CHAPTER 25 Make It Right

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Make it right

Cold winter blows and the sun doesnt shine

The leaves are gone summers left with the light

I dont know where this leads to but im stuck on this ride

Into the river

And the deeps

This song gives me the creeps

Repeating nightmare robs me of sleep

Listen to the hallows as the move the night

Out of sight

Make it right

Make It Right by Matt Doe

Chapter 25

Destiny sat in the chair next to Cam as he lay in bed at the hospital. She held his hand as tears streamed down her face. Cam got shot in the chest and the bullet collapsed one of his lungs. He had breathing tubes down his throat and in his chest and they put him in a medically induced coma, at the moment he couldn't breathe on his own.

The doctors said the bullet went all the way through and he lost a lot of blood. They had to do surgery to repair his lungs and stop the bleeding. His vitals signs were going up and down constantly. The doctor said as long as his lungs were able to inflate and his oxygen levels returned to normal they would wean him off the sedation and he would wake up. If the opposite happened then the outcome would be fatal.When they told Destiny that she was devastated. She wish she could take it all back and everything would be back to normal.

She couldn't stand to look at him like that but she had to be by his side. Her job let her have a few days off work but she would have to go back after today because Cam had already been in there 2 days.

The hardest part was explaining it to his mom and aunts. They were shooken up even more than she was of course. His mom was there everyday, just like Des was. She walked around the bed to Destiny.

"Sweety don't cry he will be ok. My baby is strong he will pull through this."

"Its my fault"

"Stop beating yourself up. If that guy is that crazy don't you think he could've followed you anywhere. Do you think he hasn't?."

"I know but, he got hurt protecting me" she said as she cried harder

"Yes, I know that but that's what he wanted to do and I'm sure he would do it all over again."

Des just sat there quietly as Cams mom hugged her and told her he would be ok. She wished she had as much strength and confidence as her but she didn't. Just then the doctors walked in to explain the next steps to them.

"We will slowly reduce his oxygen by 20 at a time and monitor him and see how he reacts. He is at 100 now so the goal is to get him down to at least 40. Each day starting today we will do this until he is where he needs to be. If everything goes well he should be awake in a couple days, ok. Just try to remain positive ok"

"Ok Doc"

The doctor left and the nurses came back in. They asked them to leave the room so they could complete their task.

An hour later the doctor came out to the waiting room to let them know the first step was successful. Cam reacted pretty well and he was stable. They both felt relieved by his progress and they hugged each other.

" You see I told you my son is a fighter. Take care of him while Im gone. I gotta go hun I got a long drive"

"Ok see you tomorrow."

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