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"You guys better tell me what the fuck is happening," Xia's voice was furious as she rushed down into the basement with Riki chuckling behind her and Heeseung looking like he just wanted to die.

The rest of us had alredy gathered down there, and were honestly quite surprised to even see Xia in the basement.

"They know Jungwon and Jiyeon are here," Sunghoon shortly stated and Jake immediately nodded to confirm it.

"They found Emiko on the school, Jungwon and Jiyeon too. They can easily figure out the three of you were there as well," Jake pointed out to Sunoo, Lin and Riki.

"We have to get away," Riki calmly shrugged before flopping down on the couch, beside Lin, "new town, new us... we learned a lot here, it'll be easier."

"What happened to you ready to risk your normal teenage life for Emiko?" Lin questioned in confusion making Riki's fake facade immediately break down as he lowered his head enough for no one to even see his facial features, "oh..." she slowly trailed off as she watched how Riki only turned into a smaller and smaller ball of depression, "how about we go and talk a bit Riki?"

Lin immediately got up from the couch and turned to Riki, pulling him with her upstairs. No words were exchanged between them before they both just simply disappeared.

"We have to do something," Sunoo shortly stated as he looked towards the four boys who have been helping us through this.

"What the hell is happening?" Xia hissed towards Heeseung, "you said they were transfers."

"Technically they are," Heeseung excused making Xia just stare at him, "I'll quickly explain this to her. Carry on."

"What do you want us to do Sunoo?" Jake sighed, "they are armed, we aren't."

"But we are!" Sunoo exclaimed as he stood up, "my god you guys are oblivious! Are all people out in the normal world this blunt and stupid?" Sunoo exclaimed earning an utmost offended look from both Sunghoon and Jay, while Jake just seemed confused to his exclamation, "you guys have probably been hiding six of the most worthy weapons in this country! If I wanted I could kill each of you in an instant," he hissed before pointing towards me, "Yeon can do exactly teh same, but her way is probably a lot more painful. Open your eyes and help us plan this out!"

"You want to keep Lin as safe as possible, right?" Jay slowly questioned and Sunoo immediately nodded with a frown.

"I'll protect her with my life, but my life is also the rest of these guys. Help me figure this out or we're leaving," Sunoo shortly replied. I knew he had the ability to have the kind of authority he used in the moment, maybe because he was supposed to be the oldest, but he rarely ever used it. He always seemed too scared of making the rest of us feel submissive to his demanding behavior. Right now, I didn't mind at all, "I'm not staying in here for another second if you guys can't do just one thing to help us. Now if you don't want to help us, that's fair, just tell me."

"Dude, come on," Jake sighed as he blinked a few times, "we're just... we're just not exactly used to things like this. Okay?" Jake excused quietly, "when the heck do you expect us to have to help these six kids with incredible powers, escape some sort of state authority? We could be convicted with treason if they find the reason to."

"It's the only crime we can get capital punishment for in Michigan," Jay confirmed making us frown, "death penalty. It's abolished for all crimes, except treason."

"They won't know," Sunoo immediately shook his head, "all you have to do will be buying us time. Act like you never heard of us. We'll..." Sunoo trailed off as he looked over at Jungwon and I.

Immediately a frown grew on Sunoo's face as he closed his eyes tightly. It was almost as if he was trying to calculate something in his head.

"That's it," he murmured quietly before looking up once again, "I have a plan... perhaps."

"Told you Sunoo was smarter than me," Jungwon murmured and looked down at me.

"Oh I knew he was," I nodded assuringly, earning a small nudge from Jungwon.

"Yeon... you and Emiko went to that cliff, right?" Sunoo questioned and I slowly nodded.

"Well... we had to," I excused and he slowly nodded at me.

"Great," he murmured, "you have to go there. I'll go to the school... Jungwon will go with Lin and Riki to the mall."

"I'm staying with Ji," Jungwon stubbornly shook his head, "if anything is to happen."

"She can take care of her powers herself," Sunoo waved it off.

"If I was sending Lin alone to the cliff you would want to go with her too," Jungwon pointed out making Sunoo purse his lips quietly.

"We'll have to hide Riki and Lin somewhere in the mall," Sunoo clarified making Jungwon immediately nod, "those are the three main places they'll look for us. Yeon will eliminate as many as possible, out by the cliff. I can eliminate the ones at the school. Lin can... I hope," Sunoo whispered the last part, "eliminate the rest at the mall."

"When you say eliminate..." Jay trailed off and Sunoo sucked in a sharp breath.

"Yeon can throw them over the cliff, if they survive they'll be too injured to do anything. I can kill them on the spot at the school... Lin can go inside their minds and control them to end it then and there, hopefully get them to hand over Emi as well," Sunoo shortly explained.

"They have what now?!" Xia exclaimed and looked over at us with wide eyes, while Heeseung tried to hush her with an apologetic smile to the res of us.

"And what do you need us to do?" Jake questioned making Sunoo immediately wave it off.

"The easy part of course," he assured with a small chuckle, "get us to our places. Cliff, school or mall. After that. Do anything, ANYTHING, you can to accidentally hinder the people from the lab to get to us. The more time we have the better. Pretend to not see them coming down a road and inconveniently walk across the road or such. Slow them as much as you can."

"I'm taking Jiyeon and Jungwon," Sunghoon declared making us look towards him in confusion, "they lived with me, and she was the one that saved me at the cliff. Only seems fit that I drive them there, doesn't it?"

"This isn't about the symbolic meaning Hoon," Jay sighed making Sunghoon glare at him.

"Then it is about the symbolic meaning for me," Soomin hissed at Jay, "we're driving them to the cliff."

Jay only rolled his eyes as he looked back at his cousin, who only gave him a knowing look and shrugged. Sunghoon knew from the very start that Soomin would be on his side, it was painfully obvious.

"Do I ever tell you how in love I am with your pissy side?" Sunghoon turned to Soomin, who simply shrugged at him.

"I think I'm more in love with it. But I'll take it as a compliment slope nose," Soomin shrugged making me snicker as Sunghoon simply shrugged, smiling slightly.

"Yep, absolutely in love," Sunghoon declared with a nod to the rest of us.

"You have a weird taste in girls, my guy," Jake patted Sunghoon's shoulder, "I respect it, man."

"We're driving to Deadwater's Cliff," Sunghoon announced as he adjusted his jacket, "now."

I glanced at Sunoo to get confirmation, and he only nodded with a small encouraging smile.

"You're only a killing machine if you want to. They don't get to choose that," Sunoo remarked with a small smile making me glance up at Jungwon, who tried to innocently shrug it off, "be the boss ass bitch we know you are."

"We better get Emi back after this," I warned him and he only nodded with a small chuckle before I followed after Sunghoon up the stairs, Jungwon wandering right behind me, "I know you told him."

"I have no comment," Jungwon smugly excused from behind me, "but I agree with him. You can be a boss ass bitch."

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