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Asia's POV

Two in the morning, I wasn't too tired, but I arrived in Tulsa. A place I never thought I'd ever see again.

I didn't even know where to start. I had three hours till I had to be back here. I wanted to be here fifteen minutes early.

It made me nervous how little time I had. Dallas could be anywhere. He could be asleep at some random girls house for all I know.

I decided to go to the bar he stayed at. It had to be a good bet he'd be there. Right?

If not I was giving up.

I left my stuff on the bottom of the steps and knocked on the door.

I took a breath as Buck opened the door. "Can I help ya?" He asked.

"Is Dallas here?" I asked.

He turned around slightly and smacked someone on the back of the head. It took me a moment to realize it was Dallas. He rubbed the back of his head and look over at me.

He squinted as I stood their awkwardly waiting for him to respond. I hoped desperately he wasn't about to tell Buck to slam the door in my face like he did with Sylvia.

The suspense was unbearable.

To my surprise, he put whatever he was drinking down on the stool next to the door and came outside, slamming it shut.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to say I'm sorry." I said accepting my defeat. "I shouldn't have hit you and argued with you. It was a waste of time and I could have handled that better."

"Is that it?" He asked. "You came all this way just for that?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. It was either here or New York before I throw my life away." I muttered, hoping he wouldn't hear anything after "no."

"Throw your life away? What's that supposed to mean? You aren't gonna do something stupid, are ya?"

"No. But I'm leaving. And I don't wanna come back. I don't know if you remember, but when we were walking back to Logan's one time, I told ya I wasn't sure if I just didn't like where I've lived so far or I was just never gonna be satisfied with where I lived... I realized it's the second one."

I laughed slightly. "So I guess I dunno where I'm gonna end up, but it's not gonna be anywhere I've stayed before. So I realize I fucked everything  up before I left and I'm sorry, but I wanna say goodbye, because even if you hate me, you helped me a lot through life." I said.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry for everything too. I know I've owed ya that apology a while ago..."

I grinned. "Thanks."

"So where ya heading to first ya think?"

"California. Train leaves at five AM. So I've got three-ish hours till I've gotta be there."

"Wow. Long way. You sure you're up for it?"

I shrugged. "I'll figure it out. California's not the end goal, but it's as far away from New York as I can get. And right now that's all I want."

"Well, good luck. I wish you the best." He said with a slight grin.

I managed to return the smile. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. I felt the sad pain in my chest all over again.

I sighed and we both went out separate ways.

I didn't look back.

I decided, since I had time to kill, I'd go sit in the lot down the street. I prayed I wasn't gonna fall asleep.

My prayers were not answered. I sat down for no more than a second and I was out like a light bulb.

I woke up and it was still dark outside. I saw a star in the sky and panicked when I realized I was asleep. I grabbed my stuff as quickly as I could and I bolted out of the lot.

I stopped at a street light and it was flashing a red hand telling me to stop and wait for cars. I glanced at a clock. It read 4:49.

I looked quickly and ran faster than I was running before. I had eleven minutes to buy that ticket and get on the train.

I ran faster than I've ever ran before and I was there by 4:54.

I sighed as I got in line.

Thank God.

Dallas' POV

"Thanks, man. See ya, later." I said to Buck.

"See ya." He said closing the door behind him. It was almost 4:45 in the morning and Buck closed up about an hour ago.

I sighed. Asia leaves in fifteen minutes.

I wished I had more time with her. If I didn't drink as much as I did and I was in my right mind, I would have talked to her more. I had three hours.

She looked the exact same from the last time I saw her. I could see her eyes clear as day, even with only the red light illuminating the area. Her hair blew in the slight breeze as she barely had to try to keep it out of her face.

I'm gonna regret this later.

I had fifteen minutes.

I'm kidding myself.

I don't know if I've ever ran faster in my life, but I was determined to get to the train station before five.

I hope she hasn't gotten on yet.

Worst case scenario, I get on with her.

This girl's gonna be the death of me.

Asia's POV

I waited behind the woman in front of me and she was going painfully slow. Maybe I was just overthinking it and I was worried I wasn't gonna get on the train in time.

"Here, you can go in front of me. I can't find my wallet." The woman said.

"Oh, thank you." I said gratefully. "I need a one-way ticket to Los Angeles." I said out of breath, as I got my money out.

Just then, I was cut off by someone yelling my name. "Asia!"

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