14. On the edge

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Kai's Pov-

As soon as I entered the room, I found her in a startled state. She was avoiding eye contact every time I looked at her. I strode towards her and sat beside her to see If something is wrong. I was aware that something messed up my mind ever since I left her for her good but it didn't do anything good to me.

Several sleepless nights, sudden outbursts for messing up my friendship with Samantha, feeling guilty for Luke's death, etc. ached my heart, or whatever people call it. But ever since I took her with me, I feel like I'm in some sort of paradise or heaven. I see myself as a monster who can't do any good but still crave care from this angel-like Samantha who is sitting beside me, sobbing silently.

Am I expecting too much from my life?

I lifted my hand to wipe her tears but she stopped me by holding my hand. I sighed and took the book that I kept beside me. I knew that she loves reading books so much, so I thought, Why don't I read her, her favorite book? It will give me another reason to spend some time with her.

When the idea of taking her with me crossed my mind, I knew that it won't be easy. She will surely protest it, fight me, and may try to hurt me in every way possible to escape.

"Look, I've got you, your favorite book!", I chirped as I opened the book. She didn't react much but glanced at the book in my hands and then at me. I smiled at her and caressed her face when the frown hovered over her face.

"I know how much you love to read this book.", I muttered cheerfully. A sense of nostalgia washed over my mind when I recalled the prison world days with her.

I adjusted the pillow behind her back and kissed her forehead before starting to read out loud the words written in the book. I wanted to spend every single moment with her until I figure out what is it which is making my heart pound ten times faster when she looks at me with those beautiful brown orbs.

She stayed silent but her eyes were on me the whole time which was making me want to look at her, her eyes.

Damon's Pov-

It's eleven in the morning, we were supposed to be chilling at Elena's lake house but things didn't go as planned. There is no trace of Samantha all of the sudden. No call, no message, not even a note. I was feeling suspicious since last night ever since someone rang the doorbell. Yet, here I am, Pouring myself another glass of bourbon out of panic and cursing myself for not picking up Samantha on my own.

I already informed almost everyone about Samantha being missing but something was pretty unsettling for me. How could she leave us out of nowhere? She would never do this until there is a good reason behind it. I took a swig of bourbon and poured another glass for myself until I heard the door jolt open with a hasty Caroline barging in.

"Any news?", I asked as soon as she launched herself on the couch. She shook her head negatively and replied, "Nothing! But I did find the cab driver who claimed to know her last night. He told me that he dropped her in front of your house and she came inside after paying the fare."

"How could it be possible that she disappeared out of nowhere after that!", I yelled and threw the glass on the wall to which Elena flinched.

Jeremy, who was sitting quietly at the table, hung his head down in disappointment and mumbled, "Like throwing the glass against the wall thing will bring her back!". I did hear his snarky comment but didn't respond to it due to the presence of Elena.

"Calm down Damon, She must be in her hometown. Don't worry, She will be back soon!", Elena mumbled while stroking my arm to ease my anger. I nodded and went towards the table where my phone was kept, leaving Elena.

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