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I made a mistake
Will you accept a retake?
Even if you don't
Love you I will
Even if you don't
Time will stand still.

Mistakes by Unknown

Chapter 14

Destiny looked in the mirror and wiped her tears. She washed her face and hopped in the shower. She had to get herself together no matter what was happening in her life. She let her hair down and let the steamy water run down her face and body, It felt good.

Shawn hadnt been home in two days and she wondered where he was. "I cnt believe this is happening again" She thought as she stepped out the shower and wrapped herself in her towel. It had been only 6 months total they had been back together and he was slipping back into some of his old ways.

Why did she expect anything less from him? He doesnt disrespect her or call her names but he stays out longer and longer and that hadnt changed. The intimacy they were sharing became less and less frequent. For a man that loved to have sex he obviously was having it with someone because it wasnt with her.

She tried to call him and text him but he didnt answer. She couldnt believe what was happening, she just thought he really was gonna be different. Now it seems like he just did what he had to do to get her back.

She got dressed for the day, they were back in class now. The hands on training was over and it was back to the book work. She was especially sad because she and Cam were no longer friends. He even switched his classes so she only saw him in passing. She saw him everyday as she left and he came in. She deliberately waited just so she could see his face because thats all she had left.


Cam pulled up and parked hoping to see Destiny like he always did. Even though he changed classes so they wouldnt have to interact with each other he still liked seeing her. He got out and walked to his class and she was still in there. He looked over at her when she didnt notice and thought to himself "She looks sad today, I hope everything is ok with her. I should go talk to her. Nah "

He just watched her as she gathered her books and put everything away. She looked up and their eyes met and she smiled. He turned away sat down as she walked away.

Cam thought about her all the time but he wouldnt ever tell her that. He felt like if she wanted him in her life she would reach out. He missed her, he missed talking to her and being her friend. He felt bad like he abandoned her but at the same time, she let him go.

When they made eye contact it made Des feel good. She felt like maybe they still have hope. Today he didnt look at her with anger in his eyes. All she saw today was love and maybe he also noticed her sadness. He was always good at keying into her feelings.

She knew she was stupid to leave,she knew that from the very beginning. What she didnt know is if he would give her another chance. She was ready to be done with Shawn, she wasnt in love with him anymore. She didnt even like him much less love him.

She tried to get things back to how she felt for him before, but it just didnt happen. All she could think about was the love she shared with Cam and how perfect his love was for her. He loved all of her,mind,body and soul. He gave her the confidence she needed to know she was a beautiful and amazing woman.

She wouldnt make the same mistake twice however. She decided to end things with Shawn. She was saving the money he had been giving her and she was looking for a job so she could move out on her own. She planned on selling some of her valuables he bought her along the way.

She was gonna use her bad decision to get herself right. Take time to heal from all she had been through. Well that was her plan at least,when she would do it she hadn't figured that out yet.

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