Late July - Zach Bryan

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Its been six months since he quit drinking and taking pills.

You are so proud of him.

Right now, Zach's packing for a tour as you're sitting on the bed with a book in your lap. He's humming a song he's been working on while he packs his old Navy duffle bag and you smile.

"What's that?" You ask, closing your book with your thumb against the page to keep your place in the story. "The song you're singing."

"Just one I wrote last night with my boys."

"You gonna share it with me?"

"Maybe." He gives you a goofy smile then picks up his guitar before sitting on the edge of the bed next to you.

He clears his throat then starts picking and strumming. "It's still being edited, okay?"

"Sure." You smile back, closing your book.

"I heard life is what passes when you're too busy living
And love is at its finest when times are hard
And may your lady always keep you from the vices you've been after
May the Lord always love you where you are

I'm heading down the road, I guess
Another good time I'll regret
But I wish that I was coming home to you
Late July, oh, my, all in good time
Praying that my girl is fine
Sleeping in while rain falls on the roof..."

You can't help the smile on your face as you listen to the love of your life do what he loves doing.

He stops playing then glances over at you. "I know that look."

"What look?" You ask innocently. "I just love you."

He blushes and looks away, shyly picking random strings on his guitar. "I love you more."


It's gone three in the morning when your phone starts going off like crazy.

You smack around your nightstand for it, whining under your breath when you answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, (Y/N)."

Your furrow your brows at the strange voice. "Who is this?"

"It's me- listen, we- Zach's gone into a serious depressive mood and we don't know where he is."

You lean up. "What?"

"I'm serious! He literally just ran off!"

"Where are you?"

"We're in, uh, Huntsville, Alabama? Yeah, Huntsville."

"Oh, you know what this is? His mom passed and this week is the anniversary for it."


"Hey, let me try him, okay?"

"Sure." His bandmate hangs up then you call your boyfriend.

Surprisingly, he picks up.

"Hey, babe. You alright?" You ask.

He clears his throat and runs his hand through his usually styled but currently messy blonde hair. "No." He croaks back, his words laced with cigarette smoke and soaked with liquor.

"Talk to me." You whisper.

He sniffles quietly on the other end. "I miss her, (Y/N). She- she was my rock."

"I know, baby."

"I wish you could've met her. She would've loved you."

"She was a great woman." Your heart breaks at the choked sound he tries to hide. "Do you need me to come down? I can be there in a couple hours."

"No." He mumbles.

"Where are you?"

"Uh," He looks up and stumbles slightly. "It says Windmill Beverages." He mumbles. "She's gone, (Y/N)." His voice turns into a whimper.

You shoot his bandmates a text of where he is as you head out to your car, ready to drive down to Huntsville to make sure he's alright.

It's just a couple hours from Nashville, anyways.


You drive around for the building that says Windmill Beverages, keeping an eye out for Zach. You hit your breaks when you see a van hooked up to a trailer parked off to the side.

You slide out of your drivers seat and knock on the window.

"(Y/N)? The hell're you doing here?"

"I needed to make sure he's okay." You reply.

"He's in the bathroom. We're actually staying in a hotel tonight so if you wanna-"

"You guys go on ahead back to your rooms." You say, tapping your knuckles against the window frame.

You turn on your heel then head to the bathroom and let yourself in.


Zach looks up from the sink and your reflection behind him. He turns and his face splits into a relieved smile.

He throws his arms around you, holding you close. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." You whisper, running your hands over his back. "Let's go for a walk."

You take his hand and leave the bathroom, starting down the sidewalk in a random direction. You have no idea where you are, you just care that you're with the love of your life and he's with you.

You make your way to the hotel and carefully up the stairs to his room. You fish the key card from his pocket and open the door.

"Take a shower. You will feel so much better after a shower." You say as you shut the door.

He doesn't say anything as he heads to the bathroom to do as suggested.

While he's taking a shower, you decide to change into your pajamas, which is one of his shirts and a pair of underwear, and climb into bed.

He didn't want to be alone today but he wasn't going to ask you to come down to stay. He's stubborn like that.

You let him lay against you, his head on your chest while you run your fingers through his clean hair.

It's silent between you two.


He closes his eyes, exhausting taking over from the emotionally draining day.

"Thank you." He mumbles. "For everything."

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