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In the morning I had kept the knife from my breakfast and slipped it into a drawer in my desk. The click in my door allowed me to finally wander out with my tray. Once I stepped out on the hallway I quickly looked over to Jungwon's room.

He held his tray in his hands just as I did and a small smile spread on his face as he looked down towards my tray, noticing only my fork and spoon laying there.

Every morning there was a teacher taking the trays to ensure we gave back all the cutlery. We only got spoons for lunch and dinner, which meant that breakfast was the one meal we could steal dangerous cutlery.

I calmly walked up to the rolling table the teacher had this morning. The same man as usually. I carefully placed my tray back down, about to turn around and return to my room when he called out my number.

"Your knife is gone number 18," he stated and I immediately looked to Jungwon with panic in my eyes. He simply sent me a small smile as I slowly turned around.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as I looked back at the teacher, "it's right there," I excused and pointed to my tray.

He immediately looked down and frowned, knitting his eyebrows as tightly together as he possibly could. As I glanced down at the tray there still was no knife, but I could only pray that Jungwon did his part of the agreement and used his skill.

"Oh it is," the teacher stated and I slowly calmed down, and let my hand drop down to my side.

I quickly turned around and let out a deep breath as Jungwon simply smiled in return, looking way too proud of the anxiety he just had caused me.

"Good morning," he cooed as I walked past him, getting a funny look from both Emiko and Sunoo, who stood just behind him - waiting to hand over their trays.

I quietly moved back into my room, waiting with closing my door. I simply stood in my room, looking out the door, waiting for Jungwon. Once I finally saw him he simply walked past and into his room. I looked down the hallway towards him, watching as he was about to close the door before he looked up at me.

The look on his face signalled he had gotten a new plan. Sure enough, he quickly looked down the hallway before rushing across the hallway and into my room, closing the door after him, but not closing it completely.

"What in the world-" I started and he simply grinned cheekily.

"Let's test how good I have gotten," he excused with a shrug, "make them believe I am in my room."

"Are you insane?" I hissed at him.

"Oh come on, as if Riki doesn't transport into any of the other rooms when we have curfew," Jungwon rolled his eyes, "he likes to visit Sunoo and Emiko, you know?"

"Just hide, will you?" I sighed and he quickly rushed over to my closet, glancing out the door right before the teacher went to check the rooms.

"Oops, he's in my room," Jungwon murmured and closed his eyes tightly and furrowing his eyebrows.

I watched his room in anticipation, but the teacher just stepped out of the room, wishing Jungwon good studying before the door closed and clicked in the lock.

"Hide," I whispered to Jungwon and he quickly rushed into my closet as I sat down by my table, opening my notebook silently as I fished my pencilcase from my bed to pretend I was drawing.

"Number 18," the teacher greeted and I simply glanced over at him, "all alone?"

"Yes sir," I nodded quietly before looking back down at my notebook.

"I'll take the box," he offered and pointed to the bright red box miss Hopkins had brought for me with the things I had requested.

"If I could just put it out after lunch that would be great," I excused, "I haven't had time to put everything away yet. I don't know if you heard about my incident, but it has given me quite some extreme migraines, I think."

"I'll tell the lunch team to bring up painkillers for you," the teacher nodded and I simply smiled in return.

Quickly he closed the door and I heard it click, making my hands immediately fly up to my mouth as Jungwon stepped out from my closet and looked at me in shock.

"Holy shit it worked," he whispered in disbelief before letting out a small laugh, "but is it true? Do you get migraines after it?"

"Nah, I'm all good," I waved it off to him, "but hey, now I get painkillers I can save for my period."

"Do you actually get them though?" Jungwon questioned and wandered over to fall down onto my bed, shoving my pillow under his head, "Sunoo said Lin stopped getting them after they started the wave tests."

"I still have mine," I hummed at him, "and I have a nice pair of shorts in my closet as proof if you don't believe me," I remarked and he scrunched up his nose before quickly shaking his head, "that's what I thought," I hummed in return, "so any new predictions today?"

"Give me your hand," he offered and stretched out his palm.

I let out a small laugh as I laid my hand in his and he quickly sat up and began tracing around the lines of my palm, pretending he was reading through my hand.

"Mhm, mhm," he hummed approvingly, "you'll be out of here before the first snow falls."

"Are you serious?" I questioned and he just shook his head, "don't give me hope like that!" I complained and smacked his shoulder, "I got hope there. How can you even read that in the hand?"

"I can't," he shook his head, "Emiko mentioned some weird woman did it in one of her books, she's reading. I think it sounds ridicolous."

"Of course you do," I snorted in return and he simlpy shrugged as he fell back to lay down on his back.

"No, but I keep seeing you kissing someone," he shook his head in disbelief with raised eyebrows. I simply frowned down at him as he shrugged, "but it's blurry. I can't see any faces beside yours. The surroundings are all white, so I suppose we're still here by then."

"I am not getting my first kiss in this horrid place," I shook my head and scrunched up my nose.

"Did you even fix the microphones?" he questioned and I nodded at him, "really?"

"Yup," I hummed and opened one of the cupboards above my desk, "melted them all."

"That's so ridicolously cool," Jungwon snickered as he looked at the weird plastic blob the microphone had turned into, "all of them?"

"Yup," I hummed at him, "I don't know when they'll realize though."

"Hopefully long from now," he remarked and I nodded in agreement, "so what are your plans for the day? What do you do when we have curfew?"

"Sleep, draw, oh and... I have some novels they provided me with when I was younger. But I never read them," I shrugged casually.

"Can I read one?" he questioned and I nodded as I pulled out the drawer with the novels, "come lay in the bed and we can do what we usually do," he offered as he looked over the titles in the drawer, "yoo, you got Narnia in here. Why haven't you read these?" he gasped as he pulled out a book.

"I'm not good at reading," I shook my head at him as I stood up from my chair with my notebook in hand, as well as a pencil, "they tested me when I was younger. Dyslexia or whatever they called it. Makes it harder for me to read," I excused and plopped myself down on my bed, beside him.

"Do you want me to read it to you?" he offered and I simply shook my head.

"I prefer the silence," I excused and he hummed.

He arranged my pillow against the wall behind him, leaning it against him and lifting one arm for me to slither under like I usually did. I carefully placed my head against his shoulder as he drapped his arm down over my shoulders and gave the one, furthest away from his own shoulder, a small squeeze before it grabbed onto the book he had chosen for himself.

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