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Asia's POV

"Asia? Are we gonna be ok?" She asked.

"Make minimal noise. I'm gonna call Dallas. He'll come get us." I whispered.

We walked for a minute or two before I found a phone on the side of the road. I called Logan's home phone.

"Hello?" Someone asked.

"Dallas?" I responded, hoping it was him.

"No. Devin. Who is this?"

I sighed. "Devin, it's Asia. I need to talk to Dallas. Please." I begged.

I heard him groan and hand the phone over. "Hello?" Dallas asked.

"Dally? It's Asia. I need your help."

"What's up, darlin'?" He asked.

"Jenna and I are stuck over by North Hollow Road and Sarack. Can you come get us?" I whispered.

"What the hell are you two doing over there?" He asked in shock.

"Long story." I whispered. "Please just hurry. I'm nervous. It's so... so... unsound over here."

"I'll be there in ten minutes. Hide somewhere until I get there."

"Ok..." I muttered. I hung up. I looked at Jenna. "Hide. Hide wherever you can. And whatever you do... do not enter an alley way. No matter how safe it seems, it's not. They're creepy, gang hangouts, with unsound motives. Do NOT go in one."

"No alleys. Got it." She whispered. Her voice was shaking.

I lead the way. I looked for a building that would have been open, but it's too late at night for any place to be open down here.

I froze in my tracks as soon as I heard the loud boom echo through the streets. Jenna did too. We heard it again.

"Run..." I muttered. "Run! Run!" I screamed.

Jenna and I took off, running faster than we've ever run before.

"Jenna!" I yelled. "Run in zig-zags! Stay in the middle of the road!" I screamed.

"What?" She yelled back with sobs in between her breaths.

"Run! In! Zig-zags!" I yelled. "It's harder to hit you with a bullet if you don't run in a straight path!" I screamed. "Stay in the center of the road! Do not touch the sidewalks!" I repeated.

"Ok." She sobbed.

It was hard to give her instructions on how to survive when we were in the middle of death valley.

We ran for what seemed like forever, but it couldn't have been more than thirty seconds.

"Asia! Look!" She pointed. "There's a light at the end of the alley way!" She yelled. "It must be a bar or something we could hide in!"

Without my response she ran towards it.

"JENNA! NO!" I screamed. I tried to catch up to her, but I was out of breath. "Jenna!" I yelled as loud as I could.

She ran through.

I ran up to the alley way, but kept a long distance from the entrance of the small, narrow alley. "Jenna?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

I heard a blood curdling screech come from in between the walls. "FUCK!" I yelled.

Throwing all my rules about areas like this away, I attempted to run in the alley way to get her, but I was stopped by the piercing pain on my torso. I fell over and scraped my cheek as I hit the pavement.

I looked down. Blood gushed from my stomach. More than I've ever seen in my life.

My scream started off as a small whimper, but quickly grew to violent sobs. I tried to stand up, but my world was getting blurry.

I could hear Jenna screaming my name from the other side of the tunnel of darkness. I needed to get up and help her, but my body just simply couldn't take it.

I heard mens voices. Ones I didn't recognize. I couldn't see anything. Someone was yelling. I crawled over to the wall and waited desperately for this nightmare to be over.

For this unsound night to end.

"Jenna..." I mumbled.

I leaned against the wall next to the alley way, praying this wasn't the end.

Tires screeched from what seemed like miles away.

Jenna's sobs no longer were in my ear.

No bullets we're being shot.

Was I dead?


I had no idea.

But I still had this gut wrenching pain on my stomach.

I opened my eyes. Things were less blurry. I was still on the street. My blood poured out onto the sidewalk.

I pressed my hand to my stomach in hopes to stop the bleeding.

I closed my eyes and hoped someone would find me soon.

After what seemed like forever, I heard a group of people yelling my name. Some I'm front of me, some to the left of me. They sounded familiar, but I couldn't match a face to them.

"Asia!" Someone called out. I turned to the side and saw Dally. "Asia! Oh my fucking God, let's go. Why are you just sitting here."

"I-" I started to talk, but I just couldn't. I was shocked. I was in pain. I was confused.

"Get up! Come on! Logan, Charlie, Jackson and Devin are searching for you. We gotta get outta here. Where's Jenna? Wasn't she with you?" He said, quickly.

I tried to talk. I tried to tell him everything. I really did. But I couldn't.

"Asia! Let's go!" He yelled.

He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up. I let out a cry and let all my tears fall out. It hurt like hell.

I moved my hand and looked up at him. "I can't..." I muttered.

"Fuck... fuck, fuck, fuck! Ok, hang on." Dallas bent down and put his hand over it. "Where's Jenna?" He asked.

"I dunno..." I muttered. "Someone grabbed her." I said through a wave of sobs.

"Dammit. Ok. Come on. We gotta go." Dallas said.

He grabbed my legs and picked me up. "Can you walk?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said, knowing it hurt to do so.

He set me down and I collapsed, but I didn't let it stop me. I bolted as fast as I could to find Jenna, but he grabbed me pretty quickly.

"Asia! Knock it off! We can come back for her later! You're gonna die if we don't get you to a hospital!" He yelled.

"There won't be a later! I don't need a hospital. I'll be fine! I can do it myself!" I screamed.

He grabbed my face to keep my still. "Asia, listen to me. It's either you or her. We gotta go." He whispered.

My hands were on his wrists as his hands were still on my face, trying to keep myself stable. "I need her..." I muttered.

He gave me a look of sympathy. Blood was smeared all over us. I tried to run again, but he grabbed me again. This time hurt a little bit more than the last, as my stomach wound wasn't exactly small.

"I'm sorry in advanced for this..." He mumbled.

"Huh?" I asked, out of confusion.

He grabbed my legs and picked me up, pressing his hand hardly into my side.

I let out a scream right before I couldn't see anything anymore.

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