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Jungwon didn't say a word as he unscrewed the lid of a small container he had gotten from Soomin. Supposedly it was supposed to help with the burn on my thigh, I don't know exactly how but she was the one of us who had been closest to getting into med school, so I'll just trust her for this one.

"Do you want to stay here?" Jungwon questioned carefully as he knelt down on the floor beside my leg, "at Sunghoon's house?"

"If he lets me," I nodded quietly making Jungwon glance up at me before nodding quietly, "why?"

"I just... wanted to know which house I should sleep in for the next few days," he excused with a small smile digging up some of the white cream in the container, "it might sting a bit, tell me to stop, okay?"

"I'll be fine," I assured quietly and he nodded before sighing and moving the leg of my shorts a bit to the side, "why would you have to sleep here?" 

"Because... with the injuries you have right now, I'm not letting you out of my sight for just a second," he chuckled as he gently began spreading the cream along my burn. It was nice and cold for a change in the burning skin, "no matter how many times you say you're fine."

"I know," I murmured quietly, trying to bite back a small laugh, which I failed at.

"Are you laughing at me?" he questioned in amusement before glancing at me.

"I'm always laughing at you," I reminded him and he snorted before shaking his head in disbelief, "Jungwon?"

"Won," he corrected and I snickered in amusement.

"Won," I chuckled and he happily smiled with his teeth this time, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he murmured in confusion as his eyebrows knitted together, but eyes stayed focused on my burn.

"For scaring you," I shrugged and he finally looked up at me, leaning his arm on my knee while his chin rested on top of his arm.

"You couldn't control it," he reminded softly while I could only nod in return, "don't feel sorry..." he assured and rubbed his thumb carefully on my knee before he let out a heavy sigh.

"What?" I questioned and cocked my head slightly to the side as he continued to just stare up at me.

"Can I admit somethnig?" he questioned and I immediately nodded before my eyebrows knitted together slightly.

"Of course," I hummed at him, "are you alright?"

"Remember... in the lab I said something of you being deserving of love," he started and I nodded quietly as I carefuly brushed some of his hair away from his eyes, accidentally causing his eyes to flutter slightly, "I've been thinking... I've failed two times... I can't give you the love you deserve."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned in amusement as my eyebrows furrowed even more, "you haven't failed at all. Jungwon you show me way too much love."

"I failed to protect you two times. First time they took you, last time you almost got killed," he sat up in frustration and ran his hand through his hair, "and as much as I thought I loved you I'm scared that it means that I just don't... that I don't give you all the love you deserves."

"No no no, that's not true," I immediately shook my head at him, moving down from the couch despite Jungwon immediately getting ready to refuse my attempts of getting down on the floor.

"Your thigh," he sighed heavily as I sat down on the floor across from him.

"Jungwon," I sternly started and he hummed before glancing up to me, "please stop thinking like that."

"But it's true!" he complained loudly, "if I was capable fo the love you deserve then this wouldn't even have happened in the first place!"

"Jungwon!" I exclaimed and clapped my hands together to make him look back at me, "what do you know about that? This is just you overthinking and blaming yoruself once again, and I'm not letting that be the reason we go our own ways if that's the case," I warned him.

"But Ji-" he sighed once again as he looked at me before immediately stopping himself once again.

"You're not getting a chance to ramble nonsense," I shook my head at him, "does your amount of love even matter as long as I'm happy around you?" I questioned and he pursed his lips slightly.

"But you deserve so-" he started and I immediately cut him off once again.

"I do not give a flying fuck about what I deserve," I shook my head at him before letting out a small frustrated love, "I love you, and you love me. I don't care the amount!"

He only glanced up at me before eventually letting out a small huff and just nodding quietly.

"Now give me a hug to promise me you won't leave me," I urged and opened my arms, only earning a small snort from him as a small smile spread on his face.

"I'm sorry I just..." Jungwon sighed as he hesitantly hugged me, "I guess I'm still not completely used to you being back."

"But you know what?" I laughed at him, "I'm not leaving again, and no one is going to take me away, or even try to."

"And Tiffany?" he laughed lightly and pulled me a bit away from him.

"If you want to be with her that's too bad for you. I got you first," I shrugged at him and he happily laughed, "as for infatuation with you, she has to live with the fact that Jillian the drag is your girlfriend and not her."

"Ugh, I love you," he complained as he let out a small laugh.

"I love you too," I assured him softly as I pulled away from him a bit, "but you still have to check my shoulder, right?"

"I love you, but I'm not gonna listen to you," he nodded at me, "I know you hate getting it checked, but it has to be done."

"But it hurts," I defended and he only hummed as he screwed the lid back on the tin again.

"And it will only be for a short while, when I peel the bandages a bit away before sticking them back on," he assured sternly making me just stare at him, "we're not doing rock, paper, scissors on this."

"But Jungwon!" I loudly complained and he immediately shook his head in return, "ah you're no fun."

"If you let me check I'll get you chocolates and we can cuddle and watch movies, okay?" he questioned and I just stared at him, "can ew make that deal?"

"Okay..." I murmured with a small sigh and he happily smiled at me before waving me over to him once again.

"You know... I only do this because I love you," he reminded and I nodded once again as he carefully pulled down the strap of my tank top to pick at the bandage on my shoulder.

"You could at least kiss it better then," I commented.

Jungwon glanced at me with amusement before casually leaning down and placing a small peck on my shoulder before just casually continuing to peel off the edge of the bandage to take a peek at my wounds.

"They look alright," Jungwon murmured before carefully smoothing the bandage out once again, "you'll be fine."

"I know," I nodded at him as he began snickering in amusement, "you just don't believe it."

"You're right, I don't," he nodded in agreement, "because I know you good enough to know you'd wave something serious off as being 'just fine', so I need to check myself and now I feel more calm."

I looked at him before simply shaking my head in disbelief and rolling my eyes, meanwhile Jungwon just chuckled to himself.

1996 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now