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Jungwon let out a sigh as he turned down the dark street Jake lived on. Monday evening the boys had agreed that we all slept in the basement together, in case anything happened or anyone were trying to avoid tomorrow.

"The more you sigh the bigger the chance I'm leaving you in that basement tomorrow night," I warned him making him glance to me while flipping his hair backwards.

"I am just worried," he excused, "you know that."

"I do. But sighing doesn't make the worry go away," I remarked and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, "besides... you're just freaking me more out by doing it. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm hella scared too."

"I never really gave that a thought..." he admitted quietly as he parked by Jake's house. 

Jungwon was quite quickly out of the car, grabbing our bags before I eventually pulled myself together enough for me to actually even get out of the car and follow him up to the door.

Jungwon didn't even knock, he just rushed inside and straight to the basement, while I hurried in after him. In the basement Emiko was helping Sunoo lay out a few more matresses around the room, while Lin rushed down with her arms full of blankets and pillows.

"Where's Riki?" I immediately frowned at Lin, who had rushed down after Jungwon and I.

"He's just in the restroom," Sunoo excused and I slowly nodded as Jungwon put down our bags.

"He's a bit uneasy with what's gonna happen tomorrow," Emiko shrugged with an apologetic smile, "he's been all clingy for the whole week."

"Well... you've only been here two weeks and we're already having to fight for freedom again," Sunoo whispered quietly before glancing to Lin as she just dropped a blanket and pillow by each mattress, "we had hoped for a more normal life perhaps, when you returned."

A small cough coming from the stairs had alerted the rest of us that Riki had returned to the basement. He looked healthier than last time I saw him. Nowhere near as heavy bags under his eyes, but still as pale.

"Feeling better?" Sunoo questioned as he looked over at Riki.

"Still a bit sick," Riki shook his head and let his hand carefully touch his stomach, "I can't promise it'll get better."

"Tell me when you have to go once again," Emiko pointed out, "go get some water."

"I already got some," Riki shook his head quietly, "I think I just need to sit down," he excused and rushed to sit down on the couch.

"All of us are tired, aren't we?" Sunoo questioned and he was immediately met by nothing but silence.

"I don't know the difference between exhaustion and worry anymore," Jungwon admitted, making me glance at him before moving a bit closer to him and quietly grabbing his hand in both of mine, in order to try and calm him.

"I feel the same with fear and exhaustion," Lin nodded slowly, "but... we... we want a normal life and this is the prize we'll have to pay. One of us might have to sacrifice something for it, but that'll be how it is."

"No one's gonna die," Sunoo quickly shook his head.

"But injuries..." Lin trailed off, "what if one of us gets seriously injured?"

"We'll be fine," Emiko insisted as Riki had rushed over to grab onto her arm tightly, like some small kid that was scared to get lost, "let's just all go to sleep and go over the plan once again tomorrow."

As if we all had silently agreed upon that everyone found a mattress to lay down on. Sunoo had made sure that Lin got the couch, while he pushed a mattress over to stand beside him, watching as she laid down. 

Over in a corner I watched as Emiko laid down on her mattress while Riki moved his mattress over beside her and curled into her side. With a pained expression, that mostly looked like she was holding in tears, Emiko wrapped her arms around the small curled up lump that was Riki.

I hesitantly sat down on the nearest mattress, watching as everyone found their person to find safety in. Meanwhile I tried to calm myself down.

"Your skills are not gonna freak out, are they?" Jungwon slowly questioned and I quickly shook my head.

"I have it under control," I excused and looked towards the light switch, immediately turning off all light, "I just need sleep," I whispered and stuck my legs under the blanket and laid down on the pillow.

It was first now that I finally laid down that I realized how truly cold the basement was, even now that it was summer. Truth be told, it had always been quite cold, even back in December. But it was first now that I finally realized it.

"Give me your hand Lin..." Sunoo whispered quietly and I glanced over to where they laid.

I could make out the shadow of Sunoo extending his hand towards the couch. Without a word Lin's hand carefully slipped into Sunoo's. He held it softly while his thumb went over her knuckles.

"It's gonna be fine Riki..." Emiko's whisper echoed quietly into the room.

"You're shivering," Jungwon whispered as I felt him nudge my back softly, "we can lay two on that mattress."

"We can't," I whispered in return.

"Yeah we can, especially if we have to keep warm," Jungwon pointed out and moved me slightly to the side, causing me to tip out onto the floor, "sorry," he whispered as I felt him lay down behind me.

A small sigh left me as I just tried to ignore it, but his arm that slithered under my waist and pulled me up onto him, partially, didn't let me ignore it. I ended up laying halfway up onto his chest as he tangled his own legs with mine and threw his own blanket over both of us.

"See? Two people on a mattress, easy," Jungwon murmured and brought me in closer by my shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

"You're gonna end up cutting some blood circulation," I whispered and he shook his head.

"You're more important," he whispered quietly, "I don't care if I'm laying uncomfortably."

I hummed as I let my hand lay flat against his chest and eventually slide across the soft fabric of his shirt before eventually reaching the other side of his chest. Without any reaction I tried pulling him closer to me, making him chuckle slightly.

"Sleep Ji..." he muttered and I hummed once again, holding tightly onto him as I closed my eyes.

1996 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now