15. Something epic is going to happen

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It's been the whole week since I got abducted by Kai Parker. The first day caught me off guard when he took care of me like I'm some sort of fragile Princess. He didn't let me do the dishes or anything related to water. He knew that water might irritate my abrasive wrist.

How thoughtful! Sarcasm intended.

On the next day, He started to act weirder than before. He became overprotective all of the sudden. He even knocked numerous times on my bathroom door when I was inside, taking shower to make sure that I am okay.

On the third day, He let me out to stroll outside the house, but he kept my limits inside the boundary wall. I wasn't allowed to run or even try to escape. Whenever he let me out of the house, He keeps an eye on me from the window.

On the fourth day, He started to act mean and angry around me. He blamed everything on me for no reason. For example, We were having dinner, and as usual, he was staring at me while I was eating. Just then, He accidentally dropped the plate which broke into many pieces.

He could have asked me for help but he didn't so, I got up to help him pick up the pieces but I think he didn't like the idea of me helping him. He yelled at me and asked me to back off.

That hurts my feelings.

The Fifth day was completely silent. He didn't talk to me for once but took care of me. His silent treatment was worse than his getting mad at me. There was no trace of any residents near the house where Kai kept me hostage.

It was maddening yet my curiosity to know him better was pushing me off the limits or maybe it was because I realized that I had some feelings for him.

The sixth day was a bit better than yesterday. He gently took my bandages from my wrist and changed them into new ones. I noticed his face, Something was certainly wrong with him.

On the seventh day, He left the house after binding me with one spell which didn't allow me to go out or allow any third person to enter the house. I tried to contact my friends, my family, or anyone right at that moment to get help in his absence but it was found that he severed the landline connection.

The day was slow yet painful. He didn't show up the whole day. I picked up the book which he has been reading to me, to finally complete it. And at the end of the day, I did.

I was getting used to being alone now and it stings.

At around ten o'clock, He barged in. He was soaking wet in sweat, panting heavily. I ambled toward him to hold him steady but he shrugged off my hand and glared at me which made me take a few steps back.

"Why are you not sleeping? It's eleven already!", He reprimanded. I avoided his complaint and asked, "Where were you since morning?". He looked at me again with a glare and held my hand by the elbow to drag me back to my room.

This time, I protested and held the door frame. He looked back at me in shock but I didn't stop. I jerked my hand to set it free from his grip and pushed him back.

"What is wrong with you, Kai!", I fumed in anger.

He turned towards me and yelled, "What is wrong with me, Huh?... It's you!... It's always been you. From the very beginning, when I met you in the prison world. The girl who cared for me regardless of what I have done... What did you do to me?"

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