9. Mending the broken

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It was no one but one and only, Kai Parker. I saw him after the whole week, and he did change a bit. He had faint dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept peacefully since we both parted ways. He had a scratch mark on his cheek which looked like he got into a fight or maybe hurt himself.

My breath shuddered with his presence. All the memories we spent together rushed through my mind and suddenly, A memory of him leaving me in the woods flashed. I got abandoned that day. He played with my feelings and fooled me until he got back and now he has that audacity to show up again.

His eyes were glinting as he pulled up a wide smile. "Hi, Sam. Missed me?", He beamed. I took a step back while asking, "What are you doing here?"

He looked down while blushing, if he really is, and looked up right into my eyes while childishly fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"I missed you, Butterfly.", He mumbled and stepped forth.

I took one step back again and rolled my eyes because it was hard for me to believe him as I commented, "You must be bored." He laughed and flailed his hands before he replied, "Oh, You know me so well Sam, But no."

I got a chill in my spine and strode past him to open the door but he stopped me by holding my hand and pulling me back.

My back bumped into his chest as he got hold of my hand. He held my hand with a gentle yet firm grip and brushed it across his cheek while he held my other hand and forcefully intertwined it with his hand. I felt a scar under my fingertips when he made me touch his face.

I wanted to see him, his scar. "You're looking beautiful... I haven't seen you like this before." He whispered near my neck and came closer to the crook of my neck maybe to smell the perfume I wore.

I realized that one of my hands is still on his cheek while the other one was intertwined with his. I took my hands from his grip and stood apart whilst adjusting my jacket and hair. 

My eyes were still wide open and not daring to blink because I still felt like he is just a figment of my imagination or maybe I'm drunk. I pointed to his cheek and hesitantly asked, "What happened there?"

He touched the scar himself and chuckled, "That... That was nothing, don't worry!" I simply nodded and sat on the bed, resting my head on my hands as I mumbled, "What are you doing here, just tell me for real!"

He shook his head with a smile and sat beside me, too close. I sensed that his hips were too close to mine so I shifted a bit. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw me shifting from him. He muttered, "I missed you and wanted to mend our friendship so I thought, why don't I stop by and say hi to you."

Unexpectedly, he caressed my cheek with a sigh to stroke the blush a bit with his thumb afterward. 

I looked at him with awe for a while before I stood up to open the door. He held my hand again, and pulled me back on the bed, "Why are you running away from me?"

"Because I don't feel right being inside the room with a stranger!", I retorted and tried taking my hand from his but failed.

His face dropped into a frown and I saw his jaw clench. His grip on my hand didn't loosen up but grew stronger. "Strang- Stranger? That's all I am to you now?", He asked while facing me with a tense look.

"Yeah, you look like one!", I mumbled before standing up. His hand dangled as he held my hand with a firm grip, not willing to leave me.

"I have to go and find Jeremy. I don't have any time to waste on you, Now leave my hand!", I rebuked, sternly.

He then left my hand and stood behind me before he mumbled, "Fine, Go on!"

His voice was low and broken but I could feel mischief hidden in his reply. I knew that I hurt him in some way but he deserved it for leaving me.

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