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Jungwon and Soomin hadn't driven with Sunghoon and I in the morning, yet Jungwon was still in the classroom before me. As per usual he sat in our seats, a book held in his hand.

"You're never gonna believe what I have in my bag," I gushed as I rushed down to Jungwon.

Immediately he looked up from the book and smiled at me. Looking me up and down before sending me a funny look.

"You're wearing your new skirt, aren't you?" he questioned and I paused before looking down at myself.

"Do you like it?" I questioned with a small voice, flattening down my skirt with one hand, "I borrowed the nylon socks from Lin."

"I thought I had expressed it multiple times... I like whatever clothes you wear," he excused with a small laugh, bending the top corner of the page he had reached before closing his book, "you look amazing."

"Sunghoon says it's a crime to bend the pages like that," I remarked as I walked over and sat down in my usual corner.

"You can start by telling him that he's already comitting a crime by keeping you a secret," Jungwon pointed out and I simply snickered, "so what have you got in your bag to show me today?"

"Okay... look at this," I proudly announced and pulled the the discman along with the headphones I had borrowed from Sunghoon, "Sunghoon let me borrow it. You put the CD in and then you can hear the music through the headphones. He says it can help me sleep better at night."

"Why? Are your nightmares bothering you?" he quickly questioned and I immediately shook my head as I checked if there was a CD in the discman.

"No, I just couldn't sleep last night. Sunghoon chalked it up to me being in new surroundings and with nothing familiar for me," I excused with a shrug, "said I had to learn to sleep alone too. I don't think I could tell him that I barely ever saw you guys during the day compared to what I do now," I shrugged casually before handing Jungwon the headphones, "here, put these on."

With a small smile Jungwon grabbed the headphones from me and placed them on his head. I quickly reached over and helped him adjust the headphones to fit him properly.

"Listen, this was what I listened to, to fall asleep last night," I grinned widely and pressed the triangular button the discman.

Jungwon kept a small smile on his face as I let the music flow out through his headphones. I watched him closely, trying to find any other reaction from him. But he just kept sitting and smiling at me, until I eventually stopped the music once again and he pulled off the headphones.

"What?" I chuckled quietly as I shoved the discman back into my bag, along with the headphones.

"Nothing..." he trailed off with a small shrug, "I just... I think I got distracted."

"Why? Do I have something on my face?" I questioned in confusion and furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"No," he shook his head quietly, "I just... the music took me into my own thoughts and... I think it might've just enhanced my visions..." he admitted shyly.

"Wait... what did you see?" I questioned eagerly, "is it something bad?"

"No... I just..." he frowned slightly, "what was the song called?"

"Sleep to Dream," I pointed out and he just nodded quietly.

"I just saw... I'm so sorry, it's gonna sound weird," he warned me as I began smiling at him, "but I saw you just... sleeping," he chuckled, "but you looked peaceful, and you had the headphones on. So I suppose you should try and fall asleep with them on tonight."

"I was planning to..." I slowly nodded and he casually shrugged in return.

"I'm sorry, it was a weird vision," he shook his head in disbelief, "it just... hit me. Like I couldn't stop it. Oh my," he murmured and rubbed his eyes carefully, "but that seems good if it works."

"It does," I nodded quietly at him, watching as a few other students streamed into the classroom, including Tiffany.

Quietly my smile faltered and I leaned a bit back in my seat. Of course Jungwon noticed the mood change and was quick to notice why.

"Has Tiffany done anything?" he whispered quietly and I shook my head in return, "what is it then?"

"Lin mentioned something about her," I excused and scratched the side of my nose, "she had been not so nice towards Emi in a lunch break... but we don't really know, because we sit in here during lunch breaks, because I am incapable of being around too many people."

"And that is fine," he quickly pointed out and I just shrugged.

"But anyways, she was mean to Emi in the canteen," I murmured quietly, "pushed her around and such because she thought she was in the way. Emi had to concentrate to not shove her back. I get why she's mad about having to hide her skills recently."

Instead of giving me an answer Jungwon just stayed quiet. Once I looked over at him he had rested his head in the palm of his hand, just looking at me with a small smile.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I complained loudly, only earning a small chuckle from him.

"I just... I don't know, I think it's just now that I really notice how beautiful I think you are," he casually shrugged - making my cheeks burn just by that short sentence.

"If you're not gonna stop talking to me like that I'll have to smack some sense into you," I warned him, trying to bite in my laughter, "besides... I was in the midst of pointing out to you how Tiffany had been mean to Emi, and I was just about to remark how I didn't like her for that and if I could, I would've thrown her through the hallways - even if she had to be dragged over the floor."

"I'm sure Riki will do that for you before you even get the chance," Jungwon assured me with a small smile, "they bicker like hell, but you know he loves her."

"I know," I nodded at him, "don't you think I see how he's always holding her hand whenever she feels unsafe?"

"He does?" Jungwon frowned making me gasp at him, "no seriously. He does?"

"Yang Jungwon, where have your eyes been for the past six months!" I gushed in return making him quickly lift his head from his hand, "are you not seeing anything that's been happening around you?"

"I'm sorry, but for the past six months my eyes have mainly been occupied admiring you," he defended and I quickly smacked his arm, "ow! What was that for?"

"I warned you. You go all cheesy on me and I will smack you," I reminded him as he rubbed his arm softly, where I had smacked him, "I won't hesitate to do it again."

Jungwon looked at me in disbelief before rolling his eyes and shaking his head, for a second looking like Sunoo. I'm sure they had spent too much time together anyways, before we finally met them a few years ago.

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