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I had hidden myself in my bed, the duvet pulled as high as I could without covering my face. I had my back turned against the rest of the room, sulking slightly at the realization that I had left my bag at school - including the discman and I was therefore not able to listen to any of my CDs.

I hadn't even heard Sunghoon get home before I had heard a few knocks on my door. I didn't say anything, the person opened the door anyway - and I was right. The door slowly creaked open and I soon heard a pair of footsteps along with something getting placed on the floor.

"Why are you sulking like this?" Jungwon's voice questioned, making me just tighten the duvet around me and close my eyes tightly, "hey... I didn't get Riki to transport me here in the lunchbreak for you to just hide away like that," he pointed out as I felt the bed dip behind me, "talk to me Ji..."

"How many got injured?" I murmured as his hand laid itself softly on top of my shoulder.

"No one did," he assured and I stayed quiet, "no one did Ji. I swear. No one was hurt. People were just shocked... very shocked actually. I had Sunoo come into the room and convince everyone that something else happened in the room and that you had gotten sick. No one remembers what you did."

"People could've gotten hurt," I whispered, "people could've died."

"Hey..." Jungwon sternly called out before reaching down and grabbing my chin, turning my face towards him, "open your eyes for me," he softly spoke and I immediately did so, "no one got hurt, no one died. Okay? No one," he reminded, his eyes flickering back and forth between mine, "you're too affected by this. I can see it in your eyes."

"How can I not?" I exclaimed as I sat up straight, almost knocking my forehead against his as I did so, "I saw the way you looked at me. You looked scared."

"I wans't scared," he shook his head.

"You're lying," I immediately declared.

"I'm not lying," he quietly murmured, "I wasn't scared. I was worried," he clarified, "I could see the fear in your face once you realized what you had done. I knew you would react like this, if not worse... and I don't like seeing you like this."

I didn't say anything as I just kept looking at his eyes, trying to find any lie in them. I didn't find any. Instead one of us must've leaned closer to the other by how our foreheads were suddenly leaning against one another.

"I knew we forgot something this morning," I whispered quietly.

"And you would've done just fine had Tiffany known to keep her fat mouth shut," Jungwon assured quietly, "have you been crying? Your eyes are red."

"I was scared," I excused quietly.

One of Jungwon's hands carefully reached up and dried away the remaints of my tears.

"I'm sorry I didn't fix your bracelet sooner," he whispered quietly, "I should've gotten the hint faster. I'll be better in the future."

"You did nothing wrong," I murmured quietly as I shook my head against his forehead.

"But no more crying, alright?" he reminded with a small smile, "you can control it, I know you can," he softly reminded, pressing a small peck against my lips, "I hope that was alright."

"It was," I hummed in assurance, for once not feeling embarrassed by the red tint I felt creeping its way up onto my cheeks

"You can control it, and I'll be better at helping you from now on, alright?" he whispered as I felt him softly grabbing my hand, "so I think... whenever I'm around, we can turn this off," he murmured and tapped the code onto my bracelet, "because I trust you with my life, and you need to trust yourself enough and not cut off your skills because you're too scared. Okay?"

"I'm gonna end up hurting you," I reminded and he softly shook his head, "I know I will."

"I know you won't," he clarified, "and who of us is best at predicting the future?" he smirked slightly, "I'm pretty sure I am. Just trust me on this one. Trust yourself."

"Okay..." I whispered quietly, eventualy giving a small nod once more.

"See? Everything's alright," he softly remarked, "you're not the danger, everyone else is... and you need to learn how to handle that danger... and for a starter I think we have to agree that you don't just run off when you scare yourself like that. Is that a deal?"

"Yeah," I hummed.

"Because I don't think you realize how bothered I've been for the past few classes after you stormed off. I thought you would just run home and we both know it's not completely safe for us to walk around alone," he reminded and I nodded once more, "how'd you get home?"

"Sunghoon drove me," I excused and he nodded with a small hum, "told me to get something to eat and go up to sleep it off."

"Have you gotten something to eat?" he questioned and I shook my head slightly, "do you want me to get you anything?"

"I don't have an appetite," I shook my head in return.

"Alright... then, let's try and get you a bit to sleep," he murmured softly and brushed my hair over behind my ears, "I will lay beside you, make sure you sleep soundly."

"Sunghoon says I need to learn to sleep alone," I muttered and he just chuckled quietly.

"Yeah... but the case is, Sunghoon isn't home yet, is he?" he whispered with mischief covering his voice, "come on, let's get you to sleep."

"Can I kiss you first?" I questioned making him blink a few times as he froze in his spot. I think I got him quite stumped by my request.

When he only replied with a single nod I quickly leaned in and placed my lips on his. I had been about to pull away when he quickly had grabbed the back of my neck and kept my lips on his for a few more seconds, until he eventually had begun smiling against my lips.

"I like your kisses," he murmured as I slowly pulled away and he helped me lay down, getting under the duvet beside me.

"Hmmm..." I hummed as I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his chest, and throwing a leg over his hips to get comfortable. He simply laughed at me before pushing my hair out of my face once again, "I was thinking we might just well say we're in a relationship now, anyways," I excused with a shrug and closed my eyes as I squished my head against the top part of his chest.

"I... I'd like that... yeah..." Jungwon slowly replied as I felt him hesitantly wrap his arm around my shoulder while his other hand grabbed the back of my knee and adjusted my leg that laid over his hip, making it comfortable for himself before the same hand dug into my hair and softly played with it, "I'd like that..."

1996 | Y.JwDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora