallas guy doesn't stick around for long. I have a bad feeling about him.

But I really was planning on giving Charlie a piece of my mind.

It's completely unnecessary and irrelevant to bring that up at a time like he did. Fuck him.

I hate him, but I know I'll be fine by tomorrow.

God, why can't my life just be normal?

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