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Asia's POV

I walked faster towards the door which seemed to be a mile away at this point.

He slapped my arm and I hit him across the face. "Leave me alone!" I yelled just as we were at the door.


Dominick started to talk, but I didn't hear the rest of what he had to say as someone else grabbed me. They got a tight grip on my wrist and pulled me behind them.

"She said leave her alone, what do you not understand about that?" He said trying to intimidate Dominick.

It worked.

It took me a moment to realize I knew him. "Dallas?" I asked excitedly.

"Hey, doll." He said slowly turning to face me while still glaring at Dominick.

He hugged me and I hugged back. "What are you doing here?" I asked in shock. "I thought you'd be in California by now."

"Change of plans. Turns out it's not so bad down here." We both laughed.

"Seven." The guy at the front said to the hostess.

"Eight. Make it eight." Dallas said.

"Oh, I won't intrude. We can catch up later." I said.

"You're not intruding if I invite you." Dallas said.

"Alright. Eight." The guy at the front said.

The girl took us to our table and we all crammed in the booth in the corner.

"Who's this?" One of the guys asked Dally.

"I'm Asia and I can talk for myself." I said for Dallas shaking the guys hand.

"I like her already." The one with the tattoo said. "Steve Randle. Nice to meet ya." He continued. "In order, we've got Ponyboy, Darrel, Two-Bit, me, Sodapop, Johnny and Dallas."

"Interesting..." I mumbled.

"Average first reaction." Ponyboy, I think, said.

"You must get that a lot. You and... Sodapop? I didn't mean to speak my thoughts out loud. Sorry 'bout that."

"We get used to get it a lot. But once people know us it's pretty normal."

"I like it." I said with a slight grin.

"So what's the deal?" Dallas asked. "Why are you here? How are you here? Who was that?"

"Why am I here? Well, back home, my life is so... unamused. That's probably the best word to describe it. I'm miserable."

"What about Jenna? You have her at least."

"Where'd you get that idea from?" I asked crossing my arms with a small grin.

The server came over and asked what we wanted to drink, interrupting my train of thought.

"I dunno. I figured you guys were still friends." Dallas said.

"We would be if they found her. After some time and a lot of money later, they never found her. Not one trace. Case went cold."

"Really?" He asked.

"Unfortunately..." I muttered.

"Shit. I figured they would have. I'm sorry."

I shrugged it off. "It's whatever. I spent days, weeks, probably even months out there during the day trying to find anything. There was absolutely no trace." I said, softly. "Logan, Devin, Charlie, Jackson and I were all separated. Devin's mom got custody, Jackson's dad took him back, Logans life was normal and Charlie and I were put in homes. That guy I was screaming at was my foster brother." I said miserably.

He groaned. "He looks like an asshole."

"He is an asshole. He acted like we were dating when nobody was around. It was ridiculous. He can tell those bitches "taking care of me" good riddance and I'm not coming back." I said.

"Hey, at least you can walk. After that hit you took, I figured you'd be in the hospital for months with something worse." He said.

I laughed. "Oh, I was in there for a while. A lot of physical therapy while I was there, but then we had to get to court cases." I said getting sadder as I continued. "But look! They fixed the other seven!" I said laughing.

I pulled up my shirt slightly to see the four tiny scars and the one large one. I heard whoever was next to Dally gasp.

"And..." I continued. I pulled off my jacket and showed him my arms. "Who knows they heal nicely when they're done professionally?" I said, laughing.

"Wow. It's almost like someone told you to get them done by a real doctor! Crazy!"

The waitress came back and took our orders and I finally got my chicken noodle soup. I updated Dallas — and his friends — on my life and then I went back and filled in some missing details.

But I decided to leave some parts out about Dallas' and I's relationship.

I wasn't sure if he wanted me telling his friends about how we fucked and he told me he loved me.

God, I almost forgot he said that.

And I said it back...

Part of me hoped he didn't remember it and we'd never have to talk about it. But he called me doll and hugged me.

I had to stop over thinking this.

"Asia, you ok?" Dally asked.

"Yeah, just zoned out for a moment." I said blinking away everything I had been thinking.

"So what caused you to come down here?" Dallas asked.

"Well, after the restraining order ended, I visited Charlie at his fancy-ass school and he said he was leaving in nine, now eight, days to Texas. So I was gonna go with him. He said I should wait till I'm an adult, but I can't wait that long. I've been through hell and back. I'm not waiting any longer."

"So you gonna head down there?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am..." I mumbled. "But I likely will be staying in, wherever I am now, until I'm certain Charlie has a place to stay."

"Did you not bring anything with you?" He asked.

"Nah, it's in a hotel room."

"Come on. Let's go get it." He said pushing me out and standing up next to me.

"And put it where?" I asked.

"My place. You think I'm just gonna let you stay in a hotel?" He asked grabbing a cigarette out of his pocket.

"Alright. Let's go." I said with a slight laugh.

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