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When lunch and dinner were served they always went to my room before Jungwon's, making it easier for Jungwon to identify who he had to use his skills on. It seemed to go succesful, seeing as there was no alarms at either time.

"You can eat the soup. I don't like asparagus," I excused and scrunched my nose as I pushed the bowl over to Jungwon.

"You didn't eat dinner yesterday either," he remarked and I simply shrugged, "just a small spoonful."

"I've eaten both breakfast and lunch today," I defended, "you saw my empty breakfast tray and you saw me eat lunch."

"Listen. I might not be a girl, but what I've learnt from studying the books I have..." he trailed off, "some inclduing details of the female anatomy. I know, not enough food and... or stress, will make your period disappear. I told Sunoo this too. That's the reason Lin's period stopped. It's because the wave tests put too much stress on her body."

"Well, aren't you a little progidy?" I remarked and he let out a small chuckle as he scratched the side of his nose.

"Just make sure to get enough food," he reminded and I nodded at him, "can I look through your past notebooks?" he questioned and pointed to a shelf above my desk, beside the cupboard. 

The shelf was lined with the same white notebooks, all standing neatly. Some of them had begun taking a yellow-ish tint from the age of them.

"Uhm... sure," I hummed at him as I glanced up at them, "I marked the inside of them with how old I was when I drew in them."

He smiled widely as he managed to grab all the notebooks and place on my desk. He grabbed the notebook I had marked as number 1 and began flipping through it, chuckling every once in a while.

"Don't spill on it," I warned him as I noticed he began shoveling down his soup.

"I won't," he assured before pausing and looking over at me, "you know... we can't bring all of them with us if we want to try and get out."

"I know," I whispered with a small nod, "but that is the most worthy thing I have. Don't you dare ruin it."

"I won't, relax," he murmured softly as I quickly ate the toastbread and stood up to grab the box miss Hopkins had given me, "I can do that for you, if you'd like," he offered and I looked over at him before simply shaking my head, "are you sure?"

"With the freedom I have in here, I think it would be nice to still prove to myself that I can be a strong and independent woman," I remarked only earning a snicker as Jungwon began flipping through the fifth notebook.

I quietly placed the new clothes in my closet and unpacked the new hair elastics. I slipped one of the black bands around my wrist before placing the rest on one of the top shelves of my closet.

"You could just say you needed some. I have a lot in my room," Jungwon remarked and I simply shook my head once again, "you could."

"It's fine," I assured him as he flipped another side.

"Is this me?" he questioned with a small frown.

I quickly wandered over and looked down at the drawing. A boy sitting in the couch out in the common area, his head dug down in between books. A small date scribbled at the bottom of the page.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, "it was the night you offered me to sit by you and draw."

"Ahhhh," he nodded before a small smile spread on his face, "you drew me," he happily cooed to himself.

"I drew you more than once," I remarked and he gasped as he looked up at me, "just wait and see."

"Are you serious?" he questioned and I simply nodded in return, "I'm not gonna read that book today, I am gonna look through these."

"Do you mind if I... maybe take a nap before curfew ends?" I questioned and he simply shook his head.

"Be my guest," he urged, "or well... technically I am the guest," he realized with a small frown, "but please do take a nap if you need it."

"I do," I nodded and stretched out my back with my arms above my head.

"Do I need to tug you in?" he offered and I let out a small laugh  before just dropping down on my bed, belly flopping down. 

I grabbed my duvet and pulled it up over me as I tugged a knee up under my armpit, or as close as it could get. Quietly I let my eyes fall close as I turned my head to look away from the wall as I tried to sleep.

"You know... I think it's in this room I see you kiss," Jungwon spoke up, making me latch out for his back and smack him softly, "yup... pretty sure. I can see the contour of the notebooks on the shelf," Jungwon continued.

"I swear to God Jungwon if you don't shut up I will lock you in my closet," I warned, not minding to open my eyes once.

"Can I sit in the bed and look through these while you sleep?" Jungwon questioned and I hummed with a small nod, "do I need to wake you up at any point?"

"I do automatically when curfew ends and the locks click," I shook my head as I felt the bed dip down behind me.

"Alright, sleep tight," he urged and softly patted my head, only earning a hum in return, "why? You like that?"

"Mhm," I hummed quietly.

"I'll continue playing with your hair then," he murmured and raked his hand through my hair and my head automatically drifted towards his hand, making it easier for him to touch it.

1996 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now