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Asia's POV

I hated this.

I had to take my jacket off. It was soaked. It's cold outside. I didn't think I'd have to take my jacket off; so, I wore an old shirt. It shows my stomach slightly and it's sleeveless.

To top it all off, it's red.

I can only imagine what people will think.

I was just gonna tell everyone I was going home then head to the train station to buy that eight o' clock ticket.

I sighed as I was preparing for the embarrassment I was bound to feel.

I tried to dry my jacket off the best I could before going out. Then I saw Cindy in my spot. I rolled my eyes. Great.

I walked up behind the booth and prepared myself to tell Dallas I was leaving.

"I'm sorry, Cindy, but can we please just have another waitress." Ponyboy said.

"You guys..." She said sadly.

"Cindy! Get off me!" Dallas yelled.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She said scooting over.

"That means get up and get us someone else." Dallas said sternly.

"Are you kidding me?" She yelled angrily. "God you're ridiculous! You're all ridiculous! I've been waiting on you hand and foot for seven months! I get shit!"

"That's your job." Dallas said.

I couldn't help, but grin. "Why don't you notice me! I wear my hair nice every time I know you're coming in! I put on the nicest perfume! I've been waiting for you to just ask me out!" Cindy yelled at Dallas.

The whole table was silent. "Maybe we should get a new waitress..." Johnny said.

She screamed and stood up. She went to turn around and storm off, but I was in her way.

"You! Y-you ruined it! It's so unfair!" She yelled, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

"Life's unfair." I said dully. She scoffed and crossed her arms. "You think I'm scared of you or something?"

"No, but you can at least feel bad." She huffed.

I couldn't help, but laugh. "Yeah. Ok. I've been through too much to feel bad for someone like you." I said.

She looked me up and down. She swallowed. "Whatever. Fuck all of you." She said, clearly annoyed.

I sat down and sighed. "Sorry we didn't believe ya, Dal." Sodapop said.

"I told y'all months ago she was after me. Fell right for her trap."

"She seemed so sweet." Ponyboy said.

He didn't respond. "Dally, I'm gonna head back to the hotel." I muttered.

"No, look. I can fix this. We'll get someone else."

"Ok, but if everyone in this God forsaken town is after you, I just wanna leave."

"No. I swear, she's the last one I know of."

I sighed.

"Hey, guys. Is everything ok?" An old man asked coming up to the table.

"Yeah." I said.

"No." Dallas said at the same time as me. "No, everything's not ok. Cindy? She's insane. She doesn't take any of her order, spills two drinks on her on purpose, gets her ass up on me, throws a screaming fit, and says "fuck you" just before she storms off." Dallas said quickly.

The man looked at me. "I'm so sorry. I'll make sure this is taken care of. I'm Mr. Montgomery, the owner. I'll be taking your guys' orders if y'all still wanna stay." He said taking out a pen and paper.

Dallas looked at me. "I'll stay..." I muttered, even though I really just wanted to go home.

"Alright. What can I get y'all?" He asked.

Everyone went around saying their order and I went last.

I know life's unfair. But sometimes it just seems so wildly unfair . Like I think everything's against me. Every moment since I was born everything seemed to be against me.

Four more days...

We all got our food and all I managed to do was pick at it. Dallas was right. I do have a pessimistic attitude.

But how could I not?

Darry paid for all of us and I went my own separate way. Dallas followed me. "I didn't know she would do that." He started, "she's never made a move and I was never about to do anything. I didn't really think she'd ever have the guts."

"It's ok. Stuff happens." I said dully.

"I know you're just saying that." He said.

"Yeah. I am. But I understand. This is the last girl, right?" I asked with a small grin.

"I think so. Even if there are more, I'll tell them to fuck off."

I laughed. "Alright. Where to now?" I asked.

Dallas and I walked around for a bit and the next few days went by quickly. I spent a lot of time with Sylvia and Dallas. Dallas tried to get me to stay with him at Bucks, but I wasn't having it. I told him every night I wanted to stay at the hotel.

A lot of time spent with Sylvia was at night and my time with Dallas was spent more during the day and afternoon. We went to the drive in one time. I also ran into Cherry while I was walking by myself one morning. We didn't talk much, but there was a simple "hi" as we walked by along with a "How are you?"

But then it was Thursday. The train leaves today. I woke up at eight o'clock on the dot. It leaves in four hours. Dallas and I went into Bucks. It was empty, because it was morning.

"So are you leaving?" He asked quietly.

"I'm so sorry, Dally. I'm not happy here. It's just not for me." I said.

"Alright. I get it. I tried. I really did. I'll get that money for ya by noon."

"I don't need your money." I said, looking down.

"I said I'd get you it; so, I'll get it for ya."

"I swear. I have money. Two hundred is a lot. I'm ok, I swear."

"If I remember correctly, I acted on impulse and said I'd give you four hundred."

"Where are you gonna get four hundred dollars from?"

"I was gonna borrow it from Buck."

"Dallas, I don't want it."

"Go get ready to go. I'll get this shit together."

"Dally..." I muttered.

"Bye." He said sarcastically as he gently pushed me to the door. "I'll meet you at the train station fifteen minutes before noon."

I gave up arguing. "Fine. I'll see ya." I said with a slight smile.

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