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Do you know how it feels to not have you around?

Just constantly feeling down, no smiles just an obvious frown.

I know how bad I made you feel

I know I took for granted, a love that was real.

Your cold demeanor,speaks truth to me

Im so lost without you, my confidence is low, but usually,

What you saw in me,brung light to me

You inspired me, but Now I see

How wrong I was,to lead and decieve you

Believe me, these nights alone aint easy

And seeing your face so close but not being able to touch

Is bad news to me

Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?

Forgive Me,by Renell Gary aka mrznellgary

Chapter 15

Destiny stood at the door and smiled. She couldnt believe she had really done it. She looked at the keys in her hand and opened the door. She walked into the living room,and just looked around. It was empty but it was hers. She just signed the lease this morning and picked up her key.

She got herself a nice one bedroom first floor condo. It was just enough room for her. She hadnt officially moved in yet because she hadnt moved out of the house she shared with Shawn. That would be happening very shortly, the next day was her day off and that would be the last day she spent with Shawn.

She was over it and ready to be over him. It would take some time to wipe him completely out of her life but that was definitely her goal. She was tired now. It had been another month and things just got worst. The staying out late,the name calling,the bullshit. Enough was enough,she ripped that page out and just for good meausure she burnt the damn book.

She gave him his second chance and he blew it and she was officially done with him. Now it was time to work on Destiny. She told herself thats what she should have done in the first place instead of just sliding over to Cam. Its obvious she wasnt ready yet.

There was one thing she was ready for,to get her friend back.She was gonna try to get Cam to at least forgive her and start over as friends. He meant so much to her,she couldnt just go on with him not being a part of her life.

They hadnt said much to each other since he hugged her when she was crying. They said an occasional hello in passing but nothing major. Des was going to try her best to change that.

Cam packed up his books,getting himself ready to go home. Life had been ok lately, just staying focused on school and work kept him busy. He'd been thinking about Des and he figured it was time for them to just squash they bs and try to go back to being friends.

He really didnt wanna settle for just being her friend but he figured if nothing else they could be that. He missed her, just talking to her and listening to her corny jokes. Her calling him "bestie" even though he hated it. "Why didnt I just talk to her earlier before class?" He said to himself.

He figured he could try again in a few days when they had class again. Cam walked out and headed toward his car. To his suprise he saw Destiny leaning up against it. He walked over to her.

"Hey" Des said

"Hey,what you doing here"

"I waited because I was hoping we could talk"

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