4. Wrong Choice

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The next morning, I woke up and saw her in my arms, snuggling. I smiled a bit and slowly tried to sit, but I noticed that she is unknowingly holding my t-shirt in her fist. Her knuckles were slightly white as she held my T-shirt.

A bad dream?

I gently plucked her hand from my t-shirt down and came out of the tent. The sun had risen as regular, I stretched a bit and looked around. There was no one around as usual. I suddenly heard a shuffling sound from behind which made me turn back and saw Samantha crawling out of the tent.

"Good morning, Sam!" I greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning!", She replied, sounding a bit low. It made me doubt if she is okay or not. Her voice was weak and low as compared to yesterday.

I reached near her and checked on her, I gently placed my hand at the crook of her neck and she flinched in response, but I realized that she is sick.

"What?", She asked in her weak voice. I shook my head and replied, "Congratulations Sam, you're sick!"

She let out a giggle before she commented, "You informed me like I'm pregnant."

I stifled my laugh and smiled at her whilst holding her hand, walking her to the car. I made her sit on the co-driver's seat and left everything there except the pillows and blanket.

She didn't utter a word and sat silently on the seat. I started my car after glancing at her once again and pressed the accelerator with all the power I had which made the car speed up.

"What is it really?" She weakly mumbled. I looked at her and replied, "I told you to stay close but you didn't hear me!", I taunted her with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't comfortable with sleeping way too close to my newbie friend." She scoffed and averted her eyes outside the car.

I could have argued with her but she was sick and I didn't want her to be troubled. We soon reached home and I helped her to rest in one of the rooms of my house where there is no trace of blood.

She squirmed whenever she saw blood so, the last thing I wanted was her complaining about the blood which I didn't bother to clean since I was banished here.

Samantha's pov-

He was behaving very differently from last night. Last night, I felt that he wrapped his arms around me and we basically cuddled to keep each other, especially me, warm. Yet, I caught a cold and got sick.

I'm feeling very awkward and nervous to face him after last night but let's give a round of applause to my fate that I'm currently living in a world that consists of two people, Kai Parker and I.

I noticed that he didn't bicker with me over small baseless things which never mattered. He glanced at me now and then in the car which gave me an anxiety attack internally. It's not even a whole 24 hours being friends and we slept whilst cuddling.

Who cuddles with a new friend? I was arguing with myself inside my mind and guess what? I lost the fight. But it means that I won the argument too. So, did I win or lose?

Ever since we arrived home, he took care of me delicately. He didn't even allow me to walk around the house for my convenience. I've heard him humming in the kitchen from Josette's room.

Yes, he kept me in Josette's room because it was the cleanest room in the entire house. I looked around and noticed that Josette was a just like normal teen girl with many posters and famous 90s magazines lying on the floor. I wonder what her music taste would be like.

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