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Asia's POV

Jenna got out of the pool and dried off in the kitchen. My day seemed to go by super slow. Dallas was hanging around all day and I had a feeling he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

I went to bed hoping that this day was just a bad dream.

I always wake up around 2-3 in the morning. My natural body clock is just around that time. Lately it's been more towards three.

But I normally take this time to do my homework, because I'm too lazy to do it during the day. I also eat and get a moment of silence.

I live with three, now four guys. There is no such thing as quiet.

I pulled out my math book and started trying to figure out what the hell imaginary numbers are.

For real though, the whole concept doesn't make sense.

I almost quit after finishing the fourth problem. But the dimmed light illuminating the small portion of the kitchen quickly turned into a bright light.

I looked over towards the light switch and I realized my dream wasn't really a dream.

"The fuck? It's three in the morning. What are you doing down here?" I asked Dallas.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said keeping it vague.

"Turn the lights down. It's so bright." I complained.

"How am I supposed to see what I'm eating?" He asked turning around and glaring at me.

"I dunno. Don't eat at three in the morning?"

"I live here, too, y'know." Dallas said.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I muttered.

I slammed my math book shut and went upstairs. I hoped Dallas knew I was annoyed with him coming down. I want him to know I was mad.

So far I've been unimpressed with how he's been acting.

First trying to catch me off guard and trying to hit me? Then wanting to see the scars on my body?

Actually, that second one could have very much been Charlie trying to act cool in front of the new guy.

But then coming down here and being a complete and total asshole!

I had a feeling my life was about to turn to shit within second.

Dallas' POV

I looked at the clock. It blinked 3:04. I groaned and got up. It's weird staying at a new place. I decided to go downstairs and get something to eat. Logan said the house is mine, too; so, I guess that means food at three in the morning is acceptable.

As I walked into the foyer I noticed there was a small light already coming from the kitchen. I turned it up more and went to the fridge.

Asia was sitting at the kitchen counter writing stuff that looked to be math.

She got mad at me for turning the lights up, but I wanted to see who was down here.

She doesn't seem to like me very much.

She almost looked unimpressed.

I guess my first impression wasn't a very good one. Hell, I know it wasn't. But I guess I should try to get on good terms with her.

After all, we're gonna be living here in the same place for a while.

Asia's POV

I tried to go to bed, but my thoughts kept me awake. Most of them consisted on how I could avoid Dallas for the rest of the time I stayed here, but none of them seemed to work out.

There's was something about him...

Something that lured me to him, but at the same time told me to avoid him.

It was too much for one night.

I woke up the next morning and I waited in my room for a good hour before I went downstairs. I had hoped maybe the guys went out to do something, but I heard footsteps downstairs.

I accepted my fate and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Asia." Devin said.

"Hi." I muttered.

"Something happen?" He asked.

He must have noticed the restlessness in my voice. "Nah, just a long night. Couldn't get any sleep." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Mhmm... ok." He said turning back around to the fridge.

"Why'd ya say it like that?" I asked with a laugh.

"Cause I don't believe you." He said shoving a piece of cheese in his mouth.

I gagged at his messiness. "Where's Charlie?" I asked.

"He went out with Dallas and Logan for breakfast. You weren't awake so I offered to stay home and make you breakfast." He said.

I grinned. "Thanks." I stopped for a second. "If I tell ya something, will you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked.

"They don't call me the secret keeper for nothing." He said with a cheesy wink.

I laughed. "How do you feel about Dallas?" I asked.

"I dunno. He seems like a cool guy."


"Yeah. Why?"

"I dunno." I started. "I just get the off feeling with him. And it's not necessarily bad but... it's not good. Like he's not like you, Logan or Charlie, but maybe that's a good thing?" I groaned. "My thoughts are getting ahead of me." I said, stopping myself.

"Nah, I get it. I wish I could help, I really do. But maybe you should talk to Jenna about it? Isn't there some woman's intuition thing that goes on in y'all?"

I laughed. I always appreciated his willingness to help. Even if it wasn't very good. Or if it was just because he had a thing for me.

Whatever it was, it was sweet and I appreciated it.

"She won't understand. I love her to death, but there are just some things that she and I will always disagree with. Especially when it comes to guys..." I mumbled.

He started to cook the eggs. "I get it. Well, not really. But whatever happens, I hope everything goes well."

"Thanks." I mumbled.

Yeah. Devin definitely only tried to help because of his crush on me. But I still appreciated it in the weirdest way possible.

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