36. Hope

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Trigger warning: Attempt to sexual assault.

Samantha's POV-

Do you know that feeling when you witness something happening in front of your eyes but you're helpless? You can't stop it. And the worst part of the whole incident is that you have to watch it. Every minute detail would print in your mind.

This whole life, a part of me fought for myself and another part of me fought for my brother, who was lying cold on the ground with blood drooling out from his mouth. He was right. I should have left this place the second I learned about the supernaturals' existence.

Not only that, I dated one of them. Sure, I had to face the brutal consequences of it.

I crawled out of the car and staggered towards Adrian. He looked so pale down there. I burst into more tears at this sight. There is a chance that he would wake up in the transition. Maybe he might choose to become one of the vampires but what if he didn't?

I looked around to see if that man was still lurking in the woods. When I felt like no one was looking at us, I placed Adrian's head on my lap and took my phone out of my pocket. My hands were smeared with blood and trembling from fear.

Just like the day when Sean chased you to death.

No, I have to focus. My brother! He is dying.

I wiped my tears, blood smudges on my face but I didn't care. He could be saved. I managed to call Damon with my shivering hands and he picked up right away.

"Samantha? hey!" He sounded low.

"D- Damon, Adrian is not waking up. Our car crashed and some guy gave Adrian his blood and snapped his neck..." I cried. I heard Stefan mumbling something about asking for location.

"Any idea 'bout where you are?" Damon inquired. His voice sounded a bit breathy.

"Um, It's the Covington Road. Damon, I'm s-scared. I'm sorry-" I was amid my denial and panic when my phone fell from my hand and all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain at the nape of my neck.

"Samantha? Hey! What's wrong? What's that noise?" His faint static voice through the phone kept coming until a black boot crushed my phone in pieces. I tried to get myself free but his hold on my neck was too strong. I even tried digging my nails into his wrist until my fingers started feeling moist with blood.

"Here, here, missy." A deep voice came from behind. I tried to turn to the voice to see the face of this evil being but I was failing to do so.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?", I snarled.

I have to think about something.

"That's none of your business for now but as per the news, I've heard that you rejected my lady's offer. That hurts my heart." He drawled as if he was hurt. How strange, It looks like he is rather enjoying it.

My lady? Who it could be?... Oh no, Is he...

"Did Lily send you?", I grumbled under his grip. I have to save my brother. I can't leave him like this. This is all my fault.

I felt his grip on the nape of my neck lose as he replied, "Nah, I just want to surprise her. You know, your boyfriend, what's his name again?... yeah, Kai! He looks out for you but, you had to be the little mortal ungrateful bitch!"

I flinched when he raised his voice out of the blue. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I looked around to see any sign of help but all I found was the deserted road that had an eerie aura. It was making me lose hope in everything faster than normal rate.

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