Hate Your Hometown - Michael Hardy

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Best year ever.

You've been going to a college in Nashville for the past year and sadly, the spring semester is coming to a close.

Not only are you leaving the coolest city you've been to, you're also leaving your boyfriend.

Not forever.

Just for the summer.

Unless by some miracle you get a job and a place to live that isn't the house you've been splitting the rent in with three other girls for the past year.


You look up at the sound of your name falling from Michael's lips as he slides into the booth next to you.

"What's shakin' cupcake?" You ask with a laugh, taking a sip of your lemonade.

"I was just thinkin'..."

"Oh no." You laugh again, closing your laptop to give him your full attention. "Don't tell me that after you just came back from going to the bathroom."

He laughs loudly, shaking his head. "No, it's good, I promise. What do you think about staying here?"

"Michael, we've talked about this-"

"We haven't actually."

"Yeah we have. I told you I can't find a place to stay in two weeks."

"Wanna bet?"


Michael inhales sharply then leans over, pulling his keys from his pocket. "What-"

"Eh bup bup."

He says nothing as he takes his house key off his ring and slides it to you across the table.

You look between him and the silver key with the house number scratched into the top of it. "What're you sayin?"

"Move in with me."

You laugh again. "Are you for real?" He nods, not a single hint of goofiness on his straight face. "Michael-"

"Just move in wit h me. We both know you don't actually want to go back home, at least not yet. It- it doesn't have to be permanent. You can just stay until you find your own place if you want or- or not. It's just an option that's there and I hope you-"


"Please let me- what?"

"Okay, I'll move in with you."

He claps his hands together loudly as he stands, laughing to himself. "Well damn."

You laugh with him, laughing harder when he squeezes you in a tight hug. "Let's get your stuff then."

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