40. You're Doomed Without Me

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Samantha's POV:

I woke up to the sound of something heavy falling to the ground in the middle of the night. My heartbeat paced up all of a sudden, knowing that no one stayed in my house other than me. It could be an intruder in my house for sure.

I silently got up from my bed and tip-toed towards the door to check if someone was there. I had my phone in my hand, just in case something goes south.

All I got was dead silence. I could hear my own heartbeat now. But very soon, I heard subtle footsteps again. My gut feeling was telling me that something was wrong. Very wrong.

When Adrian and I were kids, we used to play hide and seek. It was a very special kind of hide-and-seek because we never used our eyes to seek the hidden person. We always use our ears and sensing abilities to track where the person is.

Thanks to our wooden floors, it was easy for us to lie down and hear the steps closely through the wooden boards.

So, I crouched down to the floor without making any noise and heard closely. I was right. There is an intruder in my house. And he is currently in the... Living room.

He must be searching for me.

What if, it's the heretics?

But they can't enter my house. They're part vampires too.

Now the footsteps are in the... Kitchen?

I should run.

I slowly stood up and locked the door. The lock made a noticeable audible sound which alerted the intruder because now no more footsteps were muffled. And they were getting louder as the distance was closing between us.

I went into full panic mode and stumbled back with trembling hands, managing to dial anyone's number which appeared in my call log. Before I could tap on that name, the intruder started banging the door. My phone almost fell from my hands.

I still held onto my phone and managed to dial 911 on my dial pad when I heard the sound of the door getting unlocked. My blood ran cold when the door slowly opened, revealing a man in a hood and mask.

This is not how I wanted to die.

The man was wearing black gloves as he took off his mask, revealing his face.

"Mr. Saltzman?"

I was in utter shock. Why would he show up all of a sudden in the midnight, so secretively? Is he on the run?

"Hello, Samantha." His face was expressionless as he greeted me monotonously.

"W-what are you doing here? You scared me." I sputtered in bewilderment. I didn't realize that I was crying until my hands touched my face to wipe out sweat.

He didn't respond to my answer but stepped inside stealthily in my room while looking straight into my eyes. Something is off.

"Where were you all this time? Everyone was worried about you. Y- you weren't even picking up any of our calls." I mumbled. It was true. There was no trace of him after the wedding incident.

He sighed whilst looking down for a second before he replied, "You know, your Kai Parker took everything from me. My wife, my kids, my... Happiness. He ripped me off of everything that comforted me and now he's living his best life."

"I'm sorry about what happened to you. And about Kai, I'm not really sure about it." I reasoned with him while taking a step back. He doesn't look stable in his behavior.

"Don't you think, sorry is too overrated?" He chuckled darkly. His eyes were empty. He looked tired, defeated.

I looked down when he asked me that question. I can't deny it. Sorry is overrated but it is what it is. Sometimes it is much needed and sometimes it's not enough.

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